a/n: New chapter very soon, I know.

Lil was hiding in her closet with the kitchen scissors, repeatedly cutting her wrists in agony. "Why can't I be popular like Kimi? Why doesn't Tommy notice me? Why doesn't anyone like me anymore?" she repeated to herself. After she was done, Lil bandaged the cuts and casually threw on her black sweatshirt. She walked out the door and slammed it behind her. As Lil walked by Tommy's house, she stopped to watch the two silhouettes in his bedroom window.

Kimi and Tommy were in his room.

"Kimi, it's not that I don't love you, it's just..."

"You're dumping me," she said dejectedly. "I'll let myself out, thank you." She started for the door.


"Forget it, I've got stuff to do." She slammed the door and walked outside. When she saw Lil's pained expression, she yelled across the street, "He's yours now! Be careful, he might break your heart!" She ran off into the sunset, going somewhere far away.

Lil rang the doorbell. A short 13-year-old with orange hair answered the door wearing a tuxedo. "Oh, hi, Lil. Tommy's in his room."

"Thanks, Dil. Where are you going?"

"What do ya mean?"

"Why are you wearing a tux?"

"This? I just didn't wanna get my good clothes messy."

"Right." Lil still didn't catch on. She went up the stairs and knocked on Tommy's door.


"It's Lil. Can I come in?"


She opened the door. Tommy lay on his bed videotaping the ceiling. "Hi, Lil. Sorry about Dil, he's been painting a mural on the side of our house."

"So I've noticed. Does he always wear a tux, though?"

"Yeah, he's still the odd child in the family."

"Um, sorry about what happened with Kimi..."

"Forget about her. It's about time 'Perfect Kimi' had something go wrong in her life."

"Is that why you broke up with her?"

"Kind of."

"Tommy, can you keep a secret?"

"It depends. What happened?"

Lil rolled up her sleeves and ripped off the bandages on her arms.

"Lil! What did you do?"

"I guess cutting myself makes me feel better, but I can't stop. If I tell Mom, she'll send me into therapy. If I tell Phil, he'll go ballistic. I need help."

"Why are you depressed anyway?"

"Because you always liked Kimi so much because she was perfect. And I'm just a..."

"Lil, just because Kimi's popular doesn't mean I don't like you."


"Don't worry, I'll help you stop...uh...your habit if you promise not to tell Kimi."

"Tell Kimi? Are you still attached to her?"

"No. She'll just kill me if I hang out with you."

Meanwhile, Kimi was at the school alone, sitting on the window ledge. She was thinking of ways to manipulate Tommy into feeling sorry for her. "That idiot Lil ruined my life! I'll get back at her..."

a/n: Bad chapter, but I'm bored.