Disclaimer: I do not own the show, or the characters...blá,blá,blá
A/N: Hope you like the story, just to warn you ´t´s been a million years since I don´t watch full house so don´t blame me for a few errors ok, just go with the story as it is...by the way, does anyone know how Pam died?
Chapter 1: A babysitter is needed
They were all having breakfast, Danny, Joey, Jessy, Becky, the girls and the twins, they were all talking when suddenly the fone rings:
"Hello? Yes this is Rebecca... Um, yes of course...I see, I´ll be there right away then, thank you, bye-bye"
"Who was that honey?" Jesse asks
"One of my mother´s friends from Washington, she says my mother is very sick in the hospital, I have to go there right away" and with that she goes to her room to pack, Jesse follows her
In their room...
"You can´t go just like that" Jesse says
"What do you want to me to do? leave my mother there alone, Jesse get a grip, I´m her only daughter" Becky says while taking her cloths out the closet and into a bag
"What about the kids!"
"This is an emergency, can´t you take care of them?"
"Well sure tomorrow and Sunday I can, but what about the radio? I can´t just not go! I have to be there"
"Then take a day off on Monday and find yourself a babysitter, get Kimmy for example, I should be back as soon as she´s better" and with that she kisses him and leaves for the airport
"No way I´m calling Kimmy!"
Back in the kitchen where Danny was washing the dishes, Jesse opens up with him and for his surprise, Joey comes from behind and overlistening the story, gives him the good idea to put an add on the newspaper that by Monday someone would sure show up
"You´re a genius Joseph!"
And it actually didn´t take long before somebody showed up, when Monday came, the doorbell rang a dozen times with teenagers wanting to babysit Nicky and Alex
"So Jesse still having trouble finding the perfect one?" Danny teased him when an 19 year old girl left
"I just don´t want a baby taking care of two babies if you get me" was his reply "you know what? I´m tired and I´ll choose the first one that rings this bell"
Just then the bell ang once more, when Jesse opened it, he was surprised, it wasn´t a teenager, but a middled aged woman, say 40 years old
"Hello, I came for the add, do you still want a babysitter here?" the woman said smiling
Jesse made her get in and took her resumé, her name was Victoria and she was used to kids since she had 3 girls herself. But as the woman kept talking about herself Jesse felt like he knew her from somewhere, from sometime...he just couldn´t figure it out, Danny felt the same thing. Jesse, keeping his promise, gave her the job.
Pat, as she asked to be called couldn´t be more thrilled, she needed this job more than ever, and it wasn´t because of the money...