Welcome To The Life Of Me, Malon


Ten-year-old Malon was balancing on the wooden railing on the border of her family ranch, Lon Lon Ranch. The early morning mist was rising, and the first rays of the Hyrule sunrise were poking through.

Smiling, Malon listened to the crow of her favorite rooster, Old Marely. Plopping down from the fence, Malon began her early morning chores, including feeding the horses. She skipped eagerly into the barn.

Around noontime, Mr. Ingo arrived. He specialized in being a grump, so Malon kept her distance. As usual, a lunch hour rush paraded the ranch.

Malon worked for about an hour or so with her older sister selling milk. She was sent to milk the last cows for the late lunch customers. Malon spotted a figure headed towards the ranch entrance. A boy, about 4 feet. He looked to be her age!

Malon squealed with delight. She loved meeting newbies.

"Hello!" She announced cheerfully at the sullen boy.

Surprised, he stumbled backwards. "H-hi."

"My name's Malon; what's yours?"

"I'm Link. I come from the Kokori forest." He pointed to the forest in the distance.

"Here, let me treat you t some of our famous Lon Lon Ranch milk." She tugged Link into the store.

"Hello." Talon said politely. She gave Malon the milk for Link.

"Here. Try it. It's really good." She pushed it across the wooden table towards him. He nodded before gulping it down.

"You know, Malon, you're the first Hyrule person to be nice to me." He said observantly. Malon blushed furiously. She didn't usually fall like this for a newbie!

"Thanks." She stared long and hard at his features. She felt it was safe to assume he was quite underfed, since he was so skinny. His blonde hair was short and curled up in the back. His blue eyes were full of emotion, although Malon couldn't interpret it.

"Come with me." It was Link's turn to grab Malon's hand, and whisk her away to her morning and evening spot.

"I watch the sun rise and the sun set from here." Malon remarked lamely. He gestured for her to climb up onto the railing along side him. She did, with nervousness mounting with every breath.

They chatted small talk for quite a while, and Malon began to feel more and more comfortable.

She watched as the sun's piercing red rays shadowed his face pleasantly. She realized, horrified, that she had just neglected her afternoon and evening duties. She had a half a mind to dash off, but Link started to speak.

"I know this is sorta sudden…but…" His voice trailed off.

"Yes, Link?" Malon asked, her flaming red bangs dropping into her gaze.

"I think I like you. I mean a lot." Malon looked up to see Link as red as her hair. She felt the blood rush to her cheeks as well.

"Me too." She leaned over to graze his cheek with her fingertips. He smiled, and nudged them away. She pushed back, leaning over farther then she'd meant to.

"Aiiiieee!" She shrieked as she grabbed Link's shirt. Both of them tumbled to the ground.

Malon landed on her back, and before her instincts kicked in, Link landed on his arms, pinning her arms down. His face was only inches from her own. The perfect kissing position! Malon felt more blood rise to her face.

"Listen to this melody." Link whistled a tune, and Malon whistled it back. "That'll be our lover's song."

Malon heard footsteps. She tensed, and Link rolled off her just in time. Talon rounded the corner.

"There you two love birds are! Sorry, Link, but the ranch is closing, so I have to give you the boot." She said with a smile, pulling Link to his feet. Malon got up and dusted her skirt off gingerly.

"Bye Link." Malon said.

"Malon," All of a sudden, Link was panting. "I may not be able to come back for a long while. Please don't give up on me! Promise!" Link begged.

"Don't worry! Malon called. "I'd even wait seven years if I had to!" She waved as Link, who was being dragged by Talon, disappeared around the bend.

As Link headed towards Hyrule Castle Town, he heard Malon's beautiful voicesinging the words and humming the melodyto their lover's song. He smiled, and ran off.

And so ends the prologue:) Please R&R. I'll have the next chapter up soon (I hope…)! KLS :)