Inu Kaiba: Drabble. Explanation at bottom.
It had been a bad day. One of those days where you felt like screaming at the world; and telling it to leave you the fuck alone.
I was tired, tired of it all. Tired of my life, just tired of everything.
"How was your day?" My flat mate, Sakura asked.
"Don't get me started…" I said in a voice that was much too quiet, even for me.
I slid, glided; I didn't care how I moved. I felt every emotion to feel and at the same time, nothing at all.
Times like this, were why I Uzumaki Naruto, kept a journal.
I flipped through past entries. My mom hates me, everyone hates me, I'm ugly. Ah hear we are. New page.
Monday, May 16, 2005
Today, was well, to put it blankly an ultra depressing day. I should probably explain a bit of what's been going on. I'm in debt. Almost all my friends hate me. I'm alone. Terribly alone. And I wish I could get a break from this miserable world.
Well it started off like any normal day would. I went into school like regular kids do. It'd been a terrible weekend, I mean seven hours of homework. That's crazy and Sakura agreed. But I did it, and it was done and that was all that mattered.
It was him. Always him. He was always on my mind, no matter how far apart we lived. I thought over what he'd say that morning for awhile but life goes on.
Shit happened. I dealt with it. I spent most of the day in a haze. There was a Science test, work. Blah blah blah. Crap.
It was him, who'd stayed on my mind all day. He'd distracted me from all my work. And there was that one little irritating thing he did.
He kept everyone's attention on him, anywhere as I had come to learn. We talked and talked and talked. And even if he was a bastard, he didn't look like a bastard.
With a sigh, I closed the diary. It was just pointless rambling, crap as one may like to call it.
The most ironic thing about everyone was, the guy who drove me nuts had always lived next door to me when I lived at home. The guy who'd stared at me every chance he got, was now the most popular kid with that icy cold attitude.
Funny how roles can reverse on you in the blink of an eye, and how shit can happen just like that.
Funny how seeing him now could give me every emotion there is, and no emotion at all.
Funny how live ain't funny, how life ain't fair, and how life has so many twists and turns you can't help but give up.
Inu Kaiba: I'm aware that this totally sucked, I just felt like finishing it. If anyone wants a longer, better, multi chaptered version, please, do let me know. Moo. On another note, it's my fanfiction anniversary for one whole year. CELEBRATE GOOD TIMES! So I just had to post this confusing piece of shit from yesterday. x) Hope my special-er friends like though, I'm writing stuff for you guys!