.::Learn To Fly::. Chapter 15

.::Learn To Fly::.

Chapter 15

*A Year Later*

Matt ran a nervous hand through his hair and paced back in forth in the locker room as Jeff looked on amused.

Matt, do you think you can stop because I'm pretty sure if you continue you are actually going to wear the proverbial hole in the carpet. He said laughing as he got up and put an arm around his older brother.

Jeff if you were about to propose to your girlfriend in front of thirty thousand people, not to mention a home audience of millions, you would be a little nervous too. Matt said as he began biting his nails.

Jeff laughed as he looked on and proceeded to go call all their friends into the room to witness Matt's nervousness for themselves.


Would you just stop Tabitha? You look absolutely beautiful. Why are you so nervous tonight? Carrie asked as they made their way from the bathroom at the Charlotte Coliseum.

I don't know really. I just have this feeling that my life is about to change and that something important is going to happen to me tonight. She said as she shrugged her jacket back on and made her way to the ring side seats that Matt and Jeff had snagged them for the night.

Tabitha looked to her right and caught sight of Adam standing in the entranceway of the building.

Hey Adam, when are Matt and Jeff going on? She asked as she walked up to them.

Adam saw her and smiled a devilish smile that sent a sparkle to his eyes.

They should be going on within the next twenty minutes Tabs. How are you feeling tonight? He asked as he placed an arm around her shoulders.

Tabitha looked at him oddly, he had that I know something you don't know' look and Tabitha wasn't sure if she trusted him.

Adam, what do you know that I don't? She asked as he sneakily began to back away and disappear into the back.

Nothing sweetie, have fun tonight babes. He said as he smiled and closed the door.

Tabitha and Carrie looked at one another with quizzical looks on their faces.

What exactly was that? Tabitha asked as she and Carrie made their way back to their seats.

Not exactly sure, but I really wanna know. Carrie commented as they had a seat in their section.


Matt and Jeff were standing behind the Titantron waiting for their music to be cued. Jeff was still taking great enjoyment about seeing his older brother get so nervous about what he was going to do. Most of the WWF had been saying they would be married before now, but Matt had been to much of a wuss to ask her.

Matt rolled his neck around, trying to loosen the muscles up. He closed his eyes and got a mental picture of Tabitha's smiling face, which immediately caused him to relax. Thinking about his family out there and all their friends, not to mention the people at home, caused him to tense up again. Suddenly proposing near his home didn't seem as good an idea as when he first had it.

Jeff came up behind his brother and gave him an affectionate pat on the back before giving him some advice.

Just remember, I'm here for ya buddy. If you pass out, I got your back. I'll propose to Tabs and then we can live happily ever after. Jeff said as he skipped around Matt's body.

She doesn't go for the rainbow look little buddy. Now step aside. I've gotta propose. he said as their music hit and they made their way onto the ramp.

Going down the ramp, Matt's eyes searched for Tabitha and his family. He pointed to each of them and sent a sweet smile Tabitha's way. They got in the ring and climbed onto the ropes as they made the gun signs. Jeff laughed as he saw Carrie do them back to him with a crazy look on her face. Finkel came to the middle of the ring and handed Matt the microphone. He took a deep breath before forging on.

What you're about to hear doesn't really have much at all to do with wrestling or even the WWF. I'm stepping out of character to ask a very special person in my life a question. Tabs can you come up her for a sec? Matt asked as he looked toward Jeff who went and picked Tabitha out of the audience.

Tabitha had tears in her eyes as Jeff helped her into the ring and gave her a slight push toward his brother. She walked over to Matt who stood in the middle and smiled up at him, even though she was shaking like a leaf.

Tabs, I met you when I least expected anything significant to happen in my life. I had just about given up on love and spending the rest of my life with that one person. Then I walked into Tony's and it was like Angels came down from the sky when I saw you. As Jeff would say, I wanted to cue the love ballad right there. Matt said as he held her face in his hand.

Tabitha's mind was reeling. Never in her life did she think something like this would happen. She was pretty sure about what he was going to ask, but if she wished for it too much, she was afraid that something would happen and he would automatically poof into thin air.

I badgered Tony for your phone number and thank God he had no problem giving it to me. Even talking to you for those brief moments you waited on us, I knew that you were the one. Somehow I just had to make you see that. I have trusted you with so many things in the past year and a half. I have given you all of myself and I have tried to give the best of everything because quite frankly you mean the world to me and there is nothing humanly possible that I wouldn't do for you.

Tabitha's eyes started to water and it became apparent to her that you could hear a pin drop in the Coliseum. Thirty thousand people and the only person you could hear was Matt.

I don't know what else to say Tabs. Jeff loves you to death, as does my father, and all my friends. You are so much more than any other man could ask for. So will you do me the honor of being my wife. Will you accept my heart, that I willing give to you, and teach me how to fly with it? He asked as he nervously pulled the ring from his pocket.

Tabitha gazed at him with tears streaming down her face and it amazed her when she could feel the tension in the room as everyone waited with baited breath to hear what she was going to say. Taking a deep breath and smiling tenderly at Matt, she got down on her knees exactly how he was.

Yes Matt, I will be your wife and help you learn to fly. She said as the entire house erupted in cheers.

Matt let out a breath that he hadn't even known he was holding and gathered her in his arms before slipping the ring on her finger. Taking her face in his hands, he bent down and gave her a deep kiss.

I love you so much Tabitha. Thank you for making me the happiest man on earth. He said as he picked her up and swung her around.

I love you too baby, I love you too.