Promises Made

Disclaimer: Any recognizable character is owned by CBS, creators, producers, etc., not me.

Rating:M (some language)

Author''s Note: Each chapter is told from a different character's POV.

All reviews welcomed & appreciated.


As I stir, I squirm and stretch causing Tim's arm to reflexively tighten around my waist, as if he thinks I might be leaving. I open my eyes, look over at the clock and see I've woken a good half hour before the alarm. I lean back into Tim's embrace, and lie still, wondering if I've woken him, when his soft voice provides the answer.

"I know you're awake," he whispers, and I feel his warm breath on my neck which causes a shiver down my back. I turn over to face him, meeting his lips with mine.

"Mornin'. " I greet him with a smile, happy to awaken in his arms every morning. "Do you notice we're alone?" I ask between kisses, while caressing his stubbled cheek with one hand and weaving my other through his unruly, dark hair.

"No nighttime visitors, that's a surprise," he answers back, now moving his lips to my neck, my weak spot, one he knows well and takes advantage of often.

"And did you also notice it's still quiet in the rest of the house?" I ask, hoping he gets the hint, he usually does.

"Mmmm. Maybe we should take advantage of the quiet, don't ya think?" he responds, lightly caressing my back and nuzzling my neck.

"You read my mind," I tell him while playfully tugging on the waistband of his shorts.

"I'll latch the door," he answers, his voice soft, quietly getting out of bed, eagerly discarding his shorts on the way to the door, providing me with a good look, and reminding me what an extremely sexy husband I have, one I simply cannot get enough of.

Lying wrapped in his arms, I'm blissfully happy, grateful I awoke before the alarm, and I think I could just stay here like this all day. I hold up my left hand to admire the continuous circle of diamonds that rests between my wedding band and engagement ring, watching how they catch the sunlight streaming in through the window and sparkle. The eternity band was a surprise gift Tim gave me last month for our tenth wedding anniversary. I still can't believe it's been ten years! When he gave it to me he told me he chose an eternity band because that's how long he hopes we're together. Every time I look at it I think about how lucky I am to be married to him.

Tim's not much of a romantic, not in the traditional hearts and flowers way, but every so often he manages to sweep me off my feet. The first time was when he proposed to me in a parking lot in the middle of the day. That doesn't sound too romantic, except it was the parking lot where we had shared our first kiss, on our first date, just one month earlier and it was completely unexpected. He told me he had known from that first kiss that he wanted us to be together forever. He completely swept me off my feet that sunny afternoon. I said 'yes' without hesitation, I just knew we were meant to be together.

"What'cha thinking?" he asks, interrupting my thoughts.

"Oh, that I could stay in your arms all day all day and that I love my new ring and I love you." I lift myself up to kiss him when the sound of footsteps and a lot of giggling becomes apparent, reminding me why staying in bed all day isn't an option.

"I love you too, now get up," he says, rolling me off him and dropping a quick kiss on my forehead, before grabbing his shorts and heading for the door. Likewise I reach for my discarded shorts and tank top before the invasion. He opens the door and two identical blonde moppets come charging in, jumping up on the bed.

"Morning Daddy, Morning Mommy," we are greeted in stereo, as they scramble over to my side of the bed where two sets of small arms wrap themselves around me. Our six year old twin daughters were a complete surprise, an overwhelming, yet wonderful surprise. The first two years were a bit hectic, to say the least, but we muddled through and I can't imagine my life without them. We get double of everything, good and bad, but it's been mostly good and we consider ourselves doubly blessed.

Tim comes out of the bathroom and grabs one twin to his front, while the other climbs on his back. "I'll make breakfast, you get ready," he calls to me while heading to the kitchen. That's my cue to hit the shower.

While pregnant, I cut back on my hours at work, and quit going to crime scenes all together. Tim put his foot down about that, leading to one of our only really big fights. I understood where he was coming from, I would never do anything to endanger what I knew was considered a high risk pregnancy, I just didn't like being told what to do by my husband, no matter how much I love him. Gratefully, all went well and the twins were delivered close to term.

Now I keep the hours and days of my choosing, which works out well for me. Horatio tells me he'd rather have my ballistics expertise part time, then not at all. I would never quit working all together, I love everything about my job, but twins, a husband and a house keep me busy. I can't keep the hours Tim keeps anymore, there are too many other things I want to do, like volunteer at the girls' school, take them to their ballet classes, and just be there for them as much as possible while they're still young.

I spend most of my work hours in the ballistics lab or the firing range, going to crime scenes only sporadically. I miss field work a little, but I know Tim prefers me in the lab, though he's learned not to tell me that. Smart man.

I'm hearing quite a clatter in the kitchen, which means Tim is cooking something instead of giving the girls cereal. Hopefully he'll remember to clean up his mess, I hate it when he leaves it for me. Oh well, I'm going to take my shower in peace while I still can before it's my turn to take over for Tim.

He thoughtfully brings me my coffee while I finish dressing, knowing I need my morning caffeine and exactly how I like it prepared. "Thanks Babe," I say, but when I turn to look at him I notice he's looking rather annoyed and exasperated, a patented Tim look I know well. Uh oh, this can't be good.

"Anything you forgot to mention to me?" he asks without humor, standing against the wall, arms crossed, eyes narrowed, eyebrows raised.

Hmmm. I wrack my brain trying to think what it might be, no dings in the car, no over drawn checks, remembered to grocery shop...

Noticing my perplexed look he offers, "If I 'meow' will that help?"

Oops. I knew there was something I kept putting off. I can't help but smile at the look on his face even though I know that will annoy him further.

"They told you, huh?" I ask, already knowing the answer. He's not amused and his displeasure is indeed apparent on his face.

"Oh yes. Apparently," this word he draws out, "their... mother..." and this word he exaggerates, "told them their father was all that stood in the way of a lifetime of happiness with," and I quote, "the cutest kittens in the world, who already love us and come to their names when we call them." I start to speak, but he shakes his head, he's obviously not done. "And," he pauses for effect, " if they don't come home with us they will be abandoned forever, and I imagine this, of course, would be my fault."

"Tim, I never said that to them!" I protest in vain.

"Calleigh you set me up! Obviously you've known for awhile about these damn cats that they seem to have their hearts set on . You could have mentioned it to me ahead of time." Tim's not crazy about cats. At all. He's allergic as well.

"I kept forgetting. I'm sorry, honest." I walk to where he's standing. "You said 'yes', huh?" I ask with a smile, again already knowing the answer.

"Of course I said 'yes', I even promised," he says with exasperation. "I thought they were going to cry. They looked pathetic, like they expected me to say 'no' and break their hearts or something. I don't like cats, but I'm not a complete jerk. It seemed pretty important to them. You know I have a hard time saying 'no' to them... or you, for that matter." He just shakes his head, arms still folded against his chest and tries to hide the small smile tugging on his lips.

I do know. And I'm having a hard time not laughing. He's complete putty in their hands, and if they cry, forget it. They're still so innocent, they have no idea the power they have over him, I, however, do.

"Are you mad?" I inquire, leaning in as close to him as I can and raising up for a kiss. Mmmm, I taste maple syrup, he must've made pancakes.

"What do you think?" he asks, wrapping his arms around me, his eyes shining, his expression softer now.

"Hmmm, A bit annoyed, not mad," I decide, knowing him as I do.

"You got it." He kisses me again. "Good thing I love you."

Good thing, I think as well. Good thing.

"Oh, by the way, you have to make lunches, and there was some vague mention of a missing library book and an angry librarian, you might want to look into that," he tells me. As he heads to the shower he adds with a smirk," the kitchen is a bit of a mess."

"OK, now I'm a bit annoyed Tim. Good thing I love you," I call after him. I can hear his chuckle.

"Good thing," he calls back before shutting the door.

It's a busy crime day in Miami, and the team is spread pretty thin when Horatio reaches me on my cell. Tim and Eric are at the scene of a messy homicide on the beach, Horatio is unexpectedly detained in court and wonders if I can give Ryan a hand at the scene of a gunfight in a parking lot. I'm caught up in the lab and not due to pick the girls up for hours, so I'm happy to lend a hand, actually looking forward to being in the field again. Not wanting to bother him at the scene, I decide to leave Tim a message on his cell, grab my stuff and head out.

It's a beautiful day today and it's great to get a chance to be outside. It doesn't take long to reach my destination, I park, grab my kit and look around for Ryan. A single gunshot pierces the air. I drop my kit and try to reach my gun, but I'm not quick enough and I feel myself being thrown to the ground.

There's no pain, just this heavy pressure and I'm not sure at first what it is. I'm starting to have a lot of trouble breathing and can feel my heart racing. There's a lot of activity around me, and a lot of voices, but I'm having trouble making sense of it all. It's starting to dawn on me that this can't be good, then I remember the gunshot, and feel panic wash over me.

I'm trying to breathe, but I'm just gasping, and I can feel what must be blood in my throat and mouth making me choke. I'm really scared and wish Tim were here with me. It's hard to see, everything is blurry. I'm trying to get my mouth to work, but I can't speak and breathe at the same time. My need for Tim is overwhelming. Where is he? I'm so cold, I'm not sure I've ever felt this cold before. I need Tim here to warm me up. I feel very sleepy, I'm not sure how much longer I can stay awake.

OK, I can feel him with me now. I keep trying to make my mouth work, "Tim," finally comes out of my mouth, sounding more like a gasping breath than a word, but it's all I can manage. It was a struggle to get it out, using most of my dwindling energy. I can see him now, it seems as if he's really far away, like in a dream, but if he's here, it's OK, and I feel calmer suddenly, no longer panicked. I try to squeeze his hand, I'm no longer fighting to get every breath out, then everything goes black.