Part One: All That I'm Living For

I can feel the night beginning Seperate me from the living Understanding me, afterall I've seen Peicing every thought together Find the words to make me better If I only knew how to pull myself apart

Janovah, Dash, and Kat walked into the palace. All was quiet; Rin was expecting this. He was waiting for them. Janovah pulled out the sword of Mar; Kat loaded her pistols, and Dash activated her fire whip.

"Father!" Janovah called. "Come out and face me. I'm not running anymore." She waited. No response. "You want me to die. Come kill me. But I'm not going to beg for mercy."

"So, you accept that I'm your father. Brave girl." Rin's voice echoed from the dark, long hall. "Jak would be so proud."

"You ARE Jak..." Janovah said. "It's the dark eco talking...maybe I can save you..."

"No. You can't save me. At this point, I don't want to be saved. Jak is dead. I am Rin now."

Janovah looked into the darkness hopelessly. She was unwilling to admit it, but it was true. She had to kill daddy. Slowly she made her way down the corridor, her eyes struggling to adjust the absence of light.

Light was glowing from what she recognized as his bedroom, where he had fought her in her dark form. The door was cracked. She pushed the door open slightly, and peered in. The room was grim; all forms of natural lighting removed and replaced by lamps. The walls were cracked and molding. There, sitting on the bed, was Jak...but his hair was black, one eye blue and one eye red. The transition was almost complete.

Janovah raised her sword, shaking. She had to do this.

"Are you really going to fight me?" Rin said.

"Yes." Janovah said, defiant.

"Well consider this, if you kill me now, your future will be gone."

"Don't listen to him, Janovah!" Dash yelled, as she came up behind Janovah.

"You will not marry Torn, or have your son." he said, evilly. He threw her an evil smirk, but his blue eye showed no evil; only sorrow and remorse.

"Janosikah!" Janovah said quickly. "What have you done with him?"

"A mercy killing. I couldn't let him turn into this monster." Rin said. But they caught a note of remorse in his voice...had he done this to save her son?

"NO!" Janovah said, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Why? WHY? He was my could...mercy...but.." she stammered, trying to make sense of this.

"Do you really want to kill me, daughter?" Rin said.

The question raced through her mind. She had nothing to live for. And if she did manage to defeat him, all of time would be disturbed.

She realized that she was meant to die here. She'd lived her life to reach the destiny she had created.

"No." Janovah said.

"GET HIM!" Dash yelled, and with that, Kat and Dash charged forward. The dodged around Janovah and lept at Rin

With a great violet flash, Rin whipped them with dark eco and sent them flying in the wall. They hit with a great crash, knocking out almost the whole wall. Part of the ceiling collapsed on them. Kat lay unconscious, Dash lay shocked and injured, unable to get up.

"No...Jan..I can't get up...please.." Dash sobbed. "...don't let him win."

Janovah stared her father in the eye and dropped her sword.

Rin pulled out from behind him a pistol and cocked it, and cocked it, with a sick smile on his face.

"No...oh't kill her..." Dash gasped.

"I love you daddy." Janovah whispered.

BANG. There was a horrible thunder like sound.

She didn't feel pain, or the bullet colliding with her heart, or the fall to the floor.

All she saw was her life before her eyes.

A little baby girl desperately tries to walk on the carpet in a large room...she falls and begins to cry, and a man-her father-rushes over.

"There, there, little face, I'm here..."

She's Janovah, heiress to the throne of Haven City...

"Shh, I won't let anything happen to you...There's no such thing as monsters."

Jak, Mar, whatever his name may be, held his daughter on high... -
"Have a nice nap?"

I whipped around, horrified. I could barely see him in so little light. As he approached, I backed up. I had realized I had left my weapons on the bed. I hit the wall. I was trapped like a mouse in a hole. I felt a cold, clammy hand stroke my face. I immediately grabbed it.

"I will have a place in the house of Mar...I will marry you, my dear"
"NO!" I cried out.
"You may not have a choice!" he said.

Then he whipped hid arm out of my grasp, grabbed my arm, and threw me to the floor. I was shocked, and I tried to get away. But he grabbed me and threw me on the bed that I had slept on. I grabbed for my gun, but he kicked it away. He held me down and climbed on top, and violated me. It was one of the most painful experiences of my life. I kept screaming but no one heard me.


Rin smothered my mouth with a pillow, and I could barely breathe.

"You will cooperate or I will kill you myself!" he said -
He turned back to me and walked over, and put a little case in my hand. I opened it-It was a beautiful ring; with a large crystal in the middle...tears came to my eyes.

"Torn, this is a wedding ring..." I said

I looked back up at him.

"I love you Janovah." he said.

Torn kissed me, and I kissed him back. I hugged him, really tight,

"I love you too"
I wasn't going to give up. But then, he did something I didn't anticipate. He leaned over my face, and with the utmost discretion, he kissed me, on the mouth. He had been on top of me, wrestling for the gun. But now my grip had weakened on the gun. A strange feeling surged through my body. I finally released my grip on the gun, lost in the strange aura. He tossed the gun across the room, his mouth still on mine. Finally he parted the caress and moved down to my throat, and he made love to me.
"Ever since I first saw you, I knew it was you. Jak's daughter. I knew him as a kid, and older than that. Ashlein, who you have been lead to believe was your mother, is dead, but not in the way you thought. She didn't have you. She would have died if she did. The marriage to Jak was just for political convience." Keira said.

"Then who is my mother, then?" I said.

She sighed, and closed her eyes.

"I am." she said.
She shut the book carefully, and held it to her chest. She looked around the bedroom. It was almost the same as seven years ago, except now there was a bed big enough for two, which she had recieved as a wedding gift. Pictures covered the elegant tables, in little frames she got for her baby shower, when she had her baby eight months later. Janosikah was his name. She had scarcely seen Torn cry, but he cried hard when he first held Janosikah in his arms.
Seem finished his song with a sigh. He pulled her tighter, as though trying to squeeze the pain right out of her. He lifted her head to look into her eyes. He was about to say something, but the words seemed jammed. Instead, he slowly lowered his head close to hers, his lips grazing hers, until finally taking a slow, deep breath, and softly placing a kiss on her strawberry lips, closing his eyes to take it in.

She could feel herself shudder when she felt his tounge enter her mouth, caressing it with care. The two became one, exploring their minds and visions of love, and did so for a long time.
"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Seem pushed her over on the bed and grasped her mouth. She let out a muffled scream, and weakly tried to resist.

"Don't scream." He said. "It's okay. I promise." She screamed again. She couldn't do this. "Stop screaming.." he said, rubbing his hand on her arm. "I'm not going to hurt you."

She stopped screaming. Sickening silence filled the room. He moved his hand from her mouth, and kissed her softly.

Her breathing stopped. Her heart was bleeding and punctured. This was death. At last, it was her turn to die.

In the blinding light, she could hear a voice, calling to her.

"Don't scream, my love."

"Seem..." the syllable formed on her lips, but no sound escaped.

"Don't scream."


"Oh god...why?" Dash cried over Janovah's lifeless body.

"She's not fully dead..." Kat said.

"It's no use. She's in a coma. Her spirit is gone...why is her body still living..?" Dash sobbed.

"Her baby..." Kat said. "She's pregnant..."

Dash looked up at her love, and realized something.

"We have to go now, before her body dies, to save her baby."


Part 2:
Good Enough

They had returned through a rift left open by Rin. They had operated and saved Janovah's embryo, which had been carried the rest of the term by Kat. Janovah's body died the same day, and was buried in a tomb with a statue of her.

To this day, no one has forgotten the Lagacy of Janovah. In Denzia, it is a story still often told from parents to children. About the outcast from Spargus that saved the whole world.

Destinies are a funny thing. Father and Daughter ending each other, evil and good balancing each other out.

Though the story may be over...just never forget.
Never forget the tales of love and betrayal.
Of hurt and the joy that comes out of it.
Never forget.

And, just remember.
Don't scream.