34. Angels

Not far away from the castle lay the sea. Water that would welcome her. It would embrace her and never let go. That was the way Lily wanted it. The only right way. She walked into the water, taking only slow steps. Her fear of what would be waiting for her after it was obvious.

More tears came running out of her eyes. But she had to do it. The small waves surrounded now the lower part of her dress. The colors matched perfectly with the water. Only her reddish hair made the contrast.

Lily could feel herself start to tremble. Everything around her felt like it was freezing.

Leaning against a rock she ripped her cross necklace and ring of off her. Everything was the people´s doing. Because of a few different looks and ways of life they killed and said it was god´s will.

Still she could feel the pain from all the torture she had to bear. Lily thought about everything that could have been without the witch hunt, how it had been before. She was going to make a final cut. The choice had been given to her once before but she had made the wrong choice.

It had caused her nothing but tears and a broken heart. Her long hair was almost touching the water as she looked down at herself.

Looking back up at the sky her eyes focused on a black point at the cloudy sky. The sun was shining though, so it shattered her hope for the point being Vladislaus. Perhaps a bird that was free compared to her.

The creature got closer by the second. Lily couldn´t turn her gaze away from it. It seemed as if her legs were moving automatically.

She stepped out of the water and back on the steady ground. Water dripping from the fabric of her dress.

The thing was now in a low distance. Her heart started beating quickly in joy. It was him! Lily began to run, almost quicker than her feet could carry her. As the cloaked figure approached it wasn´t the vampire she used to know.

Instead of his hell beast form Dracula had two black feather wings growing out of his back.

She couldn´t believe her eyes. Lily kept walking two more steps until she stood directly in front of him. As if he would disappear when she came too close she placed a hand on his cheek softly. "It´s really you", she whispered. Tears of joy sprung into her eyes as he pulled her into his embrace.

"Why?... Why didn´t you try to find me?... Why...", her voice trailed off. Rubbing her back in comfort he tried to explain: "I thought you wouldn´t forgive me after all I did... and didn´t do." Dracula placed two of his fingers under her chin.

"I´m sorry... I´m so terribly sorry, Lily. But it were your tears of love that brought me back here. I thought you would forget me during the years."

Lily shook her head. "I could never forget you. And I could also never stop loving you... I forgive you for everything but please don´t leave me again!" She was getting hysterical again. He leaned down and kissed her lips. It had been so long since the last time.

"I love you", Vladislaus said softly. Lily smiled warmly at that. But all too soon her smile turned into a playful one. The one he loved about her so.

"You do?", she asked, smiling even wider. "Then... Catch me!"

With that she turned around and ran from him, laughing all the way. Dracula smiled. He finally had her back. His only love. His angel. She had done so much for him by making him an angel too. Now this love was meant to be.

"Hey? You´ll never get me like that!", she laughed and stopped in her tracks. This ripped him completey out of his thoughts. "Lily, you know that I´m faster!" - "No!", she replied jokingly.

"Then you´ll find out soon!", he warned her playfully and started chasing after her. Now he knew what heaven was like.

The End

Well, guys, that was Witch Hunt! I really enjoyed writing. And I got 200 reviews! I never expected that it would feel so awesome. So, time to say thank you (in no specified order): Fortune Zyne, Princess Airiana, Remember, Angel of Freedom, Black Garnet, HughJackmanFan, movieluver, Lucky, Velfin, Haunting Whispers, Alucardspet, XtheXpowerXofXmusicX, Countess Alana, DraculasLover, Lily Black, Catlover15489, SlytherinGurl4Life, Gem, Witch isit, word junky, francesca and V.

Well, guys, that was Witch Hunt! I really enjoyed writing. And I got 200 reviews! I never expected that it would feel so awesome. So, time to say thank you (in no specified order):

Phew! I think that was everyone who ever supported me with one or more reviews. THNX GUYS! At the end I want to say again that if someone wants some lyrics I only mentioned in my stories then I´ll send em to him.

The next story I´m gonna post will be the Oceanborn sequel "Ocean Gypsy". I hope you´re looking forward just as I do. Until then (again huge THANKS for making my dream with 200 reviews come true), See ya later,
