Title: Lest He Becomes Part 2

Author: Kiki-0400

Pairings: Not going to disclose, read & find out

Disclaimer: You want to know what I own… Nothing, I own nothing. The only thing I own is the character Joey; I also have the pleasure of putting these characters in my story, don't sue for Christ sakes, DON'T SUE!

Summary: It all starts at the end of "Lest He Becomes" note: Emma does not die, but someone does, or do they?

Hint: Brennan has developing feelings for Shal as you know, just wanted to clear that up

Chapter 1: Dying

Everybody was hanging onto the edge of the Naxcon building (or what's left of it) for dear life, holding on to the only hope that they don't slip and fall to their death. Emma, Jesse, Adam and Nick got off of the awful building and were back on safe land, only Shalimar and Brennan were on the building and trying their best to get to safety.

"How you doing Shal" Brennan asked trying his hardest not to let go of his tight grip on the edge of the building.

"Could've been better" Shal asked with a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

"Come on you guys, just a little further" Emma yelled reassuringly.

"Yeah Em, can you stop with the assurances" Brennan yelled back.

Just then Brennan lost his grip just for a moment and his hand slipped off of the edge. Shalimar let go of the edge with one hand and grabbed Brennan's arm. She gladly placed his hand back on the edge not knowing that her grip was decreasing.

"Thanks" Brennan said getting up onto the ground.

"Brennan, I'm slipping" Shal stated as her hands gave way and she let go.

"No you don't" Brennan replied as he grabbed her wrist.

Shalimar started crying as Brennan pulled at her wrist but it wasn't helping. With every tug Shalimar fell all little farther. After a few minutes of pulling Shalimar's wrist couldn't take it and Brennan tried to switch arms but when he let go of Shal she fell down into oblivion.

"Shalimar, NO!" Adam and Nick yelled in unison.

Brennan just fell to his knees in defeat as his mind tried to come around the idea of losing Shalimar. Emma just fell into Jess's arms crying and making Jesse's shirt even more wet.

Shalimar was gone and nothing could've changed it.

A/N: sorry for short chapter. Cliffhanger, come on guys I'm not that mean. Shal is not dead. Review, Review, Review, DON'T LIKE IT, DON'T REVIEW!