Title: The Only One

Summary: Carter is trapped on what is believed to be a deserted planet and is slowly dying. Her two options for living are either ascending or find the mysterious technology left by another race. COMPLETE!

Pairings: Sam/Jack, Daniel/Other

Season: This is a mixture of Seasons 4-8.

A/N: This has been rewritten since it was first posted over a year ago. I hope that it's improved.

"Daniel, dial the 'gate," Carter yelled through the pouring rain. The rain was coming down hard and already the ground surrounding the Stargate was several inches thick. SG teams 1 and 11 waited impatiently as the gate was activated.

Teal'c punched in the iris code and started for the Stargate, Daniel and SG-11 were on his heels. Carter looked around, scanning the area once before began following them.

At the SGC…

"Who is it?" General Jack O'Neill inquired, looking over Sergeant Harriman's shoulder at the screen.

Walter looked at him, "It's SG-1!"

"Open the iris!" Jack was already half way to the gate room.

The iris spun opened and revealed the wormhole. Teal'c and Daniel dashed through followed closely by a soaked SG-11. To the General's surprise, Carter didn't follow.

"Where's Carter?" he demanded, looking at the men getting to their feet,

Daniel turned around. "She was right behind SG-11…" he trailed off, staring at the Stargate.

Jack tried to hide his agitation as the minutes passed and she didn't emerge. "Shut it down and dial it up again," he finally ordered.

"General," SG-11's leader began carefully, "it was flooding when-"

Jack turned and headed to the control room. A minute later, the gate began turning. Once activated, Daniel and Teal'c went through with SG-2.

An hour later…

"It's SG-2's iris code, sir," Walter said, looking over at Jack who was sitting next to them. Jack gestured for him to open it. He met the incoming teams in the gate room.


Daniel and Teal'c looked down, not meeting his eyes.

"There is no sign of Colonel Carter," a member of SG-2 announced. "Sir… there is no way Colonel Carter would still be alive. We barely made it back to the gate, alive. I'm sorry."

Jack stared at them for a moment and then turned away…

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