Hooray! After over a month long wait, I finally present to you Chapter 6 of Team Seven Goes to Disneyland! I'm so sorry for the long wait, it's just that this chapter didn't really come as easily as the previous ones. But it's here now

(Disclaimer: I do NOT own Naruto. Enough said.)

Team Seven Goes to Disneyland

Chapter 6: Heading Seperate Ways

"So, we all ready to go?" Kakashi asked when it appeared everyone had made their way to the lobby. He looked around at all the nodding faces as there were murmurs of "Yeah" and "We're ready".

Just as he was about to turn around and lead them through the doors and back to the amusement park, he noticed someone was missing. "Uh, where's Naruto?" Kakashi asked, having not noticed the blonde anywhere nearby.

"I thought it was a bit quiet around here," Kurenai stated as she, too, looked around trying to figure out where Naruto had gotten to.

It had indeed been a lot quieter than usual. Everyone else joined in looking around, trying to figure out where Naruto was.

"Hmm, you know?" Sakura finally spoke up after a few minutes of searching. "I don't remember even seeing Naruto this morning."

Everyone turned to look at her. "Yeah, you know what? I think you're right," Kakashi replied. "Did anyone see him get out of bed this morning?" There were heads shaking all around, each one indicating that they hadn't see Naruto since they had all gone to bed.

"Someone should probably go check to see if he's still in bed and wake him up," Asuma suggested.

"And I know the perfect guy for the job," Gai said, giving his overly used good-guy pose.


It was true. Naruto had indeed stayed in bed, and could still be heard snoring through the door as Lee reached the room.

"Hmm…Let's see here," Lee said to himself as he stopped outside the door to think of a plan. "Gai said this was a critical mission and that I had to succeed in completing it. But how to do that?" He stood outside the door for quite sometime as he tried to come up with a plan; there was an intense look upon his face as he thought.

Suddenly, Lee broke into a huge grin. "I've got it!" He then, ever so slowly, put his hand upon the door handle. He paused for a brief moment as his took in a deep breath, and then, while still holding his breath, he slowly turned the door handle.

Finally, the door handle was turned as far as it would go. Lee let out his breath, having succeeded thus far. All that was left was to open the door and wake Naruto up.

'Alright, let's do this,' Lee thought. He took another deep breath and then – BOOM! – he threw the door open with all his might, only to have it swing back and hit him in the face.

'Stupid door,' he thought as he swung it back open, with a little less oomph the second time around. "Wake up Naruto!" he yelled. That most certainly should have done the job.

However, as his eyes scanned the room to see where Naruto was, they instead fell upon a man with black hair, pulled into a ponytail, and wearing a long black cloak with strange red designs all over it standing in front of him.

"What do you want?" the man asked.

"Um…n-noth-thing," Lee stammered. "Wr-wrong r-r-room." And with that, Lee backed out of the room and closed the door.

He continued walking backwards, unaware as to where his feet were taking him. Then, without warning, he collided into someone and both of them fell to the ground in a tangled heap.

"Hey! Watch it!" a familiar voice yelled. Lee rushed to his feet then bent down to help the boy he had collided with, only to find that it had been Naruto he had collided with.

"Oh! Hey Naruto!" Lee said, offering his hand to help Naruto to his feet. "Sorry about that. Was just on my way to get you out of bed. The others are already waiting down in the lobby."

"Oh! So it was your yelling that woke me up just a couple minutes ago," Naruto replied as he took the offered hand and got to his feet. "Well then, let's get down to the lobby." And with that, the two boys made their way back down to join up with the rest of the group.


Itachi continued to just stand where he was, staring at the now-closed door through which a kid with a strange haircut (and even stranger eyebrows) had come bursting in, apparently trying to wake up someone named Naruto.

'Wait!' he thought to himself. 'That kid just burst in here to wake up Naruto! That means Naruto must be close by!'

With that, Itachi hurried out of his room to continue his search for Naruto in order to complete his mission.


"Well, look who it is," Kakashi said as Naruto and Lee appeared in the lobby.

"Took you long enough," Sasuke huffed. Naruto just glared back at him.

"So, now that everyone is finally here," Asuma said, "let's get going. Shall we?"

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement, and they all made their way out of the hotel and back to Disneyland.

"So, where do we want to go first?" Kakashi asked once they reached the front gates. Suddenly, everyone started talking at once, trying to get his or her ideas heard first. "One at a time," Kakashi said, trying to be heard above the rest of them. However, as he wasn't one to usually yell, his attempt to be overheard was to no avail.

Just then, Gai let out a loud, high-pitched whistle, and everyone instantly fell silent. "Much better. I'm surprised at you, Kakashi, for being unable to quiet these kids down. I would have expected more from my eternal rival."

"Huh? Did you say something?" Kakashi asked as he turned to look at Gai.

Gai stared blankly at Kakashi for a moment, then began yelling, "That was very hip of you, Kakashi! Why do you always pursue revolutionary reactions!" (A/N: Sorry, couldn't resist. Gai's just so crazy!)

Everyone else simply stared at him, keeping their comments to themselves.

Finally, Asuma broke the silence, saying, "This sounds like an interesting ride!" He pointed at the park map he had been looking at and began to read the description for the ride he was talking about. "'Brave the wrath of Mara as you ride your jungle transport through the legendary lost temple in search of mystical powers. Be on the lookout for ancient pitfalls like poisonous darts, screaming mummies and the Cavern of Bubbling Death – your survival depends on it!' The ride's called Indiana Jones Adventure."

"Yeah! That sounds awesome!" Naruto yelled, punching his fist into the air.

"Certainly sounds better than most of the rides we've been on," Sasuke added, maintaining his cool demeanor.

"Hell yeah!" Kiba exclaimed. "Danger and adventure rolled into one ride – it's going to be the best!"

"Kiba," Shino said, turning to his teammate, "you do realize you've called just about every ride here 'the best'?"

"Yeah…so what?" Kiba replied.

"Never mind." Shino just rolled his eyes.

"I can most certainly brave any dangers any ride might throw at me!" Lee shouted as he gave his usual good-guy pose. 'Especially if it means the possibility of Sakura finally going on a date with me!' he thought.

"That's the way to keep up that springtime of youth!" Gai cheered on his pupil, also giving his cliché good-guy pose and practically blinding everyone around him with his vibrant smile.

"Uh…I think I'm going to sit this one out," Kurenai stated, shielding her eyes. "I need a break."

"What are you talking about?" Kakashi asked. "We haven't even gone on a single ride yet."

"Yeah, well yesterday was enough to make me want a break from going on rides," Kurenai retorted.

"Um…okay. Suit yourself," Kakashi replied. He really didn't want to further the argument with her.

"Um…can I stay with you then?" Hinata asked her teacher.

"Sure thing, Hinata." Kurenai grinned at Hinata.

"Hey! I know!" Sakura spoke up. "How about we girls all stick together and let the guys have their fun on this ride while we go and do something else?"

"You just say that because you're afraid of the ride," Naruto stated, sticking his tongue out at Sakura.

"Nuh-uh," Sakura replied.

"Uh-huh. You're just a scaredy-cat, party-pooper!" Naruto spat back at her.

Sakura just stuck her tongue back out at Naruto.

"Sounds like a good idea to me!" Ino stated cheerfully. "We could go shopping for souvenirs or something."

"Oh yeah! Sounds like a great idea!" Ten-ten cheered as she made her way over to where Kurenai, Sakura, Ino, and Hinata were now standing.

"Why is it girls always get so excited about shopping?" Chouji asked Shikamaru.

"Who knows?" Shikamaru replied. "Girls are far too troublesome to try and understand."

"It's settled, then," Kakashi stated. "The girls will go off shopping or whatever it is they want to do, and the rest of us will go on Indiana Jones."

Everyone let out a cheer and then split up into the two different groups and went their own ways – girls to do some shopping and the guys to get some thrills.


Meanwhile, Itachi could once again be found wandering around Disneyland in search of Naruto. It was his hope that today he'd finally manage to complete his mission.

However, before he could get around to snatching the boy, he needed to find him again; and that was by far proving to be quite difficult. The only sign he had had of Naruto since he had gotten sick on Star Tours was that strange kid who came bursting into his room this morning thinking it had been Naruto's room. Other than that, though, he had seen nothing of him since following him onto that despicable ride!

'This is turning out to be a hunt for a needle in a haystack!' Itachi thought furiously to himself.

He continued walking around the park, constantly on the watch for any sign of the blonde-haired boy. Surely it wouldn't be that difficult to spot such a bright head of hair!

Unfortunately, Itachi found it to be quite the contrary. 'I've never seen so many blondes in my life!' he thought to himself after coming across twenty or so blondes within two minutes.

Suddenly, while gazing through the crowd, Itachi spotted the backside of someone who looked exactly like Naruto. So, thinking that there could only be one person who looked like that, Itachi went up behind him and snatched a fistful of his hair.

"Finally, I got you!" Itachi said, very triumphantly. "Now I can finally show the Akatsuki that I can indeed capture the mighty, strong, and elusive Naruto!"

"Ow! What the heck are you doing?" the boy yelled. "And who the heck is Naruto?"

"Why it's you, of course!" Itachi replied.

"What are talking about?" the boy continued to yell. "I don't even know a Naruto…My name is Kyle."

"Kyle!" Itachi was shocked by his response. "But you can't be…" He then looked down at the boy's face, and sure enough, instead of bright blue eyes, he saw light green ones looking back up at him – and with a very mean glare in them, as well.

"Yes, I can," the boy replied, "and I am!"

'Nice one, Itachi,' Itachi thought to himself. 'Only you could mess up something like this…At this rate, you're going to end up joining up with that creepy snake guy…another disgrace to the name of "bad guy"!'

"What's going on here?" a voice boomed from behind Itachi. Slowly, Itachi let go of the kid's hair and turned around to see a man towering over him with the word Security written across the front of his shirt.

'Uh-oh!' Itachi thought as he looked the man in the eyes. 'Now what am I going to do?'

"Hey, mister!" the Security guy boomed again. "I asked you a question."

"Uh…" was all Itachi could mutter.

"He came up from behind me and grabbed a huge fistful of my hair!" the boy shouted, apparently eager to be sure his side of the story was heard.

"Is this true?" the Security guard asked.

"Um…" Itachi seemed to have completely lost his nerve.

Then suddenly, out of nowhere, an idea struck him!

"Look!" Itachi shouted, pointing off behind the Security guard. "It's a…uh…Henge no Jutsu!"

"A what?" the guard asked as he turned around to look where Itachi had pointed, while POOF! Itachi quickly turned into the kid he had seen earlier this morning and made his escape.

Okay, yeah...I know...it wasn't anything too spectacular. Like I said, took me forever just to manage to come up with this! I really wanted to continue the chapter a lot more, but was getting no where and decided you all waited badly enough for thisas it is, so please don't hurt me! I promise, I'll try my best to get better results out of the next chapter! Until then, Adios!