Chapter Four

Kagome's stomach plummeted to her feet. She felt as if her heart had stopped. That voice. Those eyes. That cruel, cutting tone. It was Naraku, the one she remembered, the one she had thought had been left in the past. How…?

She swallowed visibly, nervously, but still managed to gather her power. Her eyes narrowed. What could she do? Attack him? Defend herself? What about her family? This wasn't the Sengoku Jidai. Random youkai battles couldn't burst out of no where. She needed a plan or at least she needed to understand what was going on right now.

Naraku smirked, gliding effortlessly toward her tense form. "Greetings, miko." He hissed, almost jovially into her ear. His eyes slid to her hands, which were clenched tightly. He carefully steered clear of the bright blue aura surrounding her fists, which occasionally sparked outward. His crimson eyes slitted. "I must admit, this is a rather strange meeting." He circled around her, almost predatorily. "No ill intentions I assume? Or did you plan on attacking me?"

Yes, it had been on her mind. But first and foremost, she wanted to avoid a conflict, especially in her damn bedroom! Why did awkward things just happen to happen in her room? It hardly seemed fair! She barely noticed that the fog of his concentrated power remained floating over her bed, still tethered to the both of them.

He withdrew himself, backing up a few feet. His lips twisted. "Miko." He spat.

She stared at him silently. She couldn't think of a single thing to say. Please don't murder my family in cold blood for revenge? Somehow, she felt that he would be highly disagreeable on that. He certainly didn't look too happy. Things had changed drastically since last they met. She didn't want to hurt him. But beyond that and protecting her family, her mind supplied no other helpful suggestions besides keeping herself alive as well.

Her stoic lack of response caused an inexplicable flash of irritation to streak through him. His face contorted for a moment before he managed to smooth out his expression.

Kagome was puzzled. Naraku wasn't normally so uncontrolled…Then it hit her. He was afraid. She realized that he must not remember what had happened since their last battle, else things would have been much more…awkward considering that they had slept in the same bed for a few nights. She valiantly fought the rising blush on her cheeks. "Look, I can explain." She began hesitantly. It had to be disorienting to find himself in a different place and in a vastly different situation than from what he last remembered.

He scowled at her, recognizing what conclusions she must have reached. Then he was on top of her, pinning her to her bed. His hands curled tightly around her wrists. He wasn't afraid of anything, especially not her. He snarled into her face. "What trickery is this, miko?" He demanded, his hands moving, closing vice-like around her neck. "Where am I? Why cannot I remember what has happened since last we met?"

She glared at him, her lips thinning. The madman had returned. She could see it in his eyes. He was unstable, the wants and desires of fifty demons rolled up within one obsessive human's consciousness. He was a mass of confliction. She couldn't reason with him at the moment, but she would make it so that she could. He wasn't a bad person at heart, this she knew.

Kagome had learned long ago that tugging fruitlessly on the arm that was intently strangling her was pointless. At the moment, her neck was only in a tight grasp, meant to be threatening but not harmful, but she couldn't trust him, not yet. She needed to show him that she wasn't powerless here. She wouldn't bow down to his demands. Things were different here.

In retaliation, she clenched her eyes shut, focusing her powers on her hands and reached upwards. She didn't even have to touch him, the merest brush of her aura would cause him pain. Above her, she heard him hiss, his own hands tightening around her neck. She gasped as her windpipe was being crushed. Her eyes watered. Damn it, he was choking her in earnest now, stubborn bastard. Still, she didn't want to harm him.

Her fingers curled into fists. Blue light condensed. Her hands snapped open. Her aura flared around her fingers, whipping outward.

She heard a cry and then suddenly the pressure lessened.

Naraku was slammed across the far wall. Kagome's eyes widened in shock. She hadn't meant to do that. Maybe sting him a little, just enough to let her go. She rushed over to the crumpled hanyou, her first instinct being to check if he was alright.

Crimson eyes snapped open to glare at her angrily, freezing her in place. His lips twisted into a scowl. "Stay away from me." He hissed lowly, hatred dripping from every syllable.

He slowly recollected himself, folding his arms and legs into the comfortable languid position he had been so fond of at the Hikaru castle. Kagome moved back slightly, but did not stray too far from his side. It was unnerving. She was…fussing over him, for reasons he couldn't begin to comprehend. His last memories had been of blinding light and horrible pain, and it had been because of her.

A hurt expression on her face, Kagome retreated back. She had almost forgotten how cold and reserved Naraku had been. Just a week with an amnesiatic nemesis, and she had already fallen into far too comfortable a routine with him. She felt…distressed that he looked at her so hatefully. She almost missed the unguarded looks that the Naraku she had brought with her had given her.

His eyes narrowed onto her form. She had bent herself against the far wall. She appeared…anguished? A corner of his lips twitched. She was such a fool. He couldn't believe that he, in all of his power, and the might of the Shikon, had fallen to such a little, foolish girl. It was detestable. Worse yet, it appeared that he was still at her mercy. He growled his displeasure, almost smirking as she jumped. Even if she had the power to control the situation, she had neither the strength of will or the mindset. He had fifty years of experience on her. He would not let it go to waste.

Naraku calmly smoothed the lines of tension from his face. "Miko," he began, almost amicably, as if he had not been trying to strangle her mere minutes before. "Explain to me this," he gestured with his hand. He reached out, as if beckoning, and curled his fingers toward himself.

Kagome saw the cloud of dark energy bend toward him, thin rivulets of darkness slithering toward his fingers. They coiled about his arm. But, as the energy obeyed him, she noted that he seemed…untouched by it. The power did not taint his aura. It responded to him, but did not bond with him, as youki should. It was as if an invisible barrier kept him from accessing his powers. She gave an inward sigh of relief. At least, for the moment, she was assured that he could not go out on a rampage. Even if his body was youkai, he was almost as limited as a human. She had the advantage. She realized almost right afterward, she didn't know what to do with it.

What would she do? Tie him up? Yell at him for being a bastard in the Sengoku Jidai? Demand that he do all her chores for a month? No, those didn't sound too helpful, or plausible given the current situation. She settled for answering his question. "I don't know."

Okay. So, maybe she wasn't exactly informative in that. Silence might have been better considering the dark look he flashed her. She flushed. "I meant, I'm not completely sure." She continued, flustered. "I think that I…absorbed you. I know it sounds creepy. I wasn't planning on it. But when I went to you, my powers…and a lot of light, your body…" She broke off her incoherent babble to take a deep breath. She managed to calm herself. Really, she wasn't sure what about him had made her so nervous. But she hadn't wanted him to…to what?

"I think your powers don't recognize you as their owner any more. They respond to your will, but that's all." She said in one breath.

"Return them to me." He demanded icily.

Uh…how about no? I don't want you running amuck in my time. Wisely, she kept such thoughts to herself. "I can't." She replied.

He glared at her. "You won't." He corrected.

She stared at him indignant. "No, I mean I can't you pompous buttmunch!" She slapped a hand over her own mouth. She couldn't believe that she'd said something like that to him of all people. But he just made her so frustrated. It wasn't like she wasn't trying to figure things out. It was all so new to her. Did he have to glare at her as if she'd stolen something from him? If it weren't for her he'd be nothing more than purified demon ash. You'd think a demon could learn to show a bit of gratitude. Her mind flashed back to Sesshoumaru and his rather affectionate gratitude. She paled. Sesshoumaru's idea of gratitude was almost scary.

Naraku raised a brow, almost puzzled by her attitude toward him. "Is that so?" He purred. He watched as she stiffened, her pallor white as a sheet. She still knew fear. Even if he was in a useless, powerless body, she was still a naïve young girl, unknowing of the uses of the power she possessed. He could use her.

His crimson eyes peered past her, through the glass of her window. The moon had already begun to sink. Had so much time already passed? He growled. He would fade again, he knew, lost in a wash of white, without feeling or memory.

It did him no good to know that he would be near her during that time. He despised the weaknesses inherent in this body, in his own personality. It seemed that he needed to be beside her, and not simply to be near his own soul, but hers. It was disgusting. He needed no one. Yet he yearned to be with her, to be by her side. The closer the moon came to the horizon, the more he wanted to approach her, to touch her.


His lips curled back, baring fangs at her. "Do not touch me." He hissed at her as he felt his powers fade from his presence.

Kagome looked at him, troubled. What had she done now to provoke such hatred? Well, besides from trying repeatedly to kill him in a previous life. But he had done the same to her on more numerous occasions. Something told her that this time around, it had to do with something completely different. His anger was directed more toward himself that toward her, but at the moment she was his only outlet. Naraku was a perplexing creature, so full of contradictions. She didn't think that he truly knew what he really wanted, but his other personality might figure it out.

She almost gasped. What would happen now to the other Naraku? Before she could contemplate it further, a wash of heat descended on her. She let out a sharp gasp, her back arching, eyes opened wide. Darkness flooded her, igniting her holy powers into action. Her body became alight with the combatant energies, heat clawing outward. Her jaw clicked shut as her head snapped backward. The heat intensified, scorching her from the inside out.

Across the room, Naraku appeared no better, but whereas power was rushing into her, he looked to have been drained. His body had collapsed, sliding bonelessly to the floor as nothing more than a mere ragdoll. His eyes blinked once before closing halfway, his crimson orbs glazed. His eyes sharpened momentarily before frosting over. His lips parted slightly, panting.

Kagome released a soft whimper as ice poured through her core, enveloping her senses until she fell into darkness.

-:- -:- -:-

Kagome awoke to the sensation of warm sunlight streaming down on her face. She winced, turning over and burying herself further beneath the covers. She shot up suddenly. What? Her eyes snapped open, breath coming out in quick short pants.

She was in her bed…but how? Someone had moved her…

She scanned the room with her studious crimson gaze. The room, it looked…neat. Too neat. That was not how she had left it last night.

In the corner, curled up within the shadows, she saw Naraku. He stared back with wide eyes, before bowing his head, not saying a word. The other Naraku had returned.

Kagome slipped from the bed, approaching him slowly, warily. She was unsure of what to do now. After what had happened last night, how could she proceed knowing that he was still a potential danger. He shied away from her as she drew closer.

"Naraku?" She called out tentatively.

He hunched down on himself.

She reached out a hand. "Are you alright?"

He turned his head as if her touch would harm him. She could make out the corners of his mouth pulled downward in a deep frown. "I hurt you." He said softly.

"What?" She looked at him, confused. He had done nothing, well, technically it wasn't really this personality that had done anything.

He pointed, almost accusingly, at her neck. She turned to her mirror and was startled to see the dark purple bruises marring her white flesh. Well, it appeared this hanyou body could get hurt. And knowing that Inuyasha's bruises disappeared within the hour, she guessed that when she was human, or maybe if it was Naraku that hurt her, her wounds would heal at her normal human rate. She returned her gaze to the other man. "It's nothing," she said, waving it off. "It'll heal."

"I still hurt you." He said softly, but adamantly. "I don't like it." He shuddered, remembering the cold hatred that he had felt toward her, and he didn't understand why. He didn't want to hurt her. He disliked seeing her hurt. So why had he tried harm her?

Kagome blinked. "Wait, you remember what happened last night?" She asked.

He nodded.

Kagome stared. That was weird, this Naraku remembered what happened, but the other one, he hadn't known what had happened when his other personality was out. She shook her head. This was getting confusing. She needed to name them, Naraku-1 and Naraku-2 maybe…?

The important thing was, neither of them had complete sets of memories. That had to be indicative of something. She decided that she'd worry about it later, perhaps when Naraku was a bit less forlorn looking. He just looked so depressed, Kagome almost smiled. He was so much like a little kid. She crossed the room without much thought, kneeling beside him. She laid a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry about it." She smiled. "It wasn't your fault at all."

The corners of his mouth tugged downward. He said nothing in reply, but his eyes never once left her neck.

It was when she heard her mother calling them down for breakfast when the pair finally roused themselves from their respective positions. Kagome stood stretching and prepared to change into her day clothes.

Naraku silently tottered toward the room he was given.

She noted belatedly that although they had bought clothes for him in the last week, she had forgotten that her own body had changed drastically, and that she could barely fit into most of her current clothing. She sighed, raking a claw through her hair. Well, she guessed it was time to go shopping.

-:- -:- -:-

Kagome zipped the collar all the way up until the zipper was nestled snugly just beneath her chin. She looked at herself in the mirror. Although the vest had a high collar, to hide her throat, it was sleeveless, so walking outside in the heat with it on shouldn't be too strange. The problem was the rest of her appearance.

She had to face it, there simply were not that many six feet tall women prancing about Japan. Heck, she even stood a full head and shoulders above some men. But maybe her height wasn't that bad. Sesshoumaru would still forever tower over her and even the human Naraku was taller. So, her height wasn't really that much of a problem.

But the rest of her looks…

To strangers, her eyes she could pass of as contacts, and her hair could be excused as she liked it long, but she still retained some features that were distinctly 'Kagome.' Her friends would be hard-pressed to not notice the similarities if she tried to play the part of someone else.

Kagome's face was had remained the round, heart-shaped face of youth, despite being slightly elongated to fit her hanyou appearance. Her voice had deepened and become more melodious and rhythmic, but her speech pattern was the same. Even if the way she moved was graceful, she couldn't overcome her inherent klutziness. The truth was, someone out there in Tokyo could recognize her, and what the hell would she do if someone did?

She had only gone out once before, and that had been with Naraku. Thankfully enough, they looked enough like one another to be passed off as siblings, but if she went out with her mother or younger brother, that would be more difficult to explain.

That really left her with little choice. She had wanted to go shopping with her friends to hopefully pick out something that would suit her new look, but she had yet to figure out how to explain her recent appearance. Still, as self-conscious as she was, she needed someone's opinion on her clothes, at least when she bought them. Once she owned them, she cared almost nothing about what people thought, it was the buying of the clothes that was the real hurdle.

She sighed, pulling a white knit beanie over her head and wondering if Naraku was up for a trip to the mall.

-:- -:- -:-

Shippou sighed. Inuyasha was gone again, but he knew exactly where the hanyou had went. There were only about three different places he bothered spending any amount of time any more; the Goshinboku, the well, and the place where the kotodama had disintegrated.

It was a random spot in the village, a few meters from Kaede's hut. They hadn't made it that far before the necklace had just…been destroyed. Inuyasha could often be seen moping around the area. Shippou remembered that horrific moment. Kagome's spiritual powers had been infused within the necklace, reacting with the violence of her emotions when commanded. With her spirit gone, the necklace could no longer exist. It was the final signal, the marking of her leave, and Inuyasha had realized it.

Inuyasha's heart had sank at that moment, wild panic pushing aside his rationale. Kagome was gone, she was leaving forever, and the last words he had given her were of scorn and mistrust. Would she live out her entire life believing that he no longer cared about her? It was unbearable to the hanyou.

If only the well worked. If only he could pass through and tell her. He needed her to know that he was sorry, so very sorry, and that he loved her. It hurt to know that he loved her and have her be out of reach. He really, truly loved her, and he learned it after she was gone. Seeing her love shining out of someone else's eyes made him realize that he didn't want to see that expression on anyone else's face but hers. Kikyou adored him now, but that had only been what he thought he wanted. He knew now that he wanted Kikyou's forgiveness, not her love.

All along, Kagome had traveled with him knowing that he had bound himself to Kikyou with a promise. She knew that he would not be hers to love, but she loved him anyways, wholly and unconditionally. He had brushed her aside with shallow words, brandishing that promise in Kagome's face, and yet, she had not wavered. They were petty and poor excuses, Inuyasha being unable to accept another person's love just yet. Kagome had always been there for him, caring for him when no one else did. It was a gift he took for granted.

Kikyou watched him quietly. She knew that she could not replace Kagome. They were too different. She bowed her head. She also knew that Kagome had not intended her gift to cause pain, she had thought that it was what Inuyasha had wanted. But Kagome had been wrong for it was not 'Kikyou' that Inuyasha needed, it was Kagome.

It was almost ironic how Kagome's gift had caused the suffering she had tried to prevent.

-:- -:- -:-

"Na-ra-kuuuu!" Kagome sang out, throwing the door to his room wide open. "Want to go out with me?" She said smiling, hands folded behind her back, eyes open wide in the most sincere and innocent expression she could muster.

He regarded her silently from the corner of his room. He had been feeling guilty since he had awoken with those terrible memories of that night. He didn't want to be near her in case he hurt her again. He shrank back slightly.

Kagome gave an exasperated sigh. He'd been in there all morning, no doubt guilt-tripping about events he couldn't control. It wasn't his fault! But…it must hurt him to think that even if it wasn't his mind, it was still a part of him that had wanted to hurt her. It was a scary thought. She walked over and knelt beside him. He buried his face in his arms.

"Aw, now don't be like that. C'mon I want to spend the day with you. Go out with me?" She asked smiling, tilting her head to the side to try to peer in between his crossed arms.

"…I think it's better if you go without me." He said softly, his voice slightly strained. He did want to go with her!

"I don't think so. It'll be boring by myself." She reasoned. "Besides, I need someone to give me a second opinion on my clothes." She grinned. "Come oooon. I know you want to come with me. And I want you to come with me." She could see his resolve weakening.

He uncurled slightly. "But…what if I hurt you again?" He asked worriedly. Her safety was forthright in his mind.

"You won't." She said confidently. "I trust you." She gave him a reassuring smile, holding out her hand.

He stared at it. She couldn't imagine what she was offering him, and he worried that she was unaware of the repercussions. She was forgiving him! She was forgiving the person who hated her, who hurt her! How could she do that when he couldn't even forgive himself?

His eyes focused on hers with startling intensity. "I want a different name." He said suddenly.

"Um…" Kagome's eyes widened at the abrupt change of topic. "Alright. What would you like to be called?" She asked.

"I want you to name me." He replied. She had to see. He wanted her to see that he wouldn't be Naraku. No, he was someone…someone else, but he just couldn't figure out who. Whatever the case, he didn't want to be Naraku. He wanted to be a person who wouldn't hurt her because…he…she made him feel well… She wouldn't understand what he felt for her, but he wanted her to know that he was different.

He's serious. Kagome stared at him. He really wanted a different name. Why? A new name…? It would mean a lot for him to take on a new name. Kagome could not imagine his situation. This Naraku was a completely different person, a blank slate almost. He had remembered nothing. His name had been the only thing he had woken up with, it was all he had that might have connected him to a past he knew nothing about. It should have been the most important thing to him, but after witnessing his previous self, he had found that he would rather be a different person than try to be who he once was. It was strange, but he was earnest. She had to respect that much.

Kagome's face became thoughtful. "Anything?" She asked.

He nodded.

"Hajime." She answered simply. Beginning

He wanted a new beginning, to distance himself from 'Naraku.' He didn't like Naraku at all. She found that she couldn't blame him, but she wondered how Naraku would take it when they met again next month. Speaking of which, she needed to plan for what she would do for the next time she transformed. As far as she could tell, it had been on the first night of the waning moon. She would have to keep that in mind.

Something flickered in his eyes, but it was gone before Kagome could place it. He nodded again. "Okay." He took her hand. "Let's go shopping."

-:- -:- -:-

Shippou stood with his hands on his hips. "Inuyasha." He called out, frowning. He was just sitting there! Doing absolutely nothing! He wouldn't get anything done that way. Why didn't he see that?

The hanyou didn't move. He didn't even acknowledge the voice of the kit. He had moped about the 'spot' for hours before retreating back to his usual perch within the boughs of the Goshinboku, leaving behind the youkai kit with worried green eyes.

The Goshinboku was the last place where he could still scent her. Her scent was laced deep within the subtle magic surrounding the God Tree, forming the seamless and powerful barrier which protected both the forest and village from malicious intent. The Goshinboku, the silent guardian of the Shikon, and his last link to Kagome.

He missed her, so much.

He bent his head between knees, his hands on his legs. Wallowing in self-pity had been the only thing he had decided he was good at. He had never been right, ever, about Kagome or Kikyou. He hadn't understood what love was, what that to-die-for warmth, soul wrenching pain and heartache was. He had only known guilt and hurt and the most shallow of affection.

He had barely known a mother's love. Never known a father's love. He had never experienced the love of another. So how could he recognize and name true love when it was staring him in the face? He had based all of his assumptions on the first person who had cared for him. But he knew now, that the emotions he had shared with Kikyou were not that of love, but of lovers. Both had been inexperienced in passion and had approached each other with only the purest of intentions. With no warnings or caution, and with complete trust in each other, they had been torn apart by the malice of Naraku, preying on their inherent weaknesses.

Inuyasha, borne into a world where he would never belong, neither humun nor demon.

Kikyou, a woman born with responsibilities that made her both more and less human.

They were never truly meant for happiness together.

He saw that now, as he saw and understood everything, always too late. There had only been one who had loved him as both a companion and as a person. One who had loved him just as he was, and not who he could become. Only one, and she would be forever beyond his grasp unless he did something about it.

Above him, unnoticed by the moping hanyou, a pair of golden eyes watched him, and contented himself with the lingering scent of the Goshinboku. The hanyou could very well act upon his want of the girl's return, though it would be selfish of him to do so. Kikyou lived now, with emotions more painful than she could ever imagine, in the guise of love.

But she would die a mortal's death, just as the houshi and the taijiya would. He had no doubts over his own existence in the future, he had no plans on getting himself killed. The kit, young as he was, had plenty of time to grow, and he too would live to see the ages. But of Inuyasha, Sesshoumaru had his reservations. Would Inuyasha live to see her again? Could he?

Five hundred years was a long time for any creature, much less a hanyou. It might be possible for Inuyasha for the true lifespan of a hanyou was still unknown. He would leave the hanyou be, and see what came of it.

Kagome was his only concern.

-:- -:- -:-

Kagome found herself more self-conscious than she had expected. She pulled her beanie down over her head further, almost pressing up against Hajime who walked beside her. For his part, Hajime either didn't mind her bodily intrusion, or was too fascinated by the mall to care. Though he had been to the mall once before, his head twisted and turned trying to take in all the colored signs and noisy displays as possible. She briefly wondered if he would try to sprout more eyeballs just to see the place better.

She lead him into a specialty store, it being one of the few which would carry clothing in her size. Had she shopped anywhere else, she was sure she would be too tall to fit. It saddened her somewhat to lose some of her favorite places to shop. She had been quite fond of her t-shirts and jeans stores, simple and cheap.

Now she would have to pay outrageous sums of money simply so that she wouldn't run around naked, or be forced to wear her sheets like a toga. She sighed. At least she had some savings from her lack of a social life during school. The feudal era had safely prepared her for the life of a miser, as she had all this money saved, and not a chance to spend it.

She sighed as she idled her way through the racks, occasionally fingering an article of clothing which caught her eye. A corner of her lip turned downwards as she doubted that she would look good in any of it, no matter how nice it was. This was a designer boutique. It would suck her of her money, and leave her with garish form-fitting, but obtrusively unsightly clothing, she was sure. She just didn't have the eye for this sort of thing.

As she was about to turn around in defeat, to retreat home and let her mommy do her shopping, a dark red blouse was thrust in her direction. She took it, looking up. "Hajime…?" Her voice trailed off as she met the gaze of, not her companion, but of amused golden eyes.

"I think darker colors suit you more, Kagome." Sesshoumaru's smooth tenor resounded softly.

She swallowed, eyes darting about for Hajime.

"If you're looking for your…companion, I sent him to the ice cream shop." Sesshoumaru said with a slight lilt, as if annoyed.

"Um, thanks." She replied nervously. She tried to discreetly peer over his shoulder, and she did see Hajime, sitting on a bench outside of the boutique, an ice cream cone in hand, and happily licking away. She smiled. He was such a kid still. So cute.

"Come." Sesshoumaru said, taking her by the arm. "We have clothes to choose for you. We can leave the child to his own devices."

"Wait a sec!" Kagome protested, not at all comfortable with leaving Hajime by himself. But she was ignored as Sesshoumaru pointedly ushered her into different racks of clothing, his sharp eyes picking out clothes for her, and adding them to the growing pile in her arms.

Finally, Kagome stood outside of the changing room, her arms loaded with clothing of varying shades, shapes, and designs, staring bewildered at the smug demon lord. "I can't afford all of this!" She objected.

"Not to worry." He continued, sliding her into the booth, and locking her within it. "Do not come out until you have tried on every single piece. I shall determine what to purchase." He said self-assuredly.

"Hey!" Kagome's indignant shout could be heard from within.

"You came here with him so that he could give you a second opinion, am I not correct?" He asked, a smile in his voice.

Her silence was answer enough.

"He has an untrained eye. Trust in my judgment. The first outfit, if you would." He smirked as he heard her grumbling within. But soon enough, there was the rustle of cloth and the door burst open moments later.

Kagome's frown did nothing to mar his appreciation of how she filled out the outfit. The top was low cut, and a bit too tight for his liking. He wouldn't want her to show that much skin to anyone but him. The skirt was modest enough, falling to the knees with a small slit up one side. The solid burgundy cloth and black embroidery complimented her now darker appearance.

Her eyes bored into his as she agitated a scarf she had hastily tied about her neck. He let it go for the moment, but later he would make sure that if she thought she was hiding anything from him, she was sadly mistaken.

She was no young girl any more. White, as complementary as it had once been to her high school form, was no longer her color.

He nodded. "The color suits you, as does the style. The size is unfitting. We'll have to tailor the top to match your…bust."

Kagome's face flamed. Did he have to say that out loud? Couldn't he have just said that the shirt was too small?

He eyed her torso and legs. "Throw out all of the long sleeves in the selection. Shortened sleeves or no sleeves at all will do. We shall see about the skirts and pants as we go. Next outfit." He pushed her back in before she could get in a word.

ARG! What a frustrating demon! He was pickier than her friends!

By the time he was through with her, it was three hours later, she had been outfitted with an completely new wardrobe plus shoes, for which he paid the entirety of, had become an extremely exhausted hanyou, and found Hajime asleep on the bench outside.

Kagome had no idea what to say to Sesshoumaru. It had been utterly unexpected of him to show up as he did, and as much as she appreciated what he had done, it was three hours of pain that she just wasn't thankful for. But, in gratitude, she had invited him to dinner. He had accepted, and she, with tote bags of clothes in tow, had gone to poke Hajime awake.

"Time to go." She said quietly, smiling as Hajime sat up, rubbing his bleary eyes.

"Now?" He asked before hunching down slightly. "Did he come while I was sleeping?" He asked in hushed tones.

Kagome shook her head. "Not at all. C'mon. Let's get home to some dinner." She extended her hand, bag handles and all, and hoping that Sesshoumaru had not heard Hajime's rather odd question. She wondered briefly if now Hajime would be afraid to sleep because of Naraku. She sincerely hoped not, else she'd be sharing a bed with him every night. That would get awkward.

He nodded sleepily, taking her hand. They started for the street where Kagome had planned to wave down a taxi, but Sesshoumaru stopped them, leading them toward his car.

"This would be faster." He said, unlocking his car with a push of a button on his key chain.

Kagome nodded in thanks, and climbed into the passenger seat as Hajime was let into the back with all of the bags. Once they reached the shrine, Kagome looked up the flights of stairs with a sigh. "I don't wanna deal with this." She muttered before thrusting their purchases at Sesshoumaru. "Here." Then she took Hajime by the hand, wrapped one arm securely around his waist, and with her hanyou strength bounded up the steps. Sesshoumaru followed suit, reaching the top before her.

"Show off." She grumbled before setting Hajime down and recollecting her bags from Sesshoumaru.

The Taiyoukai simply eyed Hajime once before following her into the shrine. Confused, Hajime trailed after them. Was the white-haired guy mad at him? He stepped into the house and taking off his shoes, he went to wash his hands. About to follow Kagome up the stairs, he was stopped at the door by a smiling Sakuya holding a stack of dinner dishes, and without complaint began his chore of setting the table.

-:- -:- -:-

Kagome was wearing the clothes she had left for the mall in, choosing not to parade around in her newer and more expensive wardrobe. With both hands full of bags, she turned around to place them in her room and was startled when Sesshoumaru had begun to unzip her vest. He had waited just long enough to slip into her room after her and close the door before he began. She hadn't even had the chance to put down her bags.

He lowered the zipper enough to reveal her neck.

"Kagome." He said softly, striped hands tracing her bruises lightly. "What is this?"

"Um…" She blushed and stuttered. "Bruises?"

His face impassive, he leveled his steady gaze at her, his hands not once leaving her neck. "From?"

"I had an accident." She squeaked. How could she not be nervous with a demon who had his hands on her neck. She could vividly remember instances in the past when they were both in this same position, and none had been too favorable to her. His expression had always been the same unfeeling countenance each time. It scared her, no matter how much he had changed. When he was serious, he was scary.

But this time, she had the eerie feeling that he was mad for some other reason than at her. Maybe he was mad because she was foolish enough to get injured even though she was a hanyou in the modern era?

Claws danced over her skin, stroking the tender flesh of her throat. She swallowed, hoping that one of those sharp and pointy nails wouldn't suddenly dig in. Sesshoumaru leaned in further, his head bent toward her, then angled to the side. "When?" His voice was low and soft, his lips close enough so that she could feel his breath against the shell of her ear as the word left his mouth.

"L-last night." The words spilled from her, fueled by the growing panic in her belly. Damn this guy was CLOSE.

"Who?" His voice was almost a purr.

"Um!" Kagome slid across the wall she hadn't even noticed she was pressed up against. She lifted her own hands to her throat defensively. "It's nothing. It'll heal in time." She squeaked.

His eyes narrowed. She obviously was unwilling to point the finger of blame, although her neck was rank with his scent. Perhaps she had not washed it thoroughly, but he knew that was not the case. Any part of her that had touched him took his scent. Her body absorbed it as she had absorbed his powers. Even now though, when there was nothing to hide from him, she would hide what happened on that first night?

The Kagome in his past had not told him, and the Kagome of his present would not tell him now. But he would find out.

He stepped back. "Very well then. You should prepare for dinner. It will be ready soon."

She nodded shakily, grateful that he had backed off, though she wasn't sure why. He left her in silence. She quickly changed into an oversized t-shirt and jeans and scuttled down the steps for dinner. Not once during the meal did she meet the eyes of either Hajime or Sesshoumaru.

-:- -:- -:-

"Hey." Shippou piped. "Though Sesshoumaru said that we can't see her for two nights, and we already waited one night, where did he go tonight?" He asked curiously.

Kouga paused for a moment as Inuyasha chuckled.

"OI! That bastard!" The ookami roared as realization hit him. Sesshoumaru had lied to them to get a night alone with Kagome!

Well, they would change that. Come tomorrow, they would be crashing the shrine!

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SM: I know, it's been a long wait for an update (since December, yikes!). But, as this fic has unusually long chapters (for me) and is kind of a puzzle in itself (for me) it takes me a while to collect and order my thoughts to write this. I never really did expect this to take any kind of serious note. Oh well. Sorry about the cliffhanger last chapter, that was unexpected for me, but it seemed like a good place to stop at the time. Eh heh heh heh...

Kudos to those who figured out that Human Naraku would have a night to return to his dark and evil Hanyou form. I just thought it would be an interesting thing to do. He seems to have regressed a bit in this chapter, but I'll lay the blame on trauma from evil Naraku's evilness. Later, Hajime will be more mature, and it will turn into a fun SessKagNar free-for-all. Heh. Though, this fic would have better direction if I knew which person I wanted to pair Kagome with. Alas, I have not a clue on that.

This chapter is a bit longer than the previous, so yay for that much. Hope you enjoyed it, and please review if you have the time. I adore your comments and criticism.