Well what do you know? I updated. Geez. everyone's nagging me to update the things, so I'll try to do that, and make them good despite that I'm not into beyblade anymore. But I'll do my best –nods-
disclaimer: don't own Beyblade but I own the idea of the story :)
chapter 4
On the move
Half asleep, Takao lay by the fire, looking up at the black sky. It had been a couple of hours since he and the others had left the now ruined sanctuary behind. Maxine still hadn't woken up; seemingly being in some sort of coma which Rei had explained probably was because electrical waves had gone through his brain when the defences were broken.
Sighing, the young half-breed turned over on his side, hissing as he did so. His chest still was hurting and the deep purple colour hadn't shifted in shade if not to a darker hue.
A small rustle made him turn his gaze up; noticing that the Neko-jin was back from wherever he'd went. He was graceful to watch when he moved, features being tanned beautifully and the muscles were strong yet slim, making him extremely elegant. He also had the way of a cat, both with clawing on trees, hunting down and playing with his pray (though he'd been worse when he was younger) and even to clean himself, which was amusing to watch.
The feline now had his ears to his head again with a slight frown, tail wagging back and fourth before he sat down by the fire, turning his gaze directly at the clearly awake boy.
"You should get some sleep" he informed the younger boy.
"I know…but I can't." was the reply the neko received, making him sigh. "Have you seen Kai?"
"No, I have not…" Rei gritted his teeth slightly and Takao knew he suspected the demon to have left them there; in the middle of no where. Although the feline would be able to survive, he couldn't carry around two hurt people.
"He'll show up" Takao said hopefully, too tired to have his stubborn attitude.
The other didn't look too convinced though nodded with a small sigh.
"Go to sleep" he demanded shortly and lay down, curling up with his tail around him, right next to Maxine.
The small half demon rolled over on his stomach with a winch and looked at the grass moving in the wind. It was nice. In the city there never was any grass. Or, there was some grass but not that high.
When he was little, there had been more grassy and green areas, but that had changed with time. Nowadays, or yesterdays as it was, the concrete had spread in all sanctuaries, making them seem more like prisons than sanctuaries to the half demon.
A rustle in the leaves made him look up slightly, and to smile when he could spot the fiery bird demon land some distance away. He hadn't abandoned them, and for some reason, that made Takao happy as he lay his head down again and fell asleep shortly after.
The sun had just risen over the horizon, sending a shadowlike light over the woods. The birds were singing on their melodies and the water in the grass had started to dry up. It was a truly beautiful sight, but despite all of it, it went by unnoticed by the demon who currently was sitting in a tree, looking down on the others.
His eyes graced over them, measuring their character, strength and weakness. The blonde with the metal attachments which had been referred to as Misuhara Maxine was a bit thin, though looked average in strength. His intelligence must be over the ordinary though, and annoyingly enough, he probably was the happy-going type.
The neko-jin was fast and well-trained, also very fierce beneath the calm surface, and Kai had promptly made the decision to just stay out of his way. He didn't like cats, for obvious reasons, and he happened to know another who wouldn't either.
The half-breed, Kinomiya Takao was pretty fast and agile, but clumsy all the same. He was also somewhat nervous and snappy, but being a half demon that could be over seen with. In difference from most humans and most of his own kind, half-breeds didn't bother Kai, rather the opposite with them being what connected demons and humans, and hopefully would bring an end to the pointless war that had started.
He shock his head with a sigh and looked up on the sky. It was time for them to move.
He jumped down from the tree to them and stomped on the fire to put it out, the small phoenix Dranzer landing on his shoulder.
Rei pointed his ears up and opened his eyes at the rustle, only to squint them in annoyance at Kai.
"So you didn't leave us." he said, a bit dryly even for him.
"Does it look like it, kitty?" Kai replied, not caring about the irritated look caused by the nick he received. "Wake them up. We're leaving." he said and started walking.
The feline growled slightly and stretched on all four with a yawn, then wagged his tail slightly before shaking Takao a little.
"Wake up."
It had no effect on the sleeping teen who just kept sleeping, causing Rei to hiss slightly in irritation.
That had no effect either.
The feline looked at him for a while before plainly biting his ear hard.
"YAOUCH!" Takao yelped out and took to his ear. "…What did you do THAT for?" he whined and rubbed his aching ear.
"We're obviously leaving." Rei replied and got up, lifting Maxine up.
"We're le… hey where is Kai?" Takao got up on his feet.
Rai pointed in the direction Kai had left and watched as Takao set off after him. He shook his head and cocked an eyebrow.
"Geez…" was the only thing he got out.
"You can say that again."
Rai halted and looked down on Maxine, who was watching him with calm, half-way tired eyes.
"…Geez." he repeated with a small smile. "Welcome back."
"Thanks." Maxine yawned and stretched when Rei put him down. "…a little question though."
"…Where are we?"
Kai heard Takao's yelp and couldn't help but to chuckle slightly as he continued walking. So it really was THAT hard to wake the kid up.
He looked around him to try to orientate. He was quite good at finding his way, though he was not used to walking. And he had no idea why he bothered to do so now either. He could just fly away and leave them to their destiny. They were none of his business anyways and he couldn't drag a bunch of creatures around.
Okay so he knew why he couldn't leave them. He was the leader type. He had a high rank amongst demons and if a bunch of beings chosed to follow him, he couldn't help but to want to lead them right.
Sighing again he stopped to wait for them to catch up to him, though he didn't need to wait long before he heard his name being called.
"Kai! wait up!"
"What does it look like I'm doing?" he mumbled to himself and rolled his eyes as Takao caught up with him.
"Where are we going?" he panted, having put his hands on his knees with a pained expression.
Oh yeah, the kid was hurt. Kai sighed and rolled his eyes again, this time at himself and turned Takao his back.
"Get up."
Takao hesitated for a while before getting up on his back, careful not to hurt his wings, though felt a bit ridiculous with piggy-backing him.
"You better not make me look stupid." the half-dragon demon snorted as Kai started walking again.
"Shut up." was the only reply he got and he sighed deeply.
"…so where ARE we going?"
"Which is…?"
"In the centre of the Aurora Mountains."
"Aurora Mountains…" Takao widened his eyes a little. "That's like in the middle of the demons' central area…"
"Yes. what did you expect? That I'd go to another of the human settings with you guys? Get real!"
"Listen kid, you choose to follow me, therefore you have to settle with the place I'm going. If you don't like it you can scram." he got no response and figured that had made the point clear.
A loud sound could be heard somewhere behind them, sounding like growls and fighting. Takao clearly recognized the cat-like growls of Rei and turned his head. The other one sounded like that of a dog…somewhat.
Kai stopped promptly and turned around, dropping Takao to the ground.
The half-breed landed with a "doff" and whined slightly with a small choke. He raised his head, about to say something but could only watch as Ka took off from the ground, towards the sound.
After a while, Takao got up and started running after with a small frown in pain, hoping he would get there in time to help.
sorry, it's a short chapter. but at least it's an update –chuckles- aw well, review plz