Astarael, The Weeper
Through the ages her silver tears continue to flow
Falling to earth to beckon souls home.
Her chest heaves in sorrow for her children so lost,
Because they will never understand her blessings great cost
Time after time they reject it and fight,
Struggling to live in their own hellish night.
She sees them and weeps and offers her tears
To carry them to Eden away from all fears
To a place with emerald hills and golden shores
A land found only in legends, myths, and lore
Where no one hurts and no one weeps,
Except for the sorrow her own laden heart keeps.
How her children don't want this is her great mystery.
Why don't they understand, why don't see?
The river was made from her own sobbing moans
So Astarael could give the final peace of going home
…Away from pain.
…Away from life.
To Death.