Summary: Our favourite Kenshin characters living in the infamous Naruto world of ninjas. Aoshi is a Jounin (high level ninja) taking care of a young ninja in training, Misao. A glimpse of their world of what could have been. Kenshin/Naruto Crossover.

Author's note: This is a crossover between Kenshin and Naruto. Basic knowledge of the Naruto world:

Hokage-highest ranking ninja of the Konoha Village. Only a few are at the 'kage' (shadow) level.

Jounin- the most powerful ninja after the Hokage.

Chuunin- the mid-level ninja.

Genin- a person straight out of the training academy.

A Different World

Chapter One

Misao and Her Number One ninja

Misao kept looking at the clock on the wall. It seemed like the moving hand was moving back with the time moving so slowly. She was so bored with the lesson. She was bored with her classmates. She was bored of how every boy seemed to have a crush on their teacher Orihime-sensei. It was true that their teacher was indeed beautiful and very mysterious in more ways then one. Orihime-sensei was obviously more powerful than the average Chuunin but not enough to beat a Jounin? That was a different topic all together.

Misao still watching the clock on the wall stared at Orihime-sensei.

'She sure is beautiful', Misao thought to herself. 'I wonder if I'll ever be that beautiful', she thought again.

"All right you have to finish this problem before you can go home. If you don't get it you must stay until you finish. Those that get it early may leave right after. That is all." Orihime took a seat at her desk.

Everyone was scribbling on their papers and that was when Misao looked at the problem on the board. She had been daydreaming and wasn't listening to the explanation or anything. 'Oh no I might have to stay all day.' Misao thought unhappily to herself. 'No, I have to finish or I won't get to see Aoshi-sama.' She took up her pencil and started to figure the problem out with all her determination.

A dark figure with a blue scarf was waiting outside of the academy. It was his job to come to the school everyday and pick up his important person. He never told anyone about how happy he was to do this simple chore. He just stood there with no emotion on his face.

"Oi Aoshi-kun what's up?" Uzumaki Arashi, the new Hokage of the fourth generation happily walked up to the other ninja.

"Hokage-sama. I am picking up Misao from school." Aoshi politely replied and bowed his slightly.

"There's no need to do that when it's just the two of us." Arashi was very informal with everyone. Saying that line that he always said to people.

"Yes, Hokage-sama." Aoshi didn't change at all and remembered his place in society.

Arashi rubbed the back of his neck slightly. "I guess some people are just serious. That's just the type of person you are." He smiled at him.

"Is that the number one ninja of the Konoha Village?"

The two men turned at the sound of the voice. Arashi smiled in that confident way of his. Aoshi remained unchanged.

"It is the number one ninja!" The little girl came running out of her hiding place. She was fast and soon jumped into Aoshi's arms, leaving Arashi holding air. "Hey what about me?" Arashi was pointing at himself slightly.

Misao just stared happily at Aoshi, and then turned at the Hokage's comment. "Eh? Hokage-chan? What are you doing here?" Misao just looked at him for a moment and started to laugh happily. "You can be number two ninja right after Aoshi-sama ok Hokage-chan?"

Aoshi set the girl on the ground and kneeled one knee on the ground. "Misao." Aoshi hated to scold the girl. But she needed to understand that the Hokage deserved respect.

"Now Aoshi-kun she gets the idea. You don't have to be so formal when it's just the three of us." Arashi just smiled at them.

Misao clapped her hand like any six year old. "Yeah, Hokage-chan is so cool." She jumped into Arashi's arms. "Show me that body flick trick again." She tugged at his ninja vest.

Arashi just smiled at the little girl. All the children of the village, that's why he became the Hokage to protect the little ones. The little girl that he held in his arms would grow up to be a strong ninja of the Konoha Village and hopefully she would protect what is important to her.

"What are you doing out here so early?" Arashi asked the little girl.

"I finished early so of course I got out of class first." She smiled happily at him. Arashi saw at the corner of his eye a ghost of a smile on Aoshi's face.

"Ah! There you are Misao-chan!"

The blonde and gorgeous Chuunin ninja, Orihime walked up to the three with one hand on her hip. "Misao-chan." She said in her authoritative tone.

"Hai Orihime-sensei?" Misao trying to look innocent in Arashi's arms.

"The problem?"

Misao crawled out of Arashi's arms and walked up to her teacher. "I finished it." Misao took out a tattered piece of paper from her pocket.

"Misao-chan. You died three times in this simulation problem." Orihime looked at the little girl. It was just so hard to stay angry at the little girl.

"So what? I still got the mission finished didn't I?" Misao ran behind Aoshi's leg and stuck out her tongue like any six year old would do. At times Misao acted like an adult but other times she would act like the child that she was.

"Ne, Aoshi-sama I did good right? I finished the mission."

Aoshi remained silent. The silence was slightly annoying the girl and so she climbed into his arms. "I did good right?" She held a fistful of his scarf and stared into his eyes.

Arashi being very amused at the situation decided to help out a fellow ninja in need. "Misao-chan it's not ok to die during a mission even if it is a simulation."

It seemed like everyone was against the little girl. She argued and just called the adults an idiot but never her Aoshi-sama. When it was well past three o'clock Orihime grew tired and decided that she needed to go back to the class. Arashi said he needed to check something at the school. Aoshi was already walking away from the school.

Misao ran up to catch up. She watched his back, waiting for him to turn around like he always did.

Aoshi turned around looking at the little girl that was chasing him. "Misao hurry up or we'll be late."

Misao smiled happily at him and jumped up and hugged his back tightly. "Aoshi-sama can you carry me back to the Aoiya?"

"I thought you were going to be an elite ninja. You can't have some one carry you all the time." Aoshi slightly amused and showed it in his eyes.

"I know but I like it when Aoshi-sama carries me back home."

Without a word Aoshi carried the little girl on her back. "I wonder how you're going to be an elite ninja."

"Don't wonder too much because I'll be strong maybe even stronger than you." She smiled at him.

Misao was a little girl and innocent. Of all people she deserved a childhood. Aoshi was completely against her entering the school at such a young age of four years old. Already at the school for two and a half years she was getting ready to graduate. The teachers at the school hadn't expected the little weak looking girl to be so strong. A child prodigy? Perhaps that's what they might have called her but after meeting the little girl they would think that she was just a normal six year old girl. Still she was going to grow up to be a powerful ninja.

"Ne, Aoshi-sama."

"What is it?" He asked in his usual tone.

"Do you think Hokage-chan likes Orihime-sensei?"

Aoshi stayed silent for a moment. Of course he knew that they were lovers and more but only a few elite ninja's knew of the couple. He was surprised with the Misao's observation skills. "What Hokage-sama does is his own business."

Misao pouted. "I bet Hokage-chan likes Orihime-sensei but she just doesn't like that loud attitude of his. She has more class than him right?"

Aoshi almost laughed at the image in his mind. It was true that the Hokage acted like a clown at times but he knew that Orihime was probably the only one that ever saw the real person underneath Arashi.

Those weren't the days of peace but Aoshi had to take whatever solace he could take and that was usually with the carefree Misao. She seemed to understand that life was cruel and she chose not to take it seriously.


Final author's note: Any questions or comments feel free to email me. The character Orihime is actually another character I developed for a story about the Fourth Hokage. Please look forward to reading my Naruto story called "The Love Story" working title. Please leave a review, anything is appreciated.