OK this story has nothing to do with the games...Yet it's just a few chapters on a story i found enjoyable to right soooo oh and can you guess who me favorite character is in this story

read and enjoy..oh i dont own Dmc or any of the characters in it...damn disclaimers



There was high tension it was so thick it could be cut with a knife. It was quiet too, the eerie quiet, death quiet. Noises from the surrounding walls hardly dared to creak and click. The large room was humid with anticipation for the others defeat. The windows had misted and condensation ran down the walls.

The brothers starred at each other. Penetrating blue eyed gazed against penetrating blue eyed gaze. Sweat had moistened their moonlight coloured hair. It ran down their cheeks, necks, arms, and chests.

Dante breathed through his teeth in a smile and brushed his hand across his forehead. Vergil smiled at one corner of his mouth and blinked a sweat drop from his eyes. Both men had worked themselves to exhaustion each determined to defeat the other.

"This is it Dante!" sneered Vergil. "Prepare to meet your maker!"

"Just bring it arsehole!" jeered Dante.

Vergil laughed hysterically as his hands rushed forward. Dante cried out in shock at the speed and accuracy of the attack. He was shaken and staggered back.


"Yes!" hissed Vergil.




"YES! Face it Dante, I win."

"Don't say it." begged Dante falling to his knees. "Please don't say it."

Vergil smiled. He liked the creature his brother had become and flourished in his victory, the anticipation was a rush.

"Please V, Don't say it."


Dante squealed and rested his chin on the table. In between them sat an old chess set with Vergil's black knights clearly checkmating Dante's King.

"That make 408 wins to me and ZERO for you!" smiled Vergil marking a small piece of paper. "So I collect the prize. The Last Bagel."

Dante whimpered as he watched his brother prepare and begin eating the breakfast snack. Vergil was doing it deliberately slowly and when he started eating Dante couldn't take it anymore.

"You bastard!" he cried and rushed at his older twin.

Vergil desperate to keep his bagel defended while Dante was on the attack. Both youths fought well and where evenly matched.

well can you guess

R&R pleaze

Luv ya if ya do...oh yeah no one in the making of this chapter where harmed...accept Dante's pride