Title: What Are These?

Author: Ari

Disclaimer: I don't own Fayt, Sophia, or Physique shampoo. Sorry, you really wouldn't get much for suing me anyway…

Warnings: None really, mention of AlbelxFayt

Summary: A quick, 300 word drabble that popped into my head this morning. Sophia snoops around in Fayt's things, and finds some rather personal belongings. Mention of AlbelxFayt.

Ari Ari Ari Ari Ari Ari Ari Ari Ari Ari Ari

"Fayt…what are these?" Sophia called just as he walked into his room on the Diplo. Sophia was sitting on his bed, his trunk open, with a few articles of clothing in hand. Clothing, meaning, a couple long 'skirts', some black shirts, a few plates of metal and some rolls of bandages.

'Shit.' Was the first thing that came to Fayt's head as he watched Sophia ruffle around his trunk some more. "Those are for…a costume party." He stuttered. My God, if she bought this…

"Fayt, how stupid do I look?" she held up some bottles of shampoo and conditioner. "Physique shampoo? For…" she glanced at the bottle. "Extra long hair?" Fayt felt his face heating up in the embarrassment of being caught.

"Uh…those are mine. I'm trying to grow out my hair." Fayt watched Sophia drop the bottles on the bed, next to the other things.

"My God, Fayt! I'm not stupid. I saw the picture too. Or did you think I might have missed them?" she held up the handful of snapshots and waved them around. At the same time, Fayt felt his stomach drop. He was going to die. Yes, die. If Sophia didn't kill him, than a rather Wicked One would.

Fayt watched Sophia leaf through the images. "Look, Sophia. I can explain-"

"Wow, he's flexible and HOLY SHIT HE'S BUILT!" Fayt's mouth dropped as her screech echoed through possibly the entire ship. He was quite sure he knew which picture she had just found…and it was rather embarrassing.

"Sophia, can I have-"

"Fayt." She snapped at him, the picture held in front of her. "Can I…uh…have this? Thanks." Sophia dropped the others on the bed and promptly left. At the same time, she was still staring at the picture of him and Albel. Fayt heard the door click open.

"Um…your welcome?"

And the door clicked shut.

Ari Ari Ari Ari Ari Ari Ari Ari Ari Ari Ari

Completely random and pointless. But it would get out of my head. It woke me up, but it didn't upset me too much. I've wanted to write something for a while. Damn writers block!

I'm still working on the next chapter of 'I Thought I Knew You' and it should be done soon. I'm sorry for the wait…for those of you who haven't read it, go read it and review please! Reviews make me write faster…

There's a little button at the bottom, please click it and review. I know this was short, pointless, and plotless, but it would be nice…

Grrr! I went to upload this! And the damn 'HTTP SERVER ERROR' thingy popped up! must be angry with me! All I want is to post my little fic, is that too much to ask!