Disclaimer: Not mine
Pairing: Emma and Shalimar
For once I don't really have any AN, but tell me what you think…I don't think it's so bad considering that I wrote it in like 20 min. but it's not really up to me to decide…Enjoy!
----------"So Emma, do you need any refill?"
"Yeah, sure."
Emma handed her glass to Shalimar and she walked away, leaving Emma alone in the booth.
Immediately Emma opened her mind to search through the club. She had felt that something wasn't right in this place all night and the feeling reminded her of someone.
"Hey Emma! Mind if I have a seat?"
"Yeah I do." She looked up at the woman standing in front of her, dark hair, slim features and about Shalimar's high.
"Thanks," the woman answered and sat down anyway, looking intensely at Emma.
"I should have known it was you."
"Yeah, you always had a way of knowing things. Long time, no see huh? Have you missed me?"
"Not really!"
"Aww, I love you to babe."
"Can't you just leave me alone?"
"Hey are you okay?"
Emma looked up to see Shalimar eyeing their visitor suspiciously.
"I'm fine. Jodi was just leaving, weren't you Jodi?" Emma gave her a stern look.
"Actually I was just settling down."
"Do I know you?" Shalimar said in a harsh tone, sensing Emma's obvious discomfort.
"Oh sorry, I forgot my manners. I'm Jodi, Emma's ex."
Jodi extended her arm to Shalimar who didn't take it.
"Ex?" She looked at Emma who was slightly blushing and raised her eyebrow.
"Well, can't blame her for not telling you about me since it was the best time of her life."
Jodi sat herself down and so did Shalimar, next to Emma.
Emma looked like she would rather just disappear and get as far away as possible and Shalimar didn't like the vibes she was getting from Jodi or Emma. Emma seemed almost scared and it made Shalimar uneasy.
"Emma, I don't feel so good. I think we should get home."
Shalimar took Emma's hand and started pulling her up.
Jodi rose as well. "I'm sorry, I didn't get your name…"
"I didn't give it," Shalimar snapped back before she pulled Emma towards the exit.
"Hey Brennan," Shalimar said into the com-ring.
"Yeah Shal, what's up?"
"Could you come and pick us up please?"
"What happened to the girl's night out?"
"It was cut short."
"Okay, where do I pick you up?"
"Just track our com-links."
"Is something wrong?"
"Not yet, just hurry."
"Okay, I'll be there in five."
Shalimar looked at Emma who seemed miserable.
"You okay?"
"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." Emma gave her an empty smile and Shalimar was about to comment on it when her senses became alert.
Emma noticed how Shalimar tensed and looked around.
"She's following us isn't she?"
"I don't know if it's her, but it's definitely someone." Her eyes flashed yellow so she could see better in the dark.
"Maybe we should just pretend it's nothing and just keep moving?"
"You do that and I'll go find the stalker."
"No, I don't wanna be alone. Please, let's just keep moving, Brennan will be here soon."
"You're right, he will." Shalimar started to walk slowly away from her.
"Whoa, Shal. What are you gonna do?"
"Oh Jody," Shalimar said in a mocking tone. "Come out and play."
"Shal, stop it." Emma tried to reach for Shalimar's arm, but was stopped by movements in front of them and saw Jodi appear.
Shalimar let out a short laugh. "Having fun do we?"
"Not yet." Jodi answered with a smirk.
"What can we help you with? Anything in particular that you want?"
They were both moving closer to each other.
"Well, there's always Emma."
"Sorry, I can't give you that."
"Don't worry, I'll just take her from you then. By the way, I forgot to ask…Are you her girlfriend?"
Jodi released a right hook that Shalimar easily dodged.
"I'm starting to like you less and less Jodi and I barely even met you."
Jodi tried to kick Shalimar, but she dodged it again and swept Jodi's leg of the ground in the process, causing her to fall hard to the ground.
Jodi quickly got up again and threw punches at Shalimar, which she blocked and released a kick that hit Jodi in the stomach and sent her flying backwards.
Shalimar started walking towards Jodi when she was interrupted by Brennan on her com-ring.
"Shal, I'm here. Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, just pick us up."
"Okay, just get on to the roof."
She looked around and saw a fire-escape.
"We'll be right there Brennan."
She gracefully jumped and reached for the stairs, which she pulled down for Emma.
"Come on Emma, before she can follow us."
Emma had a pained expression as they climbed up to the Double Helix.
On the flight home neither Emma nor Shalimar spoke to each other and when they were back safe Emma headed out as fast as possible.
"Emma, wait up!"
"I can't believe you Shalimar."
"What? What did I do wrong now?"
They were walking down the halls of Sanctuary on the way to their rooms.
"You can't just attack people."
"She attacked me."
"So you just figured, hey she started it so even though I'm much stronger I can kick her ass?"
"Come on Em."
"She's just a normal person without any powers."
"She wasn't that bad of a fighter to be normal. I didn't exactly think she would be your kind with all the violence."
"Well, I'm not with her now am I?"
They had reached Emma's room and Shalimar gripped Emma's arm so she could face her.
"You can't seriously feel sorry for her? Did you want me to let her beat me, is that it?"
"No, I just…No!"
"I'm sorry okay?"
"No you're not. Stop being so irrational all the time."
"Well, stop being so emotional all the time."
Emma shut the door in Shalimar's face.
Shalimar sighed and tried to calm herself down.
"Emma, come on. Open up please." She said in a soft voice and knocked lightly.
"Emma, I just want to talk to you. Please? I promise I'll be nice."
The door opened slightly. "Like you could ever be nice."
"I can be nice." Shalimar answered, playing offended.
"Just come in, say whatever you have to say and then let me go to sleep."
"Okay." Shalimar flashed an innocent smile at Emma as she walked past her.