Title: He's a Lady
Authoress: Darka-Chan
Summary: Kai changes into a girl, what chaos will ensue?

Wind Archer Tyson? O.o;; -backs away-
VGMaster04 BK's okay… Though I know something better XD
K.C.K.L.D That's not the pairing
TALA MINE-TALA HOT XD I swear my own fic is making me hungry o.o;;
Atem's Queen of The Nile Let's see… Kai is a girl, so doesn't that make Ray straight at the moment? n.n;;
catseyes77 Yeah, I am quite famous under this one XD
BloodyShadows AAAAAAAAAH! Shopping, the mortal enemy of every tomboyish girl can know x.x"
Max and Ray's Girl I passed my exams somehow, you?
M.S.K Chill hun, just a fic :p
blackartofchaos –shrugs- It was the first thing I could think of that was known all over the world, 'cuz I dun think Hap Wat rings a bell for ya n.n;;
Rejiita Cker vanwege het eten :p
Ketsueki-Ken Thanks n.n
Lizzie I can't because they don't love each other
Der Niabs Ahahaha. In this world there only IS insanity XD
vixen black Ahaha, yeah, but I think there have been enough things in the BK XD
Jani Rieme Sounds like another story f mine that has been thrown of the for about 3 times o.o;;


Kai and Ray were trying to find a place where they could sit down in order to eat.

"Uhm… Is it just me, or is it really crowded here?" Ray muttered.

Kai looked around and saw people sitting on the floor and standing on each other.

"It's you." She said with a sweat drop.

"Thought so." Ray replied. "Hey, those people look like they're leaving!" Ray said, pointing at a couple who were rising. But before the couple even lift their buts of the chairs, there were already 12 people sitting on their seats.

Kai let out a sigh. 'I wonder how Tala is doing…'

Not good (A/N:smirk)

Tala groaned. He had the feeling he'd be standing in the line for… 5 minutes! And while he was complaining, Bryan was glaring at everyone that came within the 2 meter or the red head. And seeing that they were in the line…

'I'm surprised no one has run away yet…' Tala thought. '… … … Why is he glaring anyway?'

"Who can I he-"


Tala dashed forwards, pushing everyone aside, not caring about the line. The helper sweat dropped.

"Okay, sir, what may I get you?"

Tala's face faulted.

"Bryan? The list?"


"… Bryan?"

Bryan grinned sheepish. "Kai still has the list."

"BAKA!" Tala whacked him across the head.

"ITAI!" Bryan howled.

By now they were getting stared at by just about everyone except for Ray and Kai who quickly took a seat now that no one was really paying attention.

"GO GE THE FRIGGIN' LIST!" Tala yelled to Bryan.


Bryan dashed off, trying to find their friends, but yeah… The BK where they were… Had 21 stores x.x"

And while Bryan was looking for Kai and Ray who had the list, Tala made sure no one would order before he would, so the line grew bigger and bigger and in the end the cops had to come and they were thrown in jail and starved.



Bryan flashed the list from his pocked. Kai had given it to him before they went off. He could see the two others behind a table in the corner of the BK.

Tala made his order and soon the four of them were sitting, eating and chatting.

"Shouldn't we take the food of the others home already?" Ray asked.

"I think we should…" Kai mumbled.

"Nyah, just eat your own food first." Tala said, stuffing another fry in his mouth.

Ray and Kai shrugged before they continued eating.

When they were done, they got up and walked towards the exit. Just when they were about to leave however, a group of bikers entered and blocked their path.

'Out of our way." One of the bikers said.

Kai narrowed her eyes. "You go out of our way." She hissed.

The bikers laughed.

"Oh, lookie! This chick has guts!" one of them mocked.

Kai growled and was slowly getting quite pissed off.

"Kai…" Tala murmured in her ear.

"Hn. You should teach your little friend here, not to mess with the big boys." A fat one said, shoving Kai aside.

Bad move.

Kai picked herself up from the floor. "Okay, fatso! You wanna fight! Then fight! No one messes around with Kai Hiwatari!" she yelled.

The man stopped.


But Kai knocked him KO in 3 movements. These were her movements;

1) advance
2) attack
3) walk back

The other bikers made way for the four friends as they now continued their journey like nothing happened.

They just decided to ignore the cackling that came from a bookstore from a guy that was laughing at the loaded with books cashier. After all… It's a random thing, right?


" So, guys." Tyson said to the D-Boys while eating his food. "What are you going here anyway?"

The D-Boys looked at each other and an uncomfortable silence filled the room.

Tyson swallowed a little as he just realized, he might have brought the friendship that had grown back with that one simple question…


I'm I biatch, I don't care, this is all you'll get from me now
I do get people that are constantly nagging me about TalaxKai.
In case it wasn't really obvious, this is a KaixRay, TalaxBryan I won't awnser reviews that are complaining about the pairings anymore
It may sound a tad harsh, but if I got money for every review that went about the pairings, I would be rich
I would!
To bad I don't