Chapter 5:Meetings and Games

The next day, Harry found himself sitting on the grass, feeling excited as Hecate gave a flick of her wrist and a chair appeared out of thin air. She sat down gracefully and looked at Harry with a small smile. They were in the garden again, about twenty feet away from the Kyparissos Tree. Over here it was nothing but a small section of grass and bushes with color changing fruit hanging from them. Harry was dressed in the same uniform as his guardians with some changes. On his shoulders sat black amour stretching three inches past his shoulder blade. His uniform was amethyst with a white stripe. He wore white shoes and his Transformation bracelet.

"Would you like a chair, Harry?" She asked kindly. Harry nodded and a chair appeared for him that suited his royal status. He plopped down into and looked at the Goddess in front of him.

"Harry there is many things that lie ahead of you. You have many things to learn. Your teachers are Baron La Croix, Lady Serenity, I, and Prince Endymion. You will be taught necromancy, sorcery and the basic theory and principles of wizardry. Manipulation of Energy, and we shall see if have the makings of a seer with divination. Also you will learn Magical language. You will train your planet's powers and learn to use it without in General form." She finished a faint smile on her lips as his eyes widen. "You also will be taught the ways of the royal Saturian people and catch up of the history of the planet as well as others. You will learn politics and economics and learn how society functions productively."

"I'm going to learn all of that? How long will that take? Years?" he asked shocked and his mouth fell open as she nodded her head.

"It shall take years for you to be taught these subjects and gain some ability to even do some of the things I have said. However, we all have faith that you can complete these tasks. Do not worry about how long it will take, only value the results that will enhance your entire being." She said all knowingly. The look on his face became that of determination. Everyone trusted him to be the best. He promised that he would give it his all. Not only did he have to worry about disappointing Serenity and Lady Hecate but he had a whole planet depending on him! He could not fail and he wouldn't. He would make them all proud and prove his earthly relatives wrong. He wasn't a stupid freak who couldn't do anything right. He was a Prince with a huge weight on his shoulders. But he felt empowered by it, he felt that it was his time to shine and prove himself. And he intended to.

"Luna will also be learning a bit as well so you won't be alone. Today, just relax. Explore the castle, anything you wish." She said getting up, her chair disappearing. He got up as well and nodded. Luna learning with him would be comforting as he enjoyed her company."Thank you, for everything. I won't let you down!" he proclaimed. She only smiled. 'No, you surely won't.' She thought to herself.

"Good Day, Lady Hecate," A voice interrupted. They turned around to see a man walking up with a small smile. He nodded to her and she extended her hand to him. He placed a soft kiss and bowed slightly. He turned towards Harry and bowed again, greatly surprising him. He extended his hand out and Harry smiled shyly before he did the same and received a firm handshake.

"Hello Prince Harry. I heard a lot about you and it's nice to finally meet you." he said warmly. "Good day, Endymion. I did not expect to see you here for another day or so." Hecate said. He shrugged his shoulders nonchantly.

"Things were a tad boring so I just left. They won't miss me too much." He explained.

"Harry, this is Endymion. He's the man serenity spoke of. He carries the Sailor crystal of Earth."She introduced. Harry looked at him and nodded. "Nice to meet you Sir."

Endymion winked at him and chuckled."It's nice not being the only guy in the gang anymore! You don't have to be formal with me, son. Just Endymion is fine."Harry nodded and smiled. Endymion was tall about atleast 6'0 and had a medium build. He wore a golden uniform similar to Harry's with small differences and he had a sword at his waist. He had short jet black hair, close to the nape and swept to the side of his face. He had dark blue eyes that twinkled warmly and a face that was sharp and handsome.

"Harry I believe Luna was searching for you. Let me escort you to her?"He offered. Harry smile got brighter at the mention of Luna. He nodded."Well, we'll catch you later 'Cate"

She nodded and dipped her head and vanished from sight.

"Whoa!" Harry exclaimed.

"Pretty neat little trick, right?"Endymion laughed. He started walking and Harry followed at his side. They walked in a content silence before Endymion spoke.

"You know, me and you are alike in many ways Harry. I lost my parents when I was a child too." Harry's head whipped toward the man in shock."But I didn't have any family and I was sent to an orphanage. I grew up pretty lonely till I met Serenity and everyone else .Did you ever feel like that? That you were all by yourself and had no one that cared about you?" He inquired.

Harry's head lowered."Yes sir." Yes he felt that and more during his life. Endymion ruffled his hair a bit before giving it a soft pat.

"It's hard, thinking a certain way for a long time and then suddenly facing something that challenges that way of thought. When I was a child up until my early twenties I was angry at the way my life was. I felt sorrow and thought it wouldn't get better and I accepted it. Even after I met Serenity and the rest of the girls I thought that I couldn't accept their love and acceptance of me because I did not deserve it. I don't ever want you to think this about yourself." He stopped and kneeled and looked him in the eye. "I don't want to tell you what to do with your life or anything but I want you to know that your Aunt and Uncle were wrong for the way they treated you. You are not worthless, you are not a freak. You have lost your parents but that doesn't mean that you can never again have a family. People that you will meet and have a special bond with become family. Good memories can overpower bad ones. Your past is over and done with, it can never be changed. But it is up to you to build a future that only you can deem brilliant and joyful." He finished with a serious look.

He stood up and smiled. "Don't ever doubt yourself, kid." Harry nodded, his eyes glistened slightly and he swallowed the lump in his throat.

"Harry!" He looked up and blinked a couple of times. In his blurry view he saw Luna running towards him. She wore the same yellow sundress but her hair was up in four cone shaped buns on her head, two on each side with hair trailing down in two ponytails to midback.

"Hello Harry, Hello Papa!" She asked dreamily. Harry grinned and said hi back. "I have been looking for you, Let's go get some breakfast!" She stated happily.

"It's 2 pm dear." Endymion reminded her. Luna's smile never changed as she nodded. "Let's go get some lunch!" She grabbed Harry's hand and skipped back in the direction she came.

Serenity sat at the table in silence, lost in thought. Hecate sat to her left, Endymion to her right. A woman with long black hair sat next to him. She wore a black long sundress that stopped to her knees and sandals. Her eyes were closed and her hands clasped together. Her expression was that of frustration .

"Tell me Rei, what troubles you?" Asked Serenity. She didn't even look her way as Rei began to speak.

"I have been having visions about Saturn's reincarnation, Harry. Fate's original plans for him have changed, I can sense it. He will have to go back to Earth to face his evil."

"Yes," Serenity replied. "I figured out as much. It seems that Harry was not an ordinary boy. Endymion knows much about him due to him being involved in the Wizarding world." At this Rei opened her dark purple eyes and raised an eyebrow at the man.

"His full name is Harry James Potter. He was born to parents Lily and James Potter, who were indeed a witch and a wizard. When Harry was a year a old babe, an insane wizard name Voldemort killed his parents for the advancement of his own sick agenda. However when he went to kill Harry with a killing curse, it backfired and killed him instead. The wizarding world has championed Harry as their savior even though they do not know where he is. This boy was placed with his mother's relatives and is unaware of everything I have just said. He has no idea that this community exists or views him as a hero. This evil that you speak of, it is possible that it might be Voldemort's group, the Death Eaters. Even though they have disbanded when he was killed, some have escaped persecution claiming they were cursed to do the evil deeds that they have done. Some are dead, others in jail for life." Endymion finished with a thoughtful look. "How long does he have until this evil pops up Rei?" He questioned.

"About 3 years or so." She mumbled. Serenity nodded her head.

"Well we shall do the best that we can to prepare him for this upcoming situation. In the mean time, how are things in our world, Rei?" She asked her. Rei sat up straighter and proceed to fill her in.

"The Galaxy Police are still searching for you. You have a pretty shiny penny on your head, so there are a lot of bounty hunters looking for you as well. Many of them won't ever come close to finding you but there are one or two that are very skilled and powerful and might be able to actually track you down." At this she paused and sent a somber look to her best friend and then continued. "The High Moon Council still has Small Lady in the public's eye and she's doing an amazing job at running things. She also sends her eternal love to you as always and wishes to meet with you, when it's appropriate of course." Serenity smiled painfully at the thought of the daughter she had to leave behind.

That's my girl, be strong. We'll truly be together soon. Serenity thought.

"Are we keeping the Little Prince here for the entire 3 years then?" Rei questioned. Hecate nodded. "I believe it is wise to keep him here and have him learn the Planetary ways first. Because he is a wizard, he will receive his invitation to a wizarding school, most likely Hogswarts as that was his parents' school. Children attend the school at age eleven."

"Any thoughts about what to do about the Council?" Serenity inquired. All was silent for a moment as everyone thought deeply about how to make things right again.

"Perhaps…"Rei started out. She looked unsure of herself. "Perhaps now that Saturn has returned we can rebel against the Council now. I know that you didn't want to do it Serenity. That it will make you look worse but think about it really. If we attack the Council and try to put things back to rights…" Serenity interrupted with a wave of her hand.

"How exactly will that happen? Hold a Press Conference and say, 'Sorry everyone, my apologies!" She spat. She closed her eyes and sighed. "The Council will need to be disbanded, taken down one by one. That will be the easy part. The hard part is earning the trust of the people and deciding what to do after that. If it even happens. "She looked over at Endymion before setting her lips into a firm line.

"Contact the girls and ask for a status report. Do not mention the Little Prince. "

Harry and Luna were lying in the garden, staring up at the multicolored sky. Luna was running her fingers through her hair when Harry turned to ask her a question. "Luna" he began. "I was told that I would be learning new subjects. Can you tell me what they are like? What's your favorite? Is it just us learning or are we going to school?"

Still stroking her hair, Luna glanced over at him.

"Because we are of Noble heritage, we must learn with others that are as well. Atleast that is what Father always says. I wish we could go to common school but because of what is happening in the world, with the Council after Mama it isn't safe. Even having Saturn become invisible to their radar, its best we don't become a target going to a certain place at her certain time away from the protection of the Castle." She spoke softly while wrapping strands of hair around her finger.

Harry nodded. "Yes, that makes sense."

"Most of the subjects are pretty ok, fascinating at first then becomes a bit of a bore. They are all important if you can just stay awake!" They shared a laugh at that and she let her hair go. She sat up and he followed. She stared at him with a dreamy look before continuing. "Sorry, I thought I heard the Nargles fighting with the Beestrums again. My favorite subject has to be the Planetary Power lessons. It's where you learn to tap in to your planet power and try to use it. I haven't really had much progress in that. I haven't been able to transform or even summon my power locket yet. But I still enjoy the idea of being a Soldier one day."

Harry cocked his head to the side, his odd pair of eyes staring at her intently. "Aren't you too young to be fighting Luna? What do you mean power locket?" At this Luna stood up and wiggled her toes and lent Harry a hand to stand up as well. She grabbed his arm and slowly started walking backwards. He looked at her in confusion. "What are we doing?"

"My sister Chibi-Usa has been fighting since she was my age. It is based on more of your will to fight and defend those that you love and care for. For the things that you believe in, this is usually the motivation that gains you the ability to transform. That's what Papa says and I believe it true. When this builds up to a peak, your soul will know it the right time and call out for your Power Locket and give you the magical phrase to transform into a soldier. It opens your channels and you're able to use your planetary powers more greatly." She sighed softly and longingly peered at him.

"Watch the branch," she whispered and he looked down in time to step over it. "You're fortunate that you found yours early."

He nodded noticing how sensitive the subject was for her. She really wanted to be a Sailor Soldier, she was passionate about it.

Suddenly Luna put her left arm out and created a small ball of black light. It was the size of an apple and with a gentle push of her hand, she shot it out. Harry looked at it and back at her with amazement written on his face. He watched as it hit a yellow tree harmlessly. Luna smiled widely and giggled.

"That was awesome Luna! You Hit the tree right on!" he exclaimed excited. Still smiling, she shook her head.

"Actually, she missed!" came a cheeky reply. He looked back at the tree to find one of his Knights, Erlik sitting on a branch eating some strange fruit. He was lazily sprawled on the branch, his expression bored but there was a small mischievous glint in his dark blue eyes.

"Hello Erlik, how are you this morning!"Greeted Luna cheerfully. He nodded back with as much enthusiasm as her.

"I'm well this fine afternoon, thank you for asking Kou-Kou! Your aim isn't fine though, I expect that will be corrected before our next session, yes?" He replied. She nodded quickly and Harry wasn't sure that she heard him correct her about the time of day. Then his face brightens up even more. "Good, How about a game of Conceal and Appear?" he suggested, his mouth covered in slimly juices. Then he disappeared from view.