Title: How can you hate someone you love?

Rating: Pg-13 or T(whatever) may get rated R haven't decided yet.

Pairings: B/A, C/D, W/O, F/S, A/X may have others.

Disclaimers: I don't own anything!!! (wish I did...but I don't) Everything belongs to Joss.

Spoilers: There is none...I think anyway.

Feedback: Please!!! It helps me write.

Summary: Buffy Summers and Angelus O'Conner have always hated each other since 5th grade but it just so happens that Buffy and Angelus's family are really close so when Joyce has to go out of the country Buffy has to stay at Angelus's for a whole school year. Buffy's kinda a geek except she's friends with Cordelia and Angelus is really popular. Everyone knows that they hate each other even the teachers but what does everyone do when they find out their hate has turned into love. Can they deny their love forever or will they not risk losing their reputation?

Buffy's Pov.


It all started in5th grade.

"Now class we all have a new student today." Mrs. Kelts told the class "Her name is Buffy Summers and I hope you will all try and make her feel welcome to Sunnydale elementary, you can go take a seat next to Willow Rosenburg, the red haired girl ok?"

I nodded. "Hi" The girl next to me said as I sat down.

"Hi" I said quietly. I was always shy The bell rang for recess and I walked outside and sat alone. I didn't know where to go, but thank god that red headed girl came and sat next to me. Willow was her name right? We started to talk, you know the normal things like where did you move from and stuff like that. After a while some other girls showed up and sat down. "Buffy this is Cordelia." Willow introduced to me pointing at a pretty brunette girl "And this is Anya." she said pointing to a little blonde haired girl. "And this is Faith" she pointed at another girl with brunette hair. "Hi" I said shyly to the girls. We played some games and I quickly became apart of their group. We were laughing and having a good time all the way until the bell rang for us to come inside.

"Now class today we're going to have some Sixth graders come in and read a bit to you ok?" Mrs Kelts said and we all just nodded as some sixth graders marched on in to our room. The boys didn't look very happy about having to read with stinky '5th' graders.

Mrs. Kelts just started pairing us off and I got the one person I dreaded...Angelus. Willow got a blonde haired boy named Oz , Anya got a goofy boy named Xander, Cordelia got this Irish boy named Doyle and Faith got this bleach blonde haired boy nicknamed Spike. They weren't the nicest group of boys to be honest. They were quite mean, especially at recess. Non were near as mean as Angelus was to me though.I was swinging with all my friends when Angelus and all his friends(Oz, Xander, Spike, and Doyle) came and pushed us off the swings. Willow and all the rest of them eventually forgave them when they offered to play kickball with us and what 5th graders wouldn't want to play with older kids Angleus on the other hand didn't do a thing to make up to me so I went and kicked dirt at him. So that's kind of how it all started. Angelus and I have always been like that and everyone at school knew we hated each other even the teachers so they never put us together on a project again. They all knew we hated each other from fifth grade, but little did they know that me and him have hated each other long before fifth grade, but we weren't about to tell them that we've known each other longer so none of our friends ever knew. Angelus and I were always mean to each other as long as I can remember and it was like that until my Junior year of highschool and his Senior year when it all changed...

End flashback


Agh the first day of school. I can't wait. I thought sarcastically as I got out of bed. What to wear to school what to wear to school. This was always the toughest decision of the year. I never knew what to wear the first day of school but I finally made the decision and pulled out a khaki nee length skirt with a pink halter top. I walked over to the mirror to examine what I was wearing. Perfect. I heard a car honk outside my window and walked out the front door to see Willow waiting to give me a ride to school. "Hey" I said as I climbed into the car.

"Hey." she mumbled

"What's with the gloomy face?" I grinned at her.

"School" she mumbled and we both just started laughing "There's Cordelia and everyone" she said pointing to Cordelia, Anya, and Faith.

"Hey what's going on?" I asked them

"Ahhh waiting for school to end already!" Cordelia groaned.

"Already?! We just got here from summer." I said laughing

"Yes, I personally can't wait for school to begin because that means boys and where there's boys that only means there's horny guys waitin for sex!" Anya said excitedly. She was always like that, thinking about sex all the time. If I didn't know any better I would say she was a guy.

"Great there's Angel." I said pointing to Angel with Xander, Spike, Oz, and Doyle by his side..

"Why do you call him Angel?" Cordelia asked

"Uhh I don't know maybe maybe because that's his name?"

" Well yeah but you're the only one that calls him Angel, everyone else calls him Angelus" Willow said

" Oh well I guess I never gave it much thought." I said. I had given that nickname to Angel a long long time ago. Way before I knew these guys but I wasn't about to tell them.

" Hey Buff." Angelus said as he walked beside me.

"Hey Angel." I nodded as he and his 'gang' walked away.

My gang and his never really got along with his but I have this feeling that Anya likes Xander since I always see her looking at him.

" I wonder what he did" I mumbled just loud enough they could hear me and started walking into the school to put my stuff in my locker.

"Uhh Buffy!" Willow called


Willow reached behind me and pulled off a sign that read I'm a whore, $1.00 a hour. For a night you'll never forget!!; ) Angel obviously put on me.

"Ahhh I didn't even feel him put it on me!!" I said and walked off to find Angel sitting in class surrounded by all his friends and through the paper at his head.

"What the he-Buffy nice to see you" Angel said and I gotta edmit he had gotten even hotter over the summer if that's possible.

"Thanks for the sign, such a good welcome back to school present." I said coldly

"I knew you'd like it. Oh and what classes are you in so I can do whatever possible to avoid you." he asked as I dug in my purse for my schedule. "Ahhh why must they put Juniors and Seniors in the same class because me and you have three classes together!!"

"We do?" I groaned "Which classes?"

"Uhhh math, P.E., and Geography." "But hey look at the bright side we're not in the same history class, well mainly since your down a class your suppose to be in since you always fail it." Angel said coldy

"Jackass" I said and walked out of the room to find Willow

"Hey Wills do you like your classes?"

"Yeah they're great! How about you?" Willow asked

"Uhhh not so much I have three THREE classes with Angel" I said angrily.

"Well look at the bright side, the teachers won't put you two together on any projects since every single teacher KNOWS that you two don't like each other." Willow said.

"Not liking each other is to little of a term to use, HATE is more accurate and anyways in P.E., the teacher always pairs us up because Mr.Clarkson said that the more we fight the better we'll compete with each other or something like that."

"Oh well you'll live through it like you always do." Willow said

"Yeah well I gotta go bells about to ring I'll See ya at lunch."

"See ya!"

As I walked in I was so happy I had science first, I didn't really want to see Angel yet. Ok maybe I'm not glad I have science first. I mean why do we have to dissect frogs on our first day! And they're still alive too...poor frogs.

"Hey Buffy" a dark haired boy sat next to me in class

"Hey Riley" Me and him have been friends for a while and I know he's been trying to get the nerve to ask me out.

"Do you want to be my partner in dissecting the frog?" he asked

" Sure." There was no one else in the room anyway but thank god the bell rang before we got a chance to start dissecting because the teacher went on and on. Ahh shit I have P.E. next.

I got dressed for P.E. and headed for the gym.

"Ok everyone I'm gonna pair you up and you and your partner will both climb the ropes that I have set up outside for you." Mr.Clarkson began and started naming people off. The two last people were me and Angel. "Buffy, you and Angelus are partners"

"What why do I always have to be partners with him!!" I yelled

"Yeah why do I always have to be with her!"

" Because you two work best together, believe it or not." Mr. Clarkson told us. "So deal with it!"

"Fine" I mumbled and dragged Angel outside.

" Lady's first" Angel said

"Oh thanks a bunch." I said sarcastically.

"Don't mention it." and I started on climbing until I was a little more then halfway up and I felt the rope shake. I couldn't hold any longer and fell. It didn't hurt because the rope wasn't that tall and I heard Angel laughing.

"Looks like you didn't make it" he said still laughing a bit.

"Yeah" I mumbled and waited until he was about where I was and sped up the rope right next to him and shoved him off.

"Hey!" he said just as he landed

"Oh I'm sorry did I do that?" I grinned.

Uhhh finally the end of the day! And thank god me and Angel didn't talk to much in the other classes we had together well besides our usual smartass comments.

"Mom I'm home!" I yelled as I walked in

"Hi sweety how was your first day?" asked Joyce, my mom.

"Ugh" was all I could get out.

"Just what I thought" she said laughing " you had an ugh day."

Everyday after the first day of school I have a lazy day and go home and put on my fuzzy bunny Pj's and pig out in front of the t.v. and tomorrow I start to party!

"Oh honey?"

"Yeah mom"

"I just got a call from work and they need me." Joyce began "All through this year. Something about an art gallery needing work or something."

"All this year!?!?"

" Yeah and maybe you can go stay at your grandmas in LA or something cause I really don't want you to be here all by yourself."

"I'll be fine, just don't send me to LA!! I mean I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself" I begged.

" Ha that's a laugh, you taking care of yourself. You could barely take care of your goldfish...I'm going to find someone don't you worry" Joyce said kissing me on the forehead.

(Over at Angels house)

"Hey mom I'm home!" Angel yelled through the house.

" Hey honey how was your day?" Mellisa, Angel's mom asked just getting off the phone

"It was fine. Who was on the phone?"

"Oh that was Joyce." Mellisa said. Angel had no clue how his mom and my mom can be such good friends when we hate each other to death, it's really odd.

"What did she want?" Angel asked

"Well Joyce is going to be out of town for the whole school year and she wanted to know if Buffy could stay here."

"WHAT?!?!" Angel yelled not being able to hold it in.

"She's staying and that's final, ." Mellisa said

Angel and I always acted like we actually liked each other in front of our parents just so they won't make a big deal out of us hating each other, I don't think it works. I'm pretty sure they know we hate each other.

"She's staying whether you like it or not and anyway, it'll let you two get to know each other better. Oh and you have to tell her tomorrow because Joyce figured you could tell her."

"Ahhh" Angel groaned. It would basically be just Angel and me in the house since most likely Angel's mom would end up going with my mom to help out with the gallery. Angel and I made a pact never EVER under any circumstances to tell our friends that our parents are friends. I don't want to tell them she's staying over at my house a whole year even though she has gotten A LOT hotter over the summer. Angel thought to himself. Ahhh this was going to be a long LONG school year.


"So your going to be home all by yourself all year!! That's great!!" Willow said excitedly walking to the school.

"Yeah I mean you can have parties and anything you want!" Cordelia said

"Yeah that's great B you can have a killer party with lots of hot guys!" Faith said

"guys?" Anya said just tuning in."What guys?"

"Well I gotta go to class I'll see you guys later." I said rolling my eyes at Anya

"bye" they all said in unison as announcements started for today.

Attention Students the frogs from the Science room 115 are gone. Please notify the people in the office if you have any idea on who did it. Thank you.Attension Students! The frogs from room 115 are missing and if you have any idea who the culprit is please notify me in the office. Thank you.

Why must people take the frogs? Well hey at least I don't have to dissect anything now and the frogs get to live. I thought as I opened my locker.

"Ahhh!!!!" I screamed making everyone in the hall turn their heads! "Ewww get them off!!" I yelled as frogs jumped on me. After most of the frogs jumped off I heard Angel and his gang laughing. "Angelus!!!" And everyone knows when I use his full name I am really pissed. " I can't believe you did that! You bastard" I yelled getting ready to slap him.

"Ahhh come on Buff it was just a joke." Angel said

"yeah well I'm getting sick of your jokes! I am soo gonna get you back for this!"

"Come on Buff can't you take a joke?" Xander said and I headed for him just about to slap him too when...

"Angelus, Buffy in my office please" Principal Snyder said

"Angel if I get in trouble I swear to god your going down!" Angel just simply rolled his eyes.

"Sit down" Snyder said as we got in his office "I'm sick of you two always at each others throats! I know you guys hate each other but tough, deal with it! You don't need to go around playing childish pranks on each other!" Snyder yelled.

"Well maybe if I wasn't in almost every single class with her it wouldn't be such a problem but since 5th grade she's been in almost every single class!!" Angel yelled at Mr. Snyder which didn't surprise me since he did it quite a lot. I have no idea why he hasn't been expelled yet. I can only wait for the day.

"I'll see what I can do about that now get back to class both of you and I don't want to be hearing about anything else you here me?"

"Yeah" we both said."

"And it just so happens we were both headed the same way towards Geography." Angel said.

The sad part is me and Angel only know each other in this class because everyone else in here was either younger or older or just plain weirdo geeks. We just got another assignment and I have no clue what to do!! Figures I'm lost in this class. I never get a good grade in this class. I am so lost. I groaned to myself.

"Need some help?" Angel asked me to my surprise.

"God yes I have no CLUE how to do this!" I groaned in frustration. He actually explained it nicely to me and now I'm wondering what he wanted.

Thank god the school days over and it was Friday! I thought as I walked to my locker.

"Hey B! What are you doing after school today with no parent?" Faith asked with the gang behind her.

"Uhh I don't know probably just sit around for a bit then I can get into partying!" I said giggling.(my mom left last night)

"Buffy?" Angel asked surprising me by talking to me in front of my friends and must have surprised them to by the look on their faces. "Can I talk to you alone for a minute?" he asked

"Oh no! are you breaking up with me!?" I said sarcastically.

"I'm serious." he said

"fine." I said and followed him somewhere where my friends couldn't hear.

"What?" I snapped at him.

"Well you know how you're mom and my mom are friends?"

"Uhh yeah why" I said looking around making sure no one was listening.

"Well since your moms going to be gone she wants you to stay with us this year."

"WHAT?!?!" I yelled

"yes lets yell that a bit louder" he said sarcastically.

"Why would she do that to me?" I asked myself aloud

"Well maybe its cause we're are stupid and act nice around our parents." answering my question anyway. "So go get your stuff and your comin with me."

"I know we act nice around our parents but I was pretty sure they know we hate each other." I said

"I think they do know but I think their going to ignore it. So hurry up and go get your stuff."

"Ahhh fine just a minute. Oh and Angel?"


"Do our friends have to know I'm going to stay with you?"

"No" Angel said laughing

"good" I said walking back to my locker

"What did Angel want?" Willow asked

"uhh he wanted to see something for Geography homework." I lied

"Why did he ask you of all people for help?" Cordelia asked

"Because despite our hate for each other that class is full of people we don't talk to."


"So you want to come over and study with all us girls tonight Buff?" Willow asked

"oh I don't know I don't really feel like it, I might though." I said because I didn't know if Angel's mom Mellisa would let me out the first day I was there. " I gotta go. See you guys later!"


I walked over to Angels car hoping no one would notice me, I mean ME in Angel's car of all places. "Hey" I mumbled

"jeez sound so happy."

"Oh yes I am jumping for joy being in a car with you."

"Ok now Buffy being at my house there are going to be some rules which are pretty obvious, 1.We don't say a word to ANYONE that me and you are going to be living together for a year. 2. Whatever happens in the house stays in the house, we can't use that as blackmail or anything. And number 3. I'll stay out of your way if you stay out of mine... deal?" he asked

"That's sounds great to me except one problem. What are we going to do if I want friends over?" I asked

" I'll just drive you back to your house. Is that ok?" he said

"yeah that's fine." I answered and turned on the radio. Angel gave me this 'what the hell are you doing look' "What like I'm going to sit in silence with you all the way to your house?" Angel just rolled his eyes. The song 'Candy shop' started to play.

"I hate this kind of music" Angel complained.

"Don't worry I do too. Good thing we have the same taste in music huh?" I said and flipped the radio off. I was actually surprised that me and Angel were getting along this well. Maybe this year wouldn't be that bad after all.

Please Review! It'll help me write! I also have another fic out if ya want to read it. It's called Can we just be friends I don't like it as much as I like this one but give me a brake it was my first fic! lol. Please review! Please Please Please! I'll die without it! (or I just won't write anymore) lol.

A/N: I decided to edit this chapter a bit. I didn't take to long on it but enough. I just thought I needed to changed some things. I might do it again later on but for now this will have to do. I didn't want to change to much. Please tell me if I should edit more. Well Enjoy!