Benson and two cops stood outside the building as the man inside the apartment wouldn't let them in.
"We need extra until here now" she spoke over the radio. The two cops had the street blocked off just where they need it to be. She was listening to her radio as shots were heard. The two coups ducked down as she did. They tried to see where the shots were coming from as they finally headed toward behind of the cop cars. Benson leaned up against the car, near the front tire. One of the cops looked around the other one closet to Benson to her.
"You ok?" he asked. She looked down as she pulled open one of her flaps on her jacket. Blood was soaking up her shirt as she looked at the cop and closed her eyes.
"Detective Benson!" he was shocked. He talked into his radio quickly.
"Cop down! I repeat! Cop down!" he shouted as everything quieted down. She heard her surrounds deafen, as everything around her started to fade away.