Valjean, Buckets, and Maidenhair

Disclaimer; Yo-ho, Yo-ho, a pirate's life for me!

Enjolras didn't even look up at the individual that had just come into their midst. "Where the world am I?" Valjean asked looking about, he saw a depressed blonde, with a vest. A hyper girl in, scandalous shorts, T shit and glasses. And a girl that looked like she was in complete awe. "You aren't in the world." Syen said grinning, "Your in a dibbun show that is totally awesome!"

Valjean blinked. Mizamour blushed, and sighed, "Oooooooo, Valjean is it really you!" Valjean gave her a frightened look, "Do you work for Javert!"

Mizamour laughed, "No, no, I'm your biggest fan!" She pulled out a notebook about 10 feet long, "Could I have your autograph! Oh, and could you put it here," she pointed a place on the paper, "I want it right next to Humphrey Bogart."

"Not now!" Syen yelled, "We've Gotta go….

"Lahz?" Jim said moving over to where he thought she might be, "Do you know what's going on?" He looked about at nothing, "Lahz" He felt someone kicked his rump,

"I'm behind you, Idiot!" Jim was slightly shocked, how the heck could she see?

"I know what you thinking And I can see you because I have magic seeing invisible things I stole from Cosmo, so don't freak out."

"Okay. Whatever." Mumbled Jim.

"Now!" Plankton said, "Do you love our hair?" Cried of yes, and oh yeah, and dapple moo-moo, came up from the assembled group. "If," Plankton said, "You put these buckets on your head, your hair will become so beautiful that everyone will want to date you!"

"Everyone already does." Legolas mumbled.

"Cool!" Yelled Cosmo grabbing a bucket, and putting it on his head, "Look, I'm a king, ha-ha!"

Plankton made an evil laugh, "Now everyone take a…" a knock on the wall mad him stop his evil guffaw. "Um-is this the convention, I think I'm late."

Plankton groaned, and pushed a big red button, that said push. A blonde haired, duh man came in, Plankton sighed, "Name." he said blankly.


"Okay, how 'bout, Where do you come from?"


"Aw!" Raoul yelled, "Enemy!"

"Aw!" Fredric yelled, "Traitor!"

Raoul scratched his head, "But, I was never in England!"

"Now, now," Legolas said, "No, fighting children."

Raoul and Fredric glared at each other.

"Now," Plankton said, "Your best friend?"

Fredric looked thoughtful, "That would Mabel."

"Okay, arch enemy?"

"Hmmm, I'm kinda friends with everyone,"

Cosmo jumped up and down, "Oh, oh, we're twins!"

Plankton cleared his throat, "Okay that's all sit down, we were about to put these buckets on our heads."

"Oh, no." Lahz muttered, this is not good,"

"Why?" Jim asked, "There only being dorks."

"Those helmets contain chemical 38475!"

"It makes them…." But before Lahz could educate Jim in the poison, it happened, Plankton pushed button, and all at once…the roof cracked open?

"Geronimo!" Syen yelled as she landed right on Raoul head. And in this confusion Valjean, Mizamour, and Enjy all fell through roof….er-rock. "What!" Plankton screamed as Admiral Ducky tore the buckets off of the angel's heads. "You are scum Plankton!" Mizamour cried….

"Nice lair." Erik stated,

"Um-thanks," Merlin said, "Only, I like to call it a Lab."

"Whatever makes you feels the most comfortable." Erik said with a shrug.

"Please make yourself feel at home." Maidenhair said taking a stack of books about ten feet tall off of the settee. "Just sit." Maiden said again, as she dropped books everywhere.

"Aw!" Merlin screamed, "Those are my books on Alemchy!"

"Whatever." Erik muttered…
