A Lover's Loss


I mourned for her. I couldn't bring myself to eat anything for days. A peaceful and untroubled sleep seemed so distant into the past. Memories of her are always soaring through my mind, bringing tears to my eyes. There just seems no point to continue living…All those memories bring so much pain and grief with them, but those memories have also kept me from taking my own life with the single deadly thrust of a blade. As easy as that would be, she died in my place, and if I were to perish as well, her death would have been in vain. The person who did this…They will die a painful death by my hand. Another kiss will never touch my lips, I will never love again. If nothing else, my longing for revenge and the hatred I feel, shall be my reason to continue living in this cruel and meaningless world. I will never forget her last words, "I love you and I'm not afraid." Then her beautiful blue eyes misted over in death and her body fell limp as I knelt by her side, letting my tears fall heavily.


A year had come to pass since the last heir to the throne had died, Princess Zelda. Her father, the last king of Hyrule, had been murdered several days before her life was taken. No one was left to take the throne, who was of the royal blood line. Everyone wanted that high seat of power and extreme wealth, but there was no absolute way to decide, for there was no one with that kind of authority. Hyrule had slipped into a chaotic period and until a ruler is found, and they may not slip back out.

Link was now 17. After living through an alternate future and becoming a Hero, and being sent back and reliving those seven years he missed, with few who know of what he did for Hyrule, nothing could compare with the agony he felt for the loss of his beloved Zelda. He was young to have come to such a point in love, but while reliving those seven years, they had grown to be the best of friends, and a passionate relationship had soon developed out of that. The wheels of time are turning, and the time is coming for the Hero of Time to be known by all.

I'm so tired of being here
suppressed by all of my childish fears
and if you have to leave
I wish that you would just leave
because your presence still lingers here
and it won't leave me alone

these wounds won't seem to heal
this pain is just too real
there's just too much that time cannot erase

when you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
when you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
and I've held your hand through all of these years
but you still have all of me

you used to captivate me
by your resonating light
but now I'm bound by the life you left behind
your face it haunts my once pleasant dreams
your voice it chased away all the sanity in me

these wounds won't seem to heal
this pain is just too real
there's just too much that time cannot erase

when you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
when you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
and I've held your hand through all of these years
but you still have all of me

I've tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone
and though you're still with me
I've been alone all along

Chapter 1

So it Begins...

Dark clouds rolled over the sun, casting everything in shadow, as if warning of an impending doom upon the people of Hyrule.

A young teenaged boy, riding a top a gallant red horse, rode at a steady pace across the vast fields of Hyrule, heading for the market. A slight breeze ruffled his blonde hair gently, and his blue eyes missed none of his surroundings. The draw bridge was just up ahead, and he brought his horse to a stop next to it. He hopped nimbly off, and stroked the horses' neck, "I will call when I need you, Epona." He whispered.

The horse seemed to understand and galloped into the distance to find a good grazing location. Link turned and strode into the market area. It was buzzing with people trying to make last minute purchases and trades before the foretold storm came and unleashed its massive fury over the lands.

Link noticed store keepers were beginning to put closed signs on their doors. Obviously wanting to get home before the storm hit. The first drops of rain began to fall, becoming gradually harder. Link hurried under an overhang as it began pouring heavily. People began scattering in all directions heading for their homes or some kind of shelter. It didn't take long for the market to be completely deserted. Link sighed, what he had come for would have to wait for another day. He was about to dash out into the pelting rain, when suddenly he heard shouts. He couldn't see much through the thick drops of water, and stood there waiting.

Suddenly a figure bundled tightly in a drenched black cloak dashed straight into him. He staggered backwards into the wall, and the person pulled their hood down and looked at him. She had the oddest light pink eyes and long auburn hair, that clung to her face like cobwebs. She looked about his age. Her eyes had a pleading look in them, "Please help me…" she whispered. "Please…"

"Help you from what?" he asked calmly.

"They're coming…" she whispered.

"Who's com----" A stalfos suddenly appeared with it's dagger like sword ready to strike. It grabbed the girl by her neck and lifted her off the ground.

Link drew his sword and hacked its arm off, and the girl fell to the ground. Link easily finished it off with another sword thrust.

Stalfos haven't been around since…Since Ganondorf's defeat…

Lightning ripped through the sky, and a loud clash of thunder made it sound like Death Mountain had erupted. His long ears picked up the sound of clanking armor that was very close. Soon a whole pack of stalfos were running towards them. He took one glance at the unconscious form of the girl, and braced himself. He ran a few feet forward and shoved off the ground. He did a front flip and landed in the middle of the stalfos, with his sword drawn in a fighting stance.

The stalfos formed a close ring around him. Link timed the moment for when they were close enough to him and swung his sword high in a circle taking off the stalfos' heads. Their heads plopped to the ground in shattered, followed by their headless bodies.

Easy enough.

Link scooped up the girl and held her close, and then took off running to Kokiriko Village as fast as he could. The rain showed no mercy, and beat relentlessly upon them. He did his best to shield the girl's body from the onslaught of the rain and was soon skipping steps as he sprinted up them to Kokiriko Village, planning on staying at the hotel. Later he would find out what was going on. He ran to the building that had a big sign reading, 'Kokiriko Inn,' and hurriedly went inside.

A middle-aged woman standing behind the large oak desk took one look at them and instantly started talking, "Oh my goodness what happened to her? She's so pale…And look she's shivering…Follow me, I'll take care of her for the night. I refuse to take any payment, you may have a room to stay in as well."

A sturdy wooden door was behind the desk, and she led Link through it, indicating him to lay her down on the bed. The woman handed him a key, "There's just one more room open, but you can have it, room numbers on it, go on, there should be towels in your room."

"Thank you---" Link began.

"No need. Be off with you, before you catch a disease."

Link didn't need any more convincing, he quickly went to the room given to him. After drying off, he slid into the bed and somehow aloud the sleep to come that always brought back the things that troubled him most, but the strangest thing came to his mind. The look in the girl's eyes…He had seen sorrow and pain hidden there…Reminding him so much of himself…


The morning came, taking any signs away that a storm had passed. Link crawled out of bed and headed down to the room the girl was in. He silently opened the door. The girl sat up on her bed. He could tell she had been crying. She looked sadly at him and indicated him to sit down in the chair next to the bed.

After he took a seat, she took a deep breath and began. "My name is Alexis…What do they call you?"

"Link…" he replied.

"Thank you for helping me, Link."

"Why were stalfos coming after you?"

"Well…I kinda stole something…But I don't understand why me and Chunk---" tears welled up in her eyes when she said his name and stopped talking. Link sat there awkwardly not knowing what to say to comfort her. She continued, "My friend…Chunk and I were captured by that evil demon…But we tried to make an escape…I wish I had never stopped to steal this worthless piece of crap." She held up a necklace that had a black jewel hanging from the end of it. "Chunk would still be here…" Her breath came in ragged sobs.

Link finally said something, "I'm sorry about this Chunk person…Who is this 'evil demon' as you called them?"

"Her name is Malika." Alexis didn't seem to notice the look of shock and anger on Link's face as she said Malika. "She believes she is destined to take the throne of Hyrule, but she kept saying something about once the last person alive who is of the royal blood line is dead, there wouldn't be much to stop her from taking the throne---"

"But there is no one of the royal family still alive." Link cut in.

"That's what I thought…But apparently not, as Malika believes. Who it could be…I have no idea whatsoever."

Link tensed. Something didn't feel right, as if something bad was about to take place. He looked out the window behind Alexis, and instantly noticed the sky over the inn was pitch black, everywhere else the sky was cloudless and clear blue.

"We need to get out of here now." Link grabbed Alexis's arm, before she could ask questions, and dragged her out of the inn.

"What's going on?" Alexis snapped completely confused.

Soon Link could make out something black shooting down from the sky. He ran farther away from the inn and stood back. He watched in horror as a black beam crashed down on the inn, and caused utter destruction. The inn had been practically full…That's what the lady had said…That meant…More death…Alexis stood next to him staring at the remains of the inn in total shock. All that remained of the inn was smoldering remains of ash.


First off the disclaimer so I don't forget, I DO NOT own Legend of Zelda or Evanescence.

Ok peeps, was it good, bad, ok, or absolutely horrible? Constructive criticism is completely welcome, but no flames plz and thank you. Just plz REVIEW! I said plz…I'll try to update chapter 2 ASAP so yeah.
