Disclaimer: Nope don't claim anything. Frankly even the plot is slightly based on Greek Myth...

AN: I will get to To Be a Child.. I swear :ducks angry readers: however I was writing down a random blurb fic and came up with a quote and my muse wouldn't leave me alone


"I beseech you.

If you deny one, I cannot return alone;

you shall triumph in the death of us both."


from the tale of Orpheus and Eurydice

Kaito felt cold, unbelievably cold.

He stared in horror as Aoko gently fell, blood falling to the floor from the gunshot wound that had torn through her chest.

"No... no... No!" he screamed seeing her eyes go wide and face furrowed from the pain that was wracking her body. He didn't care that half the police force heard, nor that he was in his Kaitou KID suit. Nor did it matter it was the middle of the heist.

All he felt was his heart go numb and the only woman he loved fall to the ground limp.

The crowd of policemen before him, which would have normally taken minutes to get through, took less then a moment. He had been the first to see her go down, the first to hear the gun shot, and in seconds he had literally flown across the room and was holding the injured woman in his arms.

Policemen froze staring at the scene before, at their Inspector's daughter laying hurt on the ground, and the Phantom Thief cradling her in his arms. Shock was evident on all there faces as the phantom thief showed something they had never seen in him...


His mask was breaking, threatening to shatter if it hadn't been so tightly in place, but even with his cover his eyes still shown with unidentifiable emotion. He stroked the girls hair then suddenly looked up at the gawking police.
Eyes flashed, "Are you all stupid? Call an ambulance!" The policemen looked startled but quickly scattered running to call for an ambulance. The few that were left looked lost and the thief looked at the girl then back up at them, "You need to get her father, he's-" his voice cracked beside his work to keep calm, "He needs to be here... please."

Two of the cops nodded, and left to fetch Nakamori leaving only a few men to watch the phantom who was holding the woman so gently.

He ignored them.

"Hold on" he said gently, "Please."

She whimpered then called out softly, "Kaito."

"Shhhh... its alright."

She opened her eyes then scowled, "oh it's you..." her voice was weak but filled with disappointment.

"Don't speak or your hurt yourself."

It already hurts" she said wincing.

He said nothing but pulled out a bandage from seemingly nowhere and tried to staunch her wound. She let out a scream and he went back to holding her smoothing her hair to calm her.

"Why are you doing this-" she asked weakly. "I hate you."

"I know."

Coughs racked her lungs causing her to wince, "I'm so cold.."

His face paled and he pulled off his cloak wrapping her in it gently. Red stained through it creating a crimson blemish. He felt his heart pounding from fear, "It'll be alright..."

She shivered again, "Why should you care? Why? I hate you... you shouldn't care about me."

The thief laughed hoarsely, "It doesn't matter."

"Don't talk..."

"I hate you. You steal everyone from me...Touchan and Kaito. Everyone always leaves because of you." Coughs racked her lungs again causing her to shutter

"I didn't want to.. that's the last thing I wanted..."

"Touchan... Kaito.. everyone" she was crying weeping and shuddering from the pain.

KID was gripping his fist his mask so close to falling, he felt his heart clench, and he held the girl tightly, "Aoko... Don't give up... please don't give up!"

"You don't have the right to call me that-" she said too weak to resist. "You have no right."

"I'm sorry..."
"Why is it so cold?"

"Hold on.. please..."

"Touchan!" she screamed .. then she closed her eyes in pain, frozen his touch. Her skin ice. "It hurts" her voice was weak, "I.. I wish Kaito was here.. I.." she was crying from shock. She gave another shudder then grasping at her wound screamed "Kaito.. Kaito... KAITO!" the pain he saw etched in her face was almost unbearable. She mumbled his name and he finally broke.

"Damn it Aoko! Snap out of it! Don't you dare die on me" He tore off his hat throwing it to the ground along with his monocle. The policemen just stood in awe of the scene before them, a few of them gasping as they saw the young man's face.

"Please..." he said his voice breaking as he pulled her face up to look at him.

The girl let out a choking sob. as she stared up into the eyes of her best friend...

Kuroba Kaito.

"Kaito?" her voice was weak from pain.

"I'm sorry Aoko... I'm so sorry. I should've told you-" his eyes glistened with hurt, "I should've never taken up the cloak.. its my fault.."

"Kaito.." she said again in shock.

"Please Aoko.. I.. I know its hard, and you'll never forgive me.. but at least try to stay alive so you can kill me later."

"Its you" she said quietly.


"You lied..." she looked up at him eyes wet with tears.

"I'm sor-"


"I am"

"You are."

"And you lied."

There was a moment of silence. Both looked at each other fighting down emotions that threatened to overwhelm them both.

"I know why though." she sighed then gave another shudder form pain. She wrapped her self deeper into his arms.

"Kaito I'm so tired."

"No. You will not give up.."
She nodded then noticed the police, "They know who you are now."

He shrugged.


"Because you deserved to know."

She nodded shivering now, "Kaito I'm scared..."
"No... please.. Aoko" she was ice, and so weak. It scared him to see her so venerable and he knew he was losing her.

"Kaito... please.. its alright. I... forgive you." she said reaching out to touch his cheek.

"Don't you DARE die Nakamori Aoko!" he said eyes filled with fear. The vehemence in his voice was a contrast to the gentle way he held the girl, "Don't you DARE! I swear, if you die I will search for you to the end underworld and steal you back myself!" he ached with the pain, yet no tears came. He could never cry no matter how much his soul wailed as it was torn to pieces.

Aoko, eyes and face filled with pain spoke with barely a whisper, "I'm sorry Kaito- I loved... You." She reached up touching his pained face one last time as she fell limp in his arms, breath still.