Captive Butterfly

Author Notes: Nothing important as of now, just enjoy the chapter and keep the nice reviews coming. Hope you enjoy. :)

Disclaimer: Don't own Yami no Matsuei.

Chapter 5

Today just wasn't going to end. That, or the clock was going backwards.

To add to that, the lectures Tsuzuki was giving were getting more and more difficult to comprehend by the minute. Not that they were complex, or even remotely confusing, it was more that the class was overly enthusiastic. Which in turn caused most of the students to become excited, and emit more emotions than they had when they had entered the class, which was beginning to make Hisoka unstable.

Hisoka grumbled to himself. He couldn't even put notes down to his notebook because his concentration was so bad. He'd be able to get down a line or two of notes when suddenly he'd wonder what was for lunch or if he could go use the bathroom and as he turned in his seat to stand up to ask he would stop, suddenly realizing that those weren't his. Some students, though, were actually more interested than others and their thoughts and emotions- heaven forbid he forget those, leaped with excitement. Those kind of thoughts seemed, to the downtrodden boy, like a high pitched shrill compared to the blaring noise coming from those that were thinking about their other classes, assignments, friends, after class activities, family and just about everything else.

He felt like yelling, screaming, and even smashing his desk into someone's head just to get them to stop thinking, not that it'd work. Not only would that be against the way he was taught to act as the heir of the proud Kurosaki line, but it would cause all his other classmates' to panic, their emotions and thoughts would go haywire, he'd get sick or get a headache or even passout, and in the end that classmate would still be thinking. This time about the crack in his skull.

Finally giving up, he scowled in frustration and pretended to take notes, instead he rested his hand to his cheek and leaned on the desk.

This is stupid. He thought to himself as he doodled and scribbled in his notebook. He was almost pouting. The sunlight from outside had started to pour into the classroom as the day progressed and eventually, Hisoka didn't know if he was having a bad day or not but, the sun beamed right towards him.

He grumbled and figured that nothing else could get any worse then it already was. But as if he had just jinxed himself he heard someone say his name.

It was Tsuzuki. Shit. Was he asking a question about the lesson he was teaching?

Hisoka rubbed his now burning eyes due to the sun that was now constantly flashed in his face. He mumbled and cursed to himself and heard his name being called upon once again.

"Hisoka? Are you alright?"

Hisoka squinted at his teacher and nodded.

"Alright, then, uh, could you answer and discuss what I just asked?" Tsuzuki observed the now nervous boy.

Hisoka felt himself fumble with his words as he realized just now that he had no idea what Tsuzuki was even teaching. He had no idea just what to say. His mind raced to find a decent answer to give him but he just kept coming up to a blank and was starting to get a sick feeling in his stomach and again felt all eyes on him. He heard the thoughts of others trying and tried to use their thoughts in hopes that one of them was thinking of the answer to the question but found himself too nervous and unsure to even listen to all the thoughts that invaded his mind, let alone one.

"I-I…." Hisoka stuttered trying to think of something to spit out anything that didn't sound too bad. "I don't know." He managed to say trying to shield his mind from the other students but he didn't succeed as they were thinking about him.

-...definitely weird.-

-Tch, maybe if you paid attention you'd know it, idiot.-

-What is he, stupid?-

Tsuzuki smiled a bit, noticing how uncomfortable Hisoka was. "It's ok Hisoka." He then returned to the book and began to continue on reading while Hisoka turned to stare blankly out the window.

Outside Hisoka's face was nothing but calm, cool and collected, looking as if he couldn't care less about being humliated, but on the inside he seethed and raged. He felt like an idiot, he probably could have answered Tsuzuki's question without a problem if he just somehow blocked everyone else out. An angry bubble of self-loathing grew in his stomach, he was still nothing but an ignorant and helpless boy who couldn't control his empathy.

It didn't seem too long until Tsuzuki closed the book and clapped his hands together. "Well that's all for this morning! It's close enough to lunch, so how about we all get there first before anyone else!" Tsuzuki exclaimed smiling childishly.

Hisoka gave his teacher a weird look, the only thought bouncing around the man's head was of sweets. He shook his head and closed his notebook, still sitting in his seat as he waited patiently for all the students to leave, there was no way he'd even think about getting out of the room in a coherent state with all those emotion bouncing all over the place.

Just as Tsuzuki was about to leave the room he stopped and turned to look at the pale boy. "You coming Hisoka?" He questioned.

Hisoka shook his head and muttered something. He got up from his desk and picked up his books. "I have some things I need to do," the blonde boy said as he walked up to the door.

"See you after lunch then," his teacher chirped merrily, Hisoka didn't even have look at the man to know he was beaming and quickly exited the room. He wanted some quiet time to himself.

He began to head towards his room when he stopped suddenly as he saw Glenn and a few others standing around laughing, telling jokes it seemed. He didn't want to go near them but they were blocking the way. He sighed, knowing Glenn- for the short amount of time as it was, he would probably forcibly drag him off so he could 'bond' with the school. He scowled and promptly turned to find another way around them.

"Hi-soooka-san!" Glenn almost sang.

Hisoka stopped, annoyance, exasperation and anger warring on his face before he forced his lips into an awkward half smile and turned. "Hey," He said softly. Hisoka held his books clumsily and tried to keep the smile on his face without letting on that he all he wanted to do with them was chuck them at the nearest person. Coincidentally, that was Glenn.

The taller boy ran up to him and ruffled Hisoka's hair playfully. "I thought you'd come this way. This time you can't make any excuses not to come with me! I know your new here and all, but don't be so shy!"

Shy? SHY! Hisoka grumbled inwardly. He wasn't shy, he just didn't like attention and he didn't like people, simple as that.

"Well, I-" Hisoka started to say but was cut off as Glenn pulled him by the arm nearly causing the books to drop out of his arms.

He pulled Hisoka up to the small group of boys and smiled widely. "This is Hisoka-san, the new kid." Glenn shoved Hisoka forward with ease.

He glanced up at the first boy who had black short hair and brown eyes. He also noticed a piercing in the boys left eyebrow. The next was taller than Glenn, he had blonde shoulder length hair and pale blue eyes and the last looked somewhat similar to him aside from having a slight darker tanned complexion and brown hair.

They all waved and gave a smile.

"We're all part of the drama club. A lot of club members end up hanging around each other," Glenn said with a smirk on his face. "Oh, I should tell you everyone's name shouldn't I!"

Hisoka gave a weak smile- his cheeks now beginning to hurt from the strain, and a small nod.

"His name is Graham," he pointed to the black haired boy. "This is Fritz." He pointed to the blond boy. Finally he pointed to what seemed to be the darker version of himself, "and last is our acting, very talented genius Hijiri. Hey Hisoka-san, you two sort of look alike."

Hijiri smiled. It was a smile that could light up a room. Hisoka's small smile faded.

We aren't alike. Whispered a small voice in the back of the blonde's head. This boy may have been similar somewhat in appearance, but other then that he was nothing but his complete opposite.

"Hey Hisoka we were just about ready to go to lunch. Come join us, pu-leaaase!" Glenn almost sounded like he was whining.

Hisoka frowned in annoyance. "I... um… I'm busy right now. I… still have some unpacking to do and I want to review over the lessons I learned this morning. Sorry," he lied quickly, he would say anything to get out of going to lunch with them. The dark haired boy sighed unhappily, he knew this was yet another excuse, but he let it go since maybe Hisoka was telling the truth?

"Alright. Oh hey, could you come by the drama room after classes? There are a few things that I need to talk to you about."

Hisoka narrowed his eyes. Mentally, Glenn was hard to read. He was one of those people who could have alot on their mind, yet mysteriously still remain airheaded, so he couldn't pin point the exact thoughts about what he wanted to discuss.

"Ok. I'll go." Hisoka muttered, the feeling of impending doom in the pit of his stomach. Glenn grinned and the feeling doubled.

"Great!" Glenn gave thumbs up to the boy and started to walk off with the other boys, leaving Hisoka on his own. Hisoka looked down to the floor, his plastic smile quickly dropping off his lips. He felt lonely, he felt tired. Thinking about it now, maybe he could have been a normal teenage boy for once and joined them for lunch, just for a day. Maybe he could've stayed and talked with other boys his age, and maybe he could've laughed and smiled- a real smile, with them too.

It would have been a Lie. It would have been all a Lie. The moment those boys found out what he could do they'd leave him in the dark before he could even begin to think of the work 'wait'.

With a heavy sigh he scuffed his feet down the hallway towards his dorm room. With a push Hisoka opened the door to his room and dropped the books carelessly to the floor. "What a waste of my time this is. It's really rather pointless," he said to himself as he made his way across the door and to the bed.

"My teacher has turned out to be a goof ball. I can't believe he's still a teacher here…" Hisoka muttered lying down on his bed. "I wish he wouldn't ask me questions. I can't answer them with all those dimwitted students carelessly spilling out every thought in their heads. I could…probably give a decent answer if it wasn't for…. this cursed empathy." He ran his hand over the soft material of the cotton bed sheet.

Hisoka moved his hands to the uniform and loosened the tie and opened a few of the buttons to the white shirt underneath his jacket.

"Everyone seemed to ignore me. No one seemed to notice me unless it was me being absent minded." He ran a hand to his waist and stared at the ceiling. "Like anyone would ever notice someone like me." He closed his eyes and turned on his side. "I'm no where near beautiful enough for anyone… to notice me."

His eyes began to sting as a warm liquid began to fall from his eyes. "… Tears?" He muttered rubbing his eyes fiercely to rid himself of the falling tears. "I can't cry… There's nothing I can do…about… anything."

He started to feel weak, both mind and body. His eyes continued to stay partially shut and his body was limp. It felt like he had no energy left. He didn't care, it did not matter if he slept since he could have a quick sleep before his afternoon classes.

Slowly kicking off his shoes, Hisoka closed his eyes, hoping to get some sleep.

The warmth of the room seemed to increase slightly and Hisoka's body was starting to sweat. Although it was more like a cold sweat since the boy seemed to be having an unpleasant sleep. He let out slight whimpers almost as if he was in pain.

He suddenly felt a cold icy hand roam down his chest and to his waist and gradually down to his hips. Images of blood red, silver, pale skin. Again. Over and over it repeated in his mind.

Hisoka gripped the bed sheets strongly and let out a soft cry.


A shiver ran down his spine and unconsciously he gripped the sheets tighter. The icy hands continued their descent and he began to thrash around the bed.

"You are mine."

"No!" He bolted upwards and tipped off the bed, hitting the floor with a muffled thump as he took the sheets with him. Eyes wide, he felt all breath leave his small form and his eyes blankly stared at the darkened ceiling. With a sudden gasp, he began frantically scratching at his throat, he couldn't breathe! Something was in his throat and he couldn't get it out! His scratching suddenly became more desperate, his nails digging deeper into his neck as if trying to claw a hole in his neck. When that didn't work he rolled on his side and started to gag. Soon after, that transformed into violent coughing and he pulled himself up a bit, continuing to cough and gag until he felt something come up.

He stopped the gagging as crimson spit dripped to the floor. His body quivered and shook and his eyes stung with tears which he was trying his best to keep back. With a shaky breath he suddenly noticed that there was frantic pounding at his door and his eyes glanced at the time. Wide, teary eyes stared, it was now late evening.

"Hisoka! Open up!"

It was Tsuzuki. Hisoka prayed to whatever god that didn't hate him that he didn't hear him and slowly stood up, his legs wobbling weakly as he tried to gather his strength back. He bit his lower lip and unlocked the door, opening it a bit to peek at his teacher looking down at him with worry.

"Hisoka are you ok? I heard you coughing…are you still feeling sick? Do you need to go see Watari?" Tsuzuki's face was full of worry.

Hisoka shook his head, immediately regretting it as it began to pound. "I-I'm fine."

Tsuzuki's continued to look worried, but smiled a bit at the boy. "You missed classes. I came by a few times, but you never answered, that's when I saw Glenn walking around the dorms and he asked if I had seen you."

"I…overslept. I'm sorry for missing classes. It won't happen again," Hisoka muttered.

Tsuzuki tried to push the door open some more but before he made any progress Hisoka leaned against the door, refusing to let him in. "I made a few notes for you about what we went over. So you can try and catch up a bit better."

Hisoka took the papers from Tsuzuki. "Thank you, sensei."

"Uh-" Tsuzuki hesitated and smiled nervously rubbing the back of his head. "Mind going for a walk for a bit? I wanted to talk to you about some things."

Hisoka blinked. "I…" He thought about making an excuse but something changed his mind as the young boy nodded with a small smile. Oh well, it wasn't like he wanted to go back to sleep at the moment...

Tsuzuki smiled softly back. "Alright. Get your shoes. I'll wait for you out here."

Hisoka closed the door slowly and walked over to the bed, sitting down to pull his shoes on as his eyebrows furrowed in thought.

Why did I agree to go with him? I could of said no. But I didn't. I just…couldn't say no.




Hope you enjoyed, please review. :)