Disclaimer: I do NOT own Inuyasha.

IMPORTANT: Sentences in Bold are when Kagome speaks.

Sorry: Sorry if Kikyo or Kagome seem a little Out of Character.

We all want what we can't have

By: Sqoggles

Kikyo vs. Kagome

The hidden Chapter

"Neither of us should have him." The two mikos were standing in the clearing by the well.

"I know."

"Then why pursue him?"

"I should ask you the same thing Kikyo. You're dead."

"And you're not of this time. So why then?"

"Because I…. Because I want to!"

Kikyo walked closer to Kagome.

"You have many other suitors. Why not choose them? Why Inuyasha?"

"You have another man too. Why not him?"

"Naraku is not my suitor."

"Onigumo is though. So why not him?"

"I do not love Onigumo."

"So do you love Inuyasha then?"

Kagome's voice was quieter now.

"I do."

"And I do too."

"Then we shall see who he…."

"You aren't real. Kikyo your body is made of clay! How do you expect to give Inuyasha warmth?"

"I share a past with him."

"And I share a future."

They glared at each other.

"Inuyasha WILL pick me. Because he loves me more then he does a mortal girl made of flesh and bone."

"Inuyasha will pick me because I am alive. And I love him."

"Inuyasha shall choose here soon."

Kikyo let her hair down.

"Yes and when he does we will find out which of us he loves more."

Kagome's voice was sad. Kikyo walked over to her. Standing right next to each other they truly did look like they were related.

"So we wait."

"Yes we wait for Inuyasha to choose whenever he does. But until then I will stay by his side."

Kagome walked back towards Kaede's where Inuyasha, Miroku, Sango, Shippo, and Kirara were waiting for her leaving Kikyo standing there.

The End

Yup, a chapter you didn't know about. Or did you? I've actually had this planned since I decided that I was going to continue this story. I hope that you liked it.

And omg did this chapter suck... my writing's changed quite a bit. I promise you that the final chapter will be longer and better written. Please note that I've had this chapter saved for months probably since like March or so.
