"I have to go home Jordan. My parents are going to freak out if I'm not home by ten, and it's nine thirty." Maureen Stabler told her boyfriend of three months.

"Can't you stay a little later? Your dad doesn't get home 'til late." Jordan begged, one of the reasons Maureen loved him; he could be so cute at times.

Jordan led his fingers down Maureen's back. They had come back from the movies at about eight and sat on Jordan's bed talking ever since. Jordan moved closer to Maureen, he had hoped tonight they would become intimate.

"What are you doing?" Maureen asked when Jordan started to kiss her.

"I thought maybe it was time to start kissing." Jordan said.

"My dad would kill me but he couldn't find out, so I guess it's ok." Maureen said and they started making out. They were making out when Jordan pulled up Maureen's dress and he started to have sex with Maureen."

"What are you doing? Stop, I only want to make out. No sex!" Maureen yelled but Jordan didn't listen he kept going.

Jordan finally got off and said, "What did you say?"

"I said stop you idiot! I'm leaving and I probably won't be back!" Maureen yelled furiously, she could see marks on Jordan where she scratched him and when she look down she saw her dress was torn. Maureen angrily stomped out of Jordan's apartment (Jordan lived with his parents, but they were out for the weekend.)

Here the SVU theme would play