Before anything else I'd like to say that this sentence: 'Today's cute little girls are tomorrow's hot babes' belongs to my ex-boyfriend, current good friend and guinea pig for my psychiatric training, experience and analysis. He's quite the piece if I may say so myself. XD

Ok, that's it, enjoy now! n-n

The Master and The Apprentice

By Ruzovy

Chapter 7: Roary Robert and how I got my Dog

My life sucks big time. And it doesn't even swallow… Ok bad joke… "WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU TWO -not doing, I can see that- THINKING! MELODY!"

"We huh- Wait Robbie I can explain!"

"Explain what? Why you were- snogging- him!" Me- snogging- what now?

Melody blushed hard "ROBERT! That was- uncouth!"

Robert blinked at her and placed his hand over his mouth "I meant- huh…" he cleared his throat and breathed deeply "Excuse me. Now you two, in the living room now." I'm dead.

We both motioned out of the kitchen, Melody passing him with no problem, me getting a death glare as a prize. "Now," Robert started as we sat down together on one of the couches, looking away from eachother. "Kai, before I lose my temper and- physically damage you- would you mind- telling me why you were in such an- intimate position with my sister? Who just- happens to be- your- student as well as a minor?" And there's the billion dollar question… Which ruins my intentions… I was planning on telling her this on some sappy environment like girls like and stuff… "Well I- huh…"

"Having a bit of fun, Hiwatari? Didn't Jessica satisfy you enough so you went to search for- fun elsewhere?" Shit why did you mention- the thing! She didn't know! I turned to Melody to find her with her head jerked, her hair covering her eyes "So you like little girls huh? That's just- sick! I never thought of you as a-"

"I LOVE HER!" Did I just say that? Judging from both their faces I'd say so… Why is she crying?

"That's funny, not even a month ago I remember you couldn't stand her… What made your opinion change so radically in the mean time? And most importantly, for how long has this been- going?"

"Done Robbey- Oh, yo- ss'up…" a joyful Minx joined in and quickly changed her expression to one of worry at our faces "Wha's with you peep'os?" she looked up at Robert and then at us and cocked her head to the side "Dun' tell me he found out…"

"YOU KNEW?" we asked in unison "Duh…" she shrugged "I think it was obvious… Or, dun tell me you always stayed afta' class juss to ask questions… An' tha' you sent her those looks and- little notes during classes when you thought nobody was lookin' t' schedule private less'ns or sumthin'. Or-"

Melody growled at her "ENOUGH ALREADY!" DAMN DAMN DAMN! I should have suspected something was wrong when she started asking me to sit at the back of my classes so she could 'have company when she went home'!

"APRIL! Why didn't you tell me anything about the matter?" Robert fumed.

"What, for ya t' spazz like yar doin' now? Leave them alone Robbey! B'sides, they look cute! And ya should be happey fer Melly. She finally got her life-long crush…" Woo! Life-long? I'm flattered…

"MINX!" Melody squealed, still crying "That's enough! Why are you- why didn't you-"

"April sit down and be quiet please! Now, what were you thinking! I always thought you had some brains! How could you get involved with a teacher!"


"Do you have any idea of the consequences if you two are ever found out?"


"And you-"

"Don't you dare say he's taking advantage of me again!" Melody shot up to her feet and got between me and him "He has always been there for me when you were not! He's been helping- putting up with my tantrums and taking care of me whenever I asked him to and even when I didn't!" That's right! Wait, I have? Damn, I never bothered this much with my Mom… I'm turning into a pile of sappiness… Damn her… "He- he sent- him away last time and I-" she clutched her head in her hands, sobbing "I love him… You can't take him from me please… We're careful… We always try not to be too obvious…"

"Well then why did April-"

"Minx had been nagging me about Kai ages before anything actually happened between us! You know she's always looking for- weird- romantic signs in people or whatever…"

"Yeah… keep talking like I ain't here… I dun mind…"

Robert ignored her "That's not the point! You- should have never gotten involved and that's that! It's not just illegal it's- it's sick! He's almost twice as old as you are!" That's the second time I'm being called a- perverted psycho today. "And you! I'm going to kill you! How dare you! You're just sick! She's just a little girl you-" he growled and lunged at me, Melody and Minx trying to hold him back "Robbey stop it! Yar not helpin' anyone! Calm down an' listen t' him!" his girlfriend pushed him back onto the couch in front of the one I had been sitting on just a second ago –before jumping to my feet when Robert spazzed- and glared at him until he sighed and rubbed his temples, then looking back at me with a familiar glint in his eyes. That predatory glint Melody always seems to save for me whenever something bad happens to her and I just happen to be around. Yep, they're more alike than I thought. "Explain… Now."

I sighed and bit my lower lip "I- well…" I don't exactly enjoy discussing my feelings with my psychiatrist, let alone my girlfriend's psyched brother. Good… not. "What do you want me to say… it- basically started when she- won a bet we did and I- became her- slave for the day. We- we started getting closer from then on…"

"What exactly happened on that- day that made you two- start to- get closer?"

Well huh… we er… "I kissed him." I shot my head up and looked from Melody to Robert, to find him rubbing his face "You kissed him." He repeated "Why?"

She blushed "Because I could see- we both wanted it." Hey! I didn't- ok so I did… badly…

"And why didn't you stop her!"

Dramatic music on please… "Because I did want it! I- I had been- feeling- attracted to her for some time by then…" My inner self is currently trying to cause itself a deep head trauma on a brick wall if anyone's wondering.

"I thought you said it all started then?"

"No, I said we started getting closer. I- had been-" what's the word? Oh screw it! "-wanting her for a- while…" I'm becoming such a sap…

"Since you- groped her I presume…"

WHO TOLD HIM THAT! He was supposed to be sucking face with Minx! Not- watching! "I- suppose…" and it just cracked it's skull… there goes my conscience…

"Though ya were in denial at that stage, I remembah…" Minx chuckled, her grin faltering as Robert frowned at her "It's not funny! Now," he turned back to me, oblivious to the fact that his girlfriend was sticking her tongue out at him from behind "What kind of- relationship do you two have- if you have any at all… Or are you just playing around with her 'til you tire of her and go back to hunting-"


I exchanged a look with Melody and bit my lower lip as she sat next to me again, glancing at Robert before starting to mumble in Russian "Before anything else… That- Jessica, who was she?"

Robert scowled at her. Apparently he never bothered learning his mother's language… Good. "She's- another teacher at school. Look, it was nothing… I just- Kevin had been pissing me off for sometime about me being alone for so long… And I had been so I- well… was kinda needy…" Oh God… someone give me a brick wall too… Why do I keep putting my foot into my mouth with women? No wonder I never had a relationship that went over a couple of months if so. I kept saying the wrong thing… like now.

"So you- had to go and…" Oh God don't cry anymore please…

Alarm! Excuses excuses! "Look, first of all we weren't even together at the time and-" this is embarrassing… "I didn't even enjoy it because- because of you…" Fair enough. Besides, for once I'm not lying.


"Well I- couldn't get you out of my head" still can't actually… I'M SUCH A SAP! HELP! "so I- thought all I needed was- well, putting it crudely, getting laid with- someone else or whatever… and no, it didn't work- stop grinning it's not funny!"

"I find it funny. I mean, this is Miss Tate we're talking about… I don't know of any guy in school that doesn't find her hot…"

"Yeah well I happen to like women hot and with something in their heads besides air!"

At that she blushed "I'm not hot…" she mumbled, then grinning "but I am smart!"

"And so modest too…" But she is- well ok… she's not as hot as Jessica sure… but Jessica's fully developed, she's not. "As for you not being hot, well give it a couple of years and you'll have fun in watching me kicking all your idolizers away." I smirked as she blushed hard.

"What on Earth are you two talking about! Answer my question! Or are you blackmailing her into saying what you want her to say?"

I rolled my eyes "No. And huh, what was the question again?"

"What kind of relationship do you two have!"

"We're- huh…" we exchanged glances. If this was a movie and Melody was a few years older you'd see me standing up and going all 'macho' and saying 'We are engaged!' but luckily, we're neither engaged nor in some stupid sappy movie. "Well, going out."

"Is she your- girlfriend or not?"

Melody glanced up at me and nodded slowly while I muttered inaudibly a well said 'duh'. "Isn't that sweet. Kai, I thought you said you wanted to teach at your old University…"

I do… "I still do, what do you mean?"

"I doesn't look like it! Do you realize you could lose your job- You could get arrested! You know what- I'm getting you a psychiatrist or something before you start going for even younger little girls!"

I growled and stood to face him "Now listen here you brat!" HE IS YOUNGER THAN ME! I HAVE A RIGHT TO CALL HIM BRAT! MUAHAHAHA! Ok, that sounded mental… "In case you didn't get it when I first said it, I don't have any sort of mental disease or some perverted interest in minors. I love your sister, and I just happen to not care about her age or whatever else you might come up with. Deal with it and leave us alone! You'll only make it dangerous for us if you meddle!"

He groaned and opened his mouth to retort, but Minx stopped him harshly "He's right Robert!" at his look she quickly shook her head "'kay fine! So- they're a bit of a- dysfunctional couple, but those are th' ones tha' work better anyways! I mean- look at us! I'm what mah parents call the blacksheep of the fam'ly and a rebel and loud and rude and you- you're a total snob and the pride of yar parents- and shaddup I'm talkin'! And yea', sure… it's Hell on Earth if they're found out but they are discreet, I assure you! You know Tala keeps seeing smoke where there is no fire when it comes to Melly and he hasn't even suspected anythin' so far! Robbey please!"

'Robbey' was currently gaping at her and blinking oddly. "Aprilwillyoumarryme?"

She blinked "Huh?"

He swallowed audibly and searched his coat, turning back to her and giving her a small box "I said, will you- marry me?" Ookay… He finally did it… I heard Melody chuckling as she hugged my arm tightly and nodded at Minx, who was with a look similar to the one Robert had just before his proposal "Huh… yeah… I- guess I'd- like that… Er, sorry what was yar question again?"

Robert growled and pulled her into a kiss, to which his sister kicked him "Get a room!"

He grumbled at her, preparing his scolding apparently when Minx jumped him from behind and kissed his neck "I LOVE YA! WHEN'S THE WEDDING! AAAH ROBBEY THE RING'S BEAUTIFUL I LOVE YA I LOVE YA I LOVE YA AND LET'S GET A ROOM YEAH!" she jumped off him and dragged him up the stairs, while he yelled back at us to stay where we were and not dare to do anything uncouth and 'THIS IS MY BLOODY HOUSE SO BEHAVE!'

"Geez… Robert's needing some… But it's about time… They've been together for over four years… And that's not counting the time they spent in denial…"

"Four years? But- That means they were- fourteen and- eighteen… Hey! He has no right to criticize me!"

"Don't compare… He's four years older than her. You're three times more older than me."

"Fine… How did it start anyways?"

"Well, at the time Robbie still went to our school as a Senior, -he jumped a year I think…- and so did Minx, in seventh grade. You know the Junior High section is on the other building. Well, Robert got along with her cousin, Johnny I think. And huh, once when he took me to see the school, since I was supposed to start going there the next year, Johnny thought Minx would like to meet me since she liked kids or something."

"Kids? Oh right, you were- eight at the time… and what grade were you jumping to anyways?"

"Minxes', funnily enough. Anyways, Robbie saw her from a distance with the boys, and you know they look dangerous and stuff now, right? Well, it was pretty much the same back then. So he panicked and went along to make sure I'd be fine. That's pretty much how they met. She self-assigned herself to take me home from school, and somehow persuaded Robbie into letting her do it. Even when he could do it himself and all. So, she'd take me home and stay until he got home, or if he already was home she'd stay and bug him for fun for a while. He kept saying he couldn't stand her and stuff and eventually- he told her that. It really hurt her 'cause she had a crush on him I think. So she started just taking me home and leaving as soon as he got there. At first he seemed relieved, but then I think he started missing her. Then summer came and they didn't see eachother for the whole holidays. The next year, Minx showed up as the rebel we know today, she changed her hair, she got her eyebrow pierced, and when he came to ask her 'what the Hell', dumbfounded about her radical change, she ignored him completely."

I laughed "Poor Rob…"

"Yeah. You should have seen his face. And she made it worse for him by purposely wearing- well… you know the stuff she wears when they go out…" yeah… minimal clothing… I should ask Minx to lend Melody some of her clothes next time I take her out… Melody that is… I'd like it if she showed those pretty legs of hers more often… I only get to see them at school because the uniform's skirt is conveniently short, hehe… It's like I said, give her a few years and the kid'll be a knock-out. Like Kevin says, 'Today's cute little girls are tomorrow's hot babes'. Sick, I know. But oh so true. "Anyways, she spent a lot of time over here with me, which is pretty much how we became best friends, and she eventually confessed she liked him. So I decided I'd find out what was up with him. Since funnily enough, my room suddenly became a very interesting place whenever she was there. So, I started watching him intently, and eventually, I confronted him with the billion dollar question."

"Which was- ?"

"My exact words were 'Robbie likes Minx! Doesn't he?' and they had him blinking and blushing like a tomato. I suppose the fact that she was in the same room had something to do with it."

"That was very smart of you."

"Hey, I was nine! Besides, he immediately shooed me out of the room saying he needed to talk to her."

"And like the good brat you are, you peeked didn't you?"

She pouted "Damn you. Don't tell him. Well, from what I could tell, he was feeling pretty embarrassed, -thanks to me- and Minx wasn't in a much better state. So, I don't know… suddenly they just started talking nervously as Hell and ended up friends again. Yeah, Robert Jurgen actually apologized for something he said. That alone meant a lot to me."

"Then what?"

"They got closer and stuff, and Minx became happier. Robbie started being less of a snob too-"

"You mean he used to be worse?"

"Much worse… You have no idea. Minx really did a good job on him. Anyways, eventually, Robbie actually stopped worrying about what his colleagues and friends said about her being just some brat and stuff, and asked her out on her birthday. On April Fools day."

"April 1st. Is that why she's called April?"

"Yup. Or so she said anyways. Well, that was the first of many dates sure, but to Minx is her most treasured one. You know that ring she wears on a chain around her neck? That was her fifteenth birthday present from Robbie. Tala hid it from her once to piss her off and ended up in the Hospital with a broken jaw. So, you can tell how much it means to her."

Hehe… "Yeah…"

"So, they kept going out whenever Robbie was in town, -he was starting college at the time- which was becoming more and more often actually, and he invited her to spend a couple of weeks at our summer house when summer holidays started. And… they came back hand in hand so to speak."

I rose an eyebrow "Rob had a fun time I see…"

She grinned "Minx told me it happened at this festival on the 4th of July. They were watching the fireworks and started arguing over something, and then she got tired of listening to him babbling –like he's been doing before asking her to marry him, ya know- and just kissed him to shut him up. He blinked funnily and asked her to go- steady with him or something like that. And that's it I guess."

"Nice story…" I chuckled "Just wished our situation was that simple…" I sighed and plopped back down on the couch, rubbing my forehead "What do you think will happen now?"

She sat on my lap and leaned her head on my chest "I dunno… Depends on Robbie's mood. But considering what they're probably doing now and stuff… I guess we'll be ok. But we really have to be more careful…"

"Yeah, imagine if it was your Mom!"

She chuckled "My Mom would just shrug and mutter something in the lines of 'As long as you're happy and he treats you well and is mentally sane, I don't mind. So go on sweetie. Oh, and do you want some brownies?'. Father on the other hand… would have you arrested and thoroughly questioned immediately. And tortured probably."


She yawned "Hum… you never got dinner ready…"

Shit. "Hum, I'm huh- tired… How about we get some sleep and then huh- order a pizza and watch a movie or something?" And here comes Kai, the Super-Lousy-Excuses-For-Not-Cooking-Or-Doing Anything-Remotely-Related-With-Housework Man.

"Gee, it's nice to know I can count on you to get me a nice romantic set…" she chuckled "But fine. I like pizza… And I am tired… Crying makes me sleepy."

I cringed "I'm sorry."

"Not your fault. I- can't really control you and besides I- have no word on what you did before we ever- well you know what I mean…" She sighed and lifted her head to look up at me "Kai?"

"Hum?" I muttered, too busy running my fingers through her hair and face to really bother paying attention to whatever she said.

"About- Robbie's question, you know, the one about our- relationship… huh… Well huh… What exactly- are we?" my fingers froze and I looked directly at her eyes "A- couple I suppose… Or in Minxes' words, a dysfunctional one at that."

"So… I can say you're my-" she blushed, looking away "-my boyfriend- then?"

I smiled and kissed her "Get some sleep hmm?"

"Kai…" she whined, pouting- adorably… SAP ALERT! "You're mine, I'm yours. I love you and you love me. That's all I need to know. No labels are needed. In truth, they only make things complicated. You start wondering like you're doing now and that's a total waste of time if you ask me."

"Fine…" she smiled and nuzzled her face in my neck, purring softly and chuckling when I shivered "Oh Kai, you're so sensitive…" she mocked "And oh ever so lovable…" WHAT!

"Shut up woman, you're annoying!" I growled and rose her head by her chin, kissing her passionately –passionately is a gay word… and sappy.-


Somewhere in the middle of our make-out session we both ended up falling asleep on her couch –like we were supposed to anyways- and lucky for us, her front door faces our couch. So I suppose the guy sitting on the couch in front of ours reading the newspaper must have made a funny face when he came in… No wait, isn't it Robert?

The man looked up from the newspaper and fixed his frown on me "Awake?" Hum, Robert doesn't have blue eyes… Melody doe- OH CRAP! "Huh, yes huh… sorry…" I looked down at Melody's still sleeping form and prayed for her to wake up and let go of my hand. Man this is awkward… "You friend of Melodie?" This guy's got an odd accent… Can't even pronounce her name right… or any word actually… "Hum, yes… I'm huh- Kai…"

"Ralf." He looked down at Melody as she stirred and mumbled something, sitting up and rubbing her eyes "Melodie." She jumped and looked at him with widened eyes "Hum… Hallo… Vater…" or something like that… Me and German no can do… wait, doesn't 'Vater' mean 'father'? Oh CRAAAAP! And here I was stupidly hoping he'd be another brother she had and hadn't told me about…

Ralf frowned at her and nodded in my direction, asking something in a harsh German, his eyes narrowing when she answered back, sneering a bit. He then growled and muttered something at her that made her stand up. "Be right back. And don't worry, Father won't bite…" she smirked when he sent her a glare to match her predatory looks and went into the kitchen. Leaving me alone with- the beast… Oh God HELP! "You knows Robert, yes?"

"Hum, yes we huh… worked together back in the University."

He cocked his head to the side, eyeing me attentively. "You Kai Hiwatari."

"Hum, yes…"

"Then you Melodie's teacher."

Crap. "Yes…" Come on, ask if she's pregnant… and if I'm insane too… and how long till we're found out and I'm in jail. And- "She good in your class?"

I gaped at him. So, this guy comes home and finds his daughter sleeping on the couch snuggled with her teacher and the first thing he asks is how she's doing at school… God I don't get these people… All the better for me then… "She's doing very well. Melody's a- special student…"


Duh… "Special… She- She's probably one of the best students in that school."

"Melodie say you call her dumb." Little bitch…

"Well I'm not calling her anything above that because if I do it'll make her think she's better than everyone else and she won't work hard. But she is- brilliant…" And God forbid her of ever hearing me say this.

"Good. Don't say brilliant to her. Melodie spoiled. Mother too nice. Give all Melodie want. I say no, but wife don't listen. So Melodie not know value of hard working for getting what you want. Never need to work hard, always getting everything easy… Robert work hard to get good praise when child as example. Robert value praise more than sister, not spoiled. I educate he like that." And you look proud of your work too no? This explains why Robert's such a snob and Melody's a spoiled brat. Though they're both pretty stuck up. "But Melodie educated by mother. My word don't counted." Right… Melody said she grew up with her Mom and Robert with- Ralf here so I guess I know what he means…

"Here's the coffee…" Melody went in and placed a tray on the coffee table between the two couches, taking a seat next to me as her father got himself some coffee and stood up. "Excuse me. I have work. I take this in office. Nice to meeting you."

"To meet you." Melody corrected.

"Ja, that… Get job and status before correct me… you no have right."


"Good night Mr. Hiwatari." He bowed slightly and went up the stairs. As soon as we heard a door close Melody sighed and laid her head on my lap "Sorry for leaving you here alone, but Father tends to be quite- persuasive… 'Do coffee for I or you no go out!'. Meh… What did he say to you?"

"Nothing much, we just huh- he asked me how you were doing at school."

"How did he know you're my teacher?"

"I don't know, Robert must have told him about me being his supervisor and now being your teacher… he seemed to realize it when I said I had worked with Robert in the University. Hum, by the way, what does he do?"

"He's a Neurologist at the Hospital in huh… in the closest town to the- West I think… Not really sure. He doesn't really talk much about his job. Why?"

"Well huh, I don't mean to offend you or- him but huh… I noticed he's not exactly fluent in English so it had me wondering where he'd work considering that…"

She laughed "Father doesn't like having to speak anything other than German. He's very patriotic. And he made Robert like that too. Mom was luckily much more liberal when it came to that. So yeah, if it weren't for her, me and Robbie would both be happily living in good ol' Berlin like he always wanted us to. And we'd be taught nothing but German of course. But don't try to get smart with him. He might not speak English very well, but he understands everything you say. So don't worry, he can talk fine with his patients."

"Great… Now huh… it's past 9 PM, so maybe I should order dinner no?"

"Sure…" she stood and pulled me to my feet as well, pulling my hands behind her back and holding them there with her own. "After we rent a movie or two."

"Why? Nothing good on TV?" I leaned to kiss her neck. Hmm… I love- no, I adore her scent… It reminds me of home at springtime… And funnily it's- fruity and flowery at the same time. It's really nice… And so sweet… I feel like eating her… she looks edible, she smells edible and- hum… she tastes nice too… Ok, now I'm hungry…

She moaned at my attempts at leaving a nice looking mark on her pretty little neck, letting go of my hands and walking towards the stairs "No… So wait a sec while I- get my coat…"

I growled and wrapped my arms around her from behind "I dun wanna wait no second…" I slurred, nuzzling her neck and making her shiver. GOD she smells soooo damn gooood… I'm buying whatever perfume she wears just so I can smell her all the time… NOT ON ME! On some- handkerchief I hope she'll give me… "Never thought of you as such an impatient guy…" she groaned.

I chuckled "Come on, let's get your coat already…"

Melody smirked and pushed me off her "Just get in the car and I'll be right down…"

"Fine… But hurry or I'll go without you and pick the scariest movie I can find…"

She glared at me and ran up the stairs quickly. It's times like these I feel like hugging Robert. He told me a lot about her. Including the fact that she hates scary movies. Specially ones with ghosts.

I'll try to sneak The Grudge in then hehe…


Melody's piercing scream broke my eardrums again as the dead woman on my TV set pulled another woman –this one alive, though not for long apparently- under the covers of her bed "I HATE YOU! HOW COULD YOU RENT THIS! I'LL HAVE NIGHTMARES FOR MONTHS!" she squirmed and hid her face in my arm while I fought the urge to laugh at her. It wasn't so bad… "I'm telling Robbie on you!" she muttered.

I smiled down at her and got back to watching what was one of the stupidest movies I had ever seen. I didn't mind watching it, as long as it meant I could have her squealing and hugging me it's- nice… I'm truly a genius. I took her to rent a movie, sneaked The Grudge in like I had planned and told her it would be better if we crashed at my apartment instead of her house, since I didn't want to bother anyone and all… In truth, I just didn't want my head pummeled by Robert for making Melody watch an NC-17 rated horror movie. And some privacy would be nice too of course. I wasn't in the mood for a repeat of the scene with Ralf when her mother got home from shopping or whatever Melody had said she was doing. Though I like brownies… "Hnn… Kai, can I please turn on the light?"

"Hmm? Why? Horror movies are only fun when you're in the dark…" I smirked.

"Ple-ease!" she whined suddenly squealing and hiding her face again as the woman on TV started doing those weird throaty noises "Why are you so scared? It's just a movie…"

"Turn it off!"

I sighed and got up, motioning towards the kitchen while she squealed again and propped herself up "Wait! Don't leave me here alone! In the dark…" she whispered the last part, looking around warily.

"You'll be fine, I'm just going to get me something to eat… Be right back…" I chuckled as I went into my kitchen, searching the cupboards for something edible and not over it's expiring date. Nothing… Oh! Cookies! I grinned and motioned to the fridge for some milk. -What? Milk and cookies are good for a midnight snack… Not just for kiddies but for grown ups too. Weehee…- I took the milk and closed the fridge's door, dropping it and jumping my full height as I saw a figure standing right in front of me. "HOLY SHIT- MOTHER OF ALL- MELODY!"

"What?" She blinked innocently, looking up at me with a smirk "Not so brave anymore are you?"

"What- the fuck-?"

"You were making fun of me for being afraid of a- ghost. So I felt like scaring you myself." She chuckled

I gaped at her "Not funny… you made me drop the milk carton." And now Kai doesn't have no milk and cookies!

"Sorry…" she looked away blushing "Hum, I'm huh… tired and I don't want to watch that stupid movie anymore so huh… I'll be off…"

"You can stay here. Besides, it's past 2 AM, it's dangerous for you to go around alone. And I'm not in any condition to drive you home."

"Have you been drinking?" she sneered.

"No, it just so happens I'm tired too and I have a huge tendency to falling asleep while driving."

"Oh… Ok then…"

I sighed and got out of the kitchen, making a mental note to clean the milk off the floor the next day. I went into the living room and kneeled in front of the TV, poking the screen where I could see the ghost woman making the stupid noise again "You're giving me nothing but trouble you whiny little bitch!" I snapped my head up as I detected movement above the TV and fell back with a gasp- MELODY! DAMN YOU!

She laughed "That's the second time I scare you… Aren't we jumpy today?"

"Shut up." I turned the TV off and stalked over to my room, getting some paper work I was supposed to finish the next day off my bed and placing it on my desk, looking over at the door where Melody stood awkwardly "Hum, you can come in ya know? You're supposed to sleep here. And huh- sorry about the mess but I don't really have time to get any order in this room…"

She smiled and laid down on my bed, her elbows sinking on the mattress so her hands supported her head "You could always get a maid…"

"Yeah but I always forget to actually get one so…"

"Make a Post-it note with the subject then…" She yawned and kicked her shoes away, pulling herself upwards and laying her head down on a pillow "Sorry but I really need to sleep… 'Night Kai-Pie…"

"Hn…" I took my shirt off and laid next to her, pulling up a cover I had at the feet of my bed to cover us both. She tensed, opening her eyes lazily and wormed her way closer to me, relaxing when I wrapped my arms around her "Don't worry, no weird woman will come and get you while I'm around…" I chuckled while she rolled her eyes and got her arms around my waist before falling asleep.

I grinned evilly and leaned down so my lips were just next to her ear, making an impression of the ghost and chuckling when she squirmed and pulled me closer "DON'T DO THAT!" she growled and bit my shoulder "Ow!"

"Serves you right… Idiot…" she sighed and nuzzled my neck, frowning when I sniffed her hair and neck "What are you doing?"

"Smelling you… Hum, what perfume do you wear?"

"Hum, why?"

"You smell so good…" I moaned

She blushed and buried her face further in my neck "So do you and you don't hear me asking for your cologne or whatever… Why would you want to know? Don't tell me you want to wear it now…" she laughed.

She's missing the point here or is it just me? "Nevermind…"


"Aw c'mon Rayne! There has to be something else!"

My sister groaned "I told you everything I liked when I was younger what more do you want?"

"Something actually useful! I don't think Melly would like it if I asked her to wrestle or go bungee-jumping or Hell! Why can't you be more like other girls?"

"Why can't you be more like an actual guy!"

Kevin gaped at her, then clearing his throat "I'll- pretend I didn't hear that… Herm, anyway! You'll end up single! And worse! A virgin!"

She rolled her eyes "At least I won't be known as this town's greatest whore!"

"What's that supposed to mean!"

"Would you two shut up already!" I snapped. Geez! Get Rayne and Kevin alone in a room for 5 minutes and they'll suddenly transform into two little bickering brats!

Rayne sneered at me and turned her back on us "Fine! You two ladies have fun, I'm going training!"

Kevin stuck his tongue out at her and crossed his arms over his chest "Damn her to Hell!"

"You're just jealous 'cause she's more of a man than you are. She'd probably get girls more easily than you if she wanted. And she'd definitely be much more effective at protecting them."

"WHAT!" No offence to my dear little sister, on the contrary. I like it that I don't need to protect her anymore. The point is, Kevin's a total fag… Rayne saved him from a bunch of huge guys once. It was hilarious. But she could use a guy… Hum… maybe Garland? Nah, not his type… And I don't think she'd like him neither…

"Are you boys still fighting?"

"No Mom…" we drawled in unison, then glaring at eachother and turning our faces away at the same time. Man I hate having a twin… We actually do think alike sometimes…

"Kai, would you mind bringing Melody over? I have an idea…" Noooo! Kevin's in the house!

My dear twin shot up to his feet and picked his cell phone, quickly dialing her number "I'll do it!"

I rolled my eyes and got up from the grassy floor of our backyard, motioning into the kitchen where my mother was, a maid helping her make a cake. "What idea do you have exactly?"

She smiled "You know Lydia had a bunch of kitties a couple of weeks ago right?" Stupid cat… bringing more- stupid cats to this world… I hate cats… Useless little fur ball coughers… "Yeah…" I grumbled.

"Well," she went on "I'm not sure of how many are left, but you told me Melody is left home alone often, and feels lonely and all… and I know she likes cats so why don't you take her to the barn and have her choose one?" Hey, not a bad idea…

"Sure!" I grinned and ran back to the backyard, stealing the cell from Kevin who was already whining about Melody not coming –wonder what he said to try to 'convince' her to come over to our Parents'- and got a safe distance between us both "Hey, it's me, sorry about Kevin…"

"Thank you!"

I chuckled "You could have always hanged up…"

"I did. He just called again using an anonymous ID. And you came just in time, I was about to turn my cell off now."

"Heh… Look, why don't you come over to my Parents' now? I've got something for you…"

"Hum… I don't know Kai…"

"Look, Mom wants to see you too, come on… I'll keep Kevin away from you…"

"Ok. Is Rayne there too?"

"I think she just left to train…"

"To the gym?"

"Yeah I guess so."

"Did you know she knows Minx? They work out together. Minx told me she was a monster." She laughed "Really strong."

"That's my little sis alright! She could take out Kevin anytime ya know…"


"And you too I bet!"

"Nah… Not yet… But I better get back to work or she will-"

"Liar." Damn her. She knows me too well already… Must fix that.

"Just get here…" I grumbled "You remember the bus I told you to get, right? And my directions-"

"Yeah yeah… I'll be right there… Bye!"

"Bye…" I turned off the cell and blinked as Kevin crept closer to me and tackled me to the floor, ruffling my hair "So, she's comin' over huh? Huh?"

"Yes…" I grumbled as he finally got off and grinned to himself. "Don't get any ideas… You'll only get your ass kicked."

"By who, you? Ha!"

"No, her."

"Quit fighting you two and come inside, lunch is ready…"

"Ok Mom!" we answered in unison again.

"Quit mimicking me!"

"You're the one mimicking me!"


"COMIN-" we glared at each other and raced to the kitchen door, pushing eachother as we got to the door "Me first nerd!"

"Get out of my way!"

"That's really mature you two…" we looked up at our father's crimson eyes and gasped as he grabbed us both by the ears like when we were kids and did this before every Sunday lunch "Ah, this brings back memories!" he sighed as he pushed us to our seats. "Now behave like grown men for once- Kevin!"

"Sorry, I just thought Kai would look better with egg all over his face…"

"Asshole…" I took the egg from his hand and crushed it on his face. Lookin' good Kev… hehe…





"Leave her alone Kevin…" I grumbled as I pulled him away from her by his collar "Hum, hey, you made it…" I eyed her curiously. She had her hair up in two ponytail- things at each side of her head, and wore some brown dungarees or whatever you call them and an orange off the shoulder shirt under them. And I bet she had that perfume on her too… She looked younger… Cute… Adorable… Freaking edibleHey… I have a bedroom in this house, don't I?

"Hi…" she blushed. Probably 'cause I'm looking at her like she was a plate of caviar, which is only my favorite food in the whole wide World…

Kevin frowned and looked from me to her frantically "Hey! What's going on here!"

I blinked at him, averting my gaze from her "Nothing."

Melody cleared her throat and looked around awkwardly "Hum, where's Sasha?"

"Hum, in the kitchen, but- wait! First I wanna show you something! Come on…"

"I'm going too!" Kevin mouthed stubbornly.

"Fine, come on…" I opened the front door and walked over to the right side of the house where we had a small barn house. We don't use it anymore but it was useful when Dad had all those horses in the property. Too bad he sold all but his oldest one, Sable. He couldn't get rid of what he calls his best friend. Go figure…

I opened the wooden doors and stepped inside, turning the light switch on and grumbling when the stupid cat hissed at us. At me actually.

"Oh, she had kitties!" Melody chuckled and kneeled in front of the basket "Careful or Lydia will scratch you. She's not too happy about losing four of the bunch already."

"How come?"

Kevin grinned as he kneeled next to her "We can't keep all those cats, so Mom gives them away."

"Oh…" she looked back at the basket "There are three left. And those two blue ones are twins apparently…" she chuckled as she carefully picked one of the said 'twins' up, the stupid cat not even looking at her, too busy making sure I didn't go anywhere near the basket. "This one's a boy…" she placed him down and took the other one "Yup, they're twins alright…" she smiled happily before their confused green eyes and took the last one, a white cat with blue eyes "And this one's a girl…"

I sneered at the stupid cat and approached her "Do you like her?"

"Yeah, she's really cute." She stroked the kitten's ears, standing up to face me "Isn't she?"

"Hum… sure… You can keep her if you want…"

"Really?" she smiled brightly "Are you sure your mother won't mind?"

"No, she was the one who said you could have one of the cats."

"Oh, thanks! I always wanted a cat to keep me company!" she placed the cat down and hopped a little to wrap her arms around my neck and give me a peck on the cheek, making Kevin immediately stand up. Not only Kevin actually… I was right… That smell… She is wearing that- She smells sooo goooood… Damn her… Let go of her, turn around and breathe deeply Kai… Now, think of- other things… Not involving Melody and a bed preferably… Hum… Einstein's Relativity Theory sounds nice… Melody with a red dress too… NO! Einstein- GAAH! EINSTEIN IN A DRESS! MY EYES! "HEY!"

"Hum?" she blinked at him

"I want a kiss too…" he grinned.

Melody bit her lower lip and looked over at the two other kittens, currently fighting over a piece of rubber apparently. She grinned and turned back to him "Well sure… but- I want you to keep one of them. I don't want them two to stay without an owner. Plus, they remind me of you. The two of you that is." OH NO YOU DON'T!

Kevin grinned "Sure! I've been wanting some company too… And I like cats…"

"I don't like cats…" I grumbled

"Aw, come on Kai, it would be good for you to have something to take care of and keep you company… Please? You're not leaving the poor kitty alone here are you?"

"He won't be alone, there's always the stupid cat over there… Which just happens to be his mother…"

"Kai…" she pouted, suddenly looking at my feet and smiling "See? That one likes you and everything!"

I looked down and reached for the kitten, picking him up by the fur on the back of his neck, leveling our noses. The cat had green eyes and was almost totally blue, except his white right paw and tip of the tail. The one Kevin was mauling was exactly the same, except it had a white left paw instead of the right one. "So?" I finally asked "I'm more of a dog's person. I like dogs. Cats are annoying." I grumbled as the cat reached my shirt with his claws, getting itself on my shoulder when I let go of it and scratching it in the process of course. "But you two look so-"

"Say cute and you'll regret it…"

"So… right! Come on Kai, please! He likes you so much!"

Annoying little- "Fine… I'll take him with me for a week to see how I handle it."

She grinned and turned to Kevin, who was poking his cat's belly, ignoring the fact that Lydia-the-stupid-cat was growling at him. "Will you be keeping him too Kevin?"

"Sure! I don't want to leave him here alone…" he stood, the cat climbing over his head while he approached Melody "Now, you said you'd give me a kiss…"

"A peck on the cheek…" she muttered acidly. BANG!

"Yeah yeah that!" he leaned closer to her, grinning widely as she rolled her eyes and leaned to kiss his cheek, ending up kissing him because THE ASSHOLE TURNED HIS HEAD ON PURPOSE!

She stepped back covering her mouth, her face red "Thank you!" he laughed, suddenly gasping as she lunged at him and punched him "YOU PIG!" she huffed and picked her cat up, walking out of the barn happily and leaving Kevin with a miserable look on his face "You asked for it." I snorted at him and left after her. "So, what are you calling your cat?" I asked casually as we went into the house.

"Hum, I dunno… Isis maybe… I always wanted to have a cat with that name. And since she's white… it's even better!"

"Isis? The white goddess… right…"

"Yeah… I like it!" she grinned and stroked her cat "Isis! Hum, what about you?"

I glanced at the thing on my shoulder, currently blinking back at me "Do I have to name it?"

"Well yeah… how are you supposed to call him?"

"Cats come when you call them?"

"Yeah, if you train them to do it."

Hum, guess they're not that dumb afterall. "I'm calling mine Czar. Hehe… Since he'll rule my house from now on…" Kevin barged in.

"Did you think that up all by yourself?"

"Suck it up nerd!"

"Are you two fighting again? Oh, is that Melody?"

Melody blinked at my mother as she came in "How did you know I was here?"

She smiled and felt for her hand, taking it in hers "I can tell there are three people here. And Rayne and Nicholai left earlier so it could only be you. Have you chosen a kitten yet?"

"Yes. And your sons are taking one each too…" she chuckled.

"My, you actually convinced Kai to have a cat? I'm amazed!"

I grumbled and glared at the cat on my shoulder "I'd rather get me a dog, but Melody can be persuasive so, what can I say…"

"Aw, come on Kai, give it some time and you'll love your kitty. Just get him a name will you?"


"Ok, let's get a couple of things straight. That's my room, get it? My room. So you're not allowed in there. Same goes for the couches on the living room and especially my office! If I find you on either of these locations I'll skin you alive!"

The cat blinked at me and meowed softly, jumping down from the table and getting out of the kitchen and into the living room "Hey! I'm not done yet!" I grabbed the cat and took him to my laundry room, pointing at a sandbox in a corner, safely away from the laundry itself "That is for you. Use it or else. And keep it clean around the box or else! And here…" I took him back to the kitchen and placed him in front of two empty bowls which he sniffed and poked, then looking up at me stupidly. "That's where your food and water will be. So whatever other food you might see is not yours, got it?"

I took the cat food Melody had helped me buy and filled one of the bowls with it, then filling the other one with water. "Again I'll say, anything other than this, you can't eat. Or else I'll make a carpet out of you- and why am I talking to you? As if you'd get a word of what I'm saying…" the cat looked at me again boringly and licked his whiskers happily, hopping his way into the living room again. I found him stretching his claws on my couch. "HEY! My couch!" I grabbed him and dropped him on his pillowed basket "Your couch! You can even see the TV from there so don't complain! I stay out of your couch and you stay out of mine! Get it? Good! Now what to call you…" I poked his belly and quickly removed my hand when he growled. Cats growl like that? He sounded like a dog! "Dog! That's it… I wanted a dog anyways. So, sorry if you don't like it bub, but that's your name now."

He purred as I stroked the fur under his chin, licking my hand. "Hum, can you fetch too?" I took his rubber spiky ball thing and threw it, watching as he did go after it and brought it back, before going back up to his basket and laying his head down to sleep, his- tongue hanging out from his mouth. Dog suits him alright… "Sleep well Dog. And stay away from my stuff!"