NEXT MORNING Everyone in the yu-gi-oh crew were all practicing lines, except for Bakura and Marik who were trying to come up with a world domination plan, which wasn't going to well since the two yami's never seemed to like agreeing with each other!
"Look Marik, I really think that my plan is better than yours, only because I don't know if challenging the pharaoh to a duel will work, remember all those other times we tried that and it always got us stuck in the shadow realm. I really don't want to be stuck there again," said Bakura trying to reason with a stubborn Marik!
"Grrr, fine we'll use your plan, running up behind the pharaoh, tripping him and then grabbing his millenium puzzle. It just seems so boring though," Marik replied staring at the floor with a stoned look on his face.
"Ok, good, we're sticking with my plan. Just one thing Marik I think you drank a little too many of those sugar drinks, you look kinda stoned!" Bakura stated as he started to walk towards the pharaoh.
Yami was just being a normal person, minding his own business and unfortunately he was not aware of Bakura and Marik who were sneaking up behind him.
"NOW MARIK!" Bakura shouted to Marik who then raced up to Yami and tripped him up. Then Bakura came racing past Yami and he tried to grab the millenium puzzle but didn't succeed since the pharaoh tripped up Bakura. After about 3 seconds Marik realized what had happened so he came to the rescue…or not because when he came running towards Bakura, Yami quickly tripped up Marik aswell. So in a heap on the floor were three dumbfounded Yami's just staring into space!
"Uhh, Bakura, are you alright?" Asked Ryou.
"Huh, um, yeah I'm fine Ryou where's Marik?" Bakura replied getting up from where Yami had tripped him.
"He's next to you," said Ryou gesturing to Marik who was still sitting on the floor.
"MARIK, YOU IDOIT WHY DIDN'T YOU DO ANYTHING WHEN YAMI TRIPPED ME, YOU PATHETIC MORON?" Bakura shouted out gasping for air when he had finished talking!
"Umm, I dunno, it takes time for things to sink into me, you should know that now," Marik replied, less harshly frowning at Bakura who was literally red by this time!
"Hehe, well I think you two make a perfect couple," snickered Yami grinning at Bakura and Marik.
"Grrr. Pharaoh I suggest you stay out of my conversation with Marik unless you want to find yourself stuck in a cupboard or some other cramped place," Bakura replied glaring at Yami, who backed off a little.
The hours droned by and since there was nothing particularly interesting to do the yu-gi-oh folk started to make their way home, but it wasn't like home was gonna be more interesting then where they already were!
"Ryyyyyyyyyyooooooouuu, I'm BORED," groaned Bakura pacing around the living room bored as hell!
"Well, why don't you paint a picture?" Ryou suggested walking into his living room.
"That's borrrring," Bakura replied like a 3 year old!
"Um, why don't you go and visit Marik?" Ryou said.
"Fine, but I'm only going to Marik's house coz I'm so godamn BORED," exclaimed Bakura as he walked out the front door.
"MARIK, OPEN UP, I'M BORED!" Shouted Bakura almost breaking the door down!
"Jeez Bakura, you know we do have a bell, why don't you try it sometime," Marik said looking at how badly Bakura had wrecked the door.
"Nah, it's more fun my way," Bakura replied walking into Marik's house. "I'm bored, that's the ONLY reason I came over here, got it?" Asked Bakura, picking up some sort of breakable item and dropping it on the floor.
"BAKURA!" Yelled Marik with a gobsmacked look on his face!
"Yes Marik," Bakura said simply.
"WHY DID YOU DROP THAT ORNAMENT, MALIK'S GONNA KILL ME, THAT WAS HIS FAVOURITE!" Yelled Marik again as he picked up the pieces of glass and throwing them into the bin. "Now I have to go and buy another one, and you're coming with me,"
"What, no way," replied Bakura.
"If you come with me to the ornaments shop, I'll…I'll buy you an ice-cream, ok?" Bargained Marik.
"Hmmm, ok," said Bakura following Marik out of the house.
So the two yamis made their way down the street and into the ornaments shop.
"Ok, Bakura, do me a huge favor and please don't touch anything," Marik pleaded leaving Bakura alone with breakable objects, which is never a good idea!
Bakura being Bakura was never going to listen to Marik or anyone else for that matter, so as he walked around each of the glass ornaments he tried to find the most expensive one and when it did, passers by could hear screaming coming from the ornaments shop, which could only be Marik's!
"BAKURA!" Yelled Marik his face going bright red!
"Yes Marik, I swear to Ra that I did not touch or break anything," said Bakura as he put on a straight face.
"Well then Bakura who broke that very, very expensive ornament?" Asked Marik.
"The boogey man," replied Bakura seriously.
"For Ra's sake Bakura, come on we're leaving, now," sighed Marik dragging Bakura out the door only to be stopped by a sound that came from the man behind the counter.
"Ahem, gentlemen haven't you forgotten something?" The shopkeeper asked with a frown on his face.
Marik growled, his scowl becoming bigger by the second!
"Uh, yeah, sorry, how much was that ornament?" He asked taking out his wallet. Bakura started grinning.
"$3,000," replied the shopkeeper, Marik's eyes went wide.
"Shit," he muttered underneath his breath, "Ok," Marik said taking out a credit card and handing it over the counter.
After all that had been settled and the two yamis were out on the streets, Bakura spoke…
"So, do I still get that ice-cream you promised?"
"Aw, why not,"
"Because I said so, that's why,"
"But that's not faaaaiir Marik,"
"I don't care,"
"You're mean,"
"I'm going home,"
"Just hurry up and leave already,"
"Fine," said Bakura walking off in a different direction, only to find that he was going the wrong way, so he turned around and walked towards his house.