A/N: Right this is a story I wrote ages ago and I decided to put it up. I wrote a series of small fics in which little games are played and I've decided to put them up as the same story, however they are unrelated.

Please review and let me know if you want any more, and let me know which was your favourite!

"15, 16, 17"

"18, 19"


"21" Spike grumbled at the prospect of losing once again

"Okay, Okay my turn to choose the dare" Buffy announced loudly, the mass amount of alcohol her body had consumed in the past hour was enough to have sent any demon into a coma. "I dare you, Spike to ..." She left a dramatic pause, just to lengthen Spike's pain while she ran through all the ideas in her mind, and worked out Spike would hate the most "Go and grab one of my teddy bears and cuddle it till the end of the game"

"WHAT? No bloody way am I acting like a soddin' poofter, I am not cuddling a bleedin' bear! Bugger that!"

"But then that would mean you would have to do a forfit, and if you think my dares are bad, wait 'til you hear my forfits" Spike considered this for a moment, wondering if there was actually anything worse that she could make him do, probably nothing that would damage his reputation more. Even Angel had smiled when Buffy had told him what the dare would be. Spike thought through it carefully and realised that he had probably been underestimating Buffy's skills at picking good dares so reluctantly he made his decision.

"Oh fine then" Willow quickly hopped off her perch on the seat and ran upstairs. She quickly returned with one of Buffy's cuddly toys, it just so happened to be a bright pink one.

"PINK?" Spike couldn't believe it. Did they honestly want him to stake himself? Willow handed it to Spike and he put it in his arms, holding it tight and he closed his eyes, he couldn't believe this was happening, he was a master vampire, The Big Bad for gods sake, and they were making him cuddle a teddy bear. Well he would get them back, sooner or later he would get them back.

Then the ritual counting began again

"1, 2, 3"

"4, 5, 6"

"7, 8 ,9"


"11, 12"

"13, 14, 15"

"16, 17, 18"

"19, 20"

"21" Angel groaned inwardly, he didn't believe this, he was 21 again, this must have been his 5th dare, at least. The only person to recieve more dares than himself was Spike, who had recieved around 7. The others had had less dares than the vampires, in fact they hadn't had any dares.

"Hang on, how come you lot haven't had any dares?" Willow started giggling, and Xander hid his snorts of laughter in fake coughs, it was only Buffy who managed to keep a straight face.

"Luck?" she tried, knowing it wouldn't get her very far. Angel looked furious "Oh come Angel, you've got to admit it's pretty funny. I was actually surprised neither of you had worked it out sooner, especially Spike, seeing as he is the one that normally cheats on every single game he plays" At the mention of Spike Angel looked over to him seeing how he was taking the news, and wondering why he hadn't sworn at anyone for almost 5 minutes now. Angel soon recieved his answer. There on the sofa was Spike, curled up, still clutching the pink teddy bear in his hands. Buffy followed Angel's gaze and Xander stood up and walked out of the room with a grin on his face.

"awww isn't he soooo cute?"

"erm, Spike, cute? I wouldn't let him call you that if I were you" Willow warned her

"I think we are missing the point here, about you lot cheating"

"Oh well, it was just a bit of fun"

"FUN?" At this sound Spike woke up with a start and realised that he was still holding the bear. However with his eyes still shut he couldn't work out what had woken him up so he just curled up tighter with the bear and went back to sleep.

Buffy was in fits of giggles when Xander came back into the room, now holding a camera. This was going to be enough to blackmail Spike for the next twenty years.