Ancient Guardians
Author: Louise Mills
Summary: SG1 found out someone in their ranks are not what they seem. The Guardians, a very old race that are once again are needed to help defect an enemy. SG1 and the Atlantis find out they know a few of these Guardians. (SG-1/Atlantis Crossover)
Disclaimer: I do not own Stargate: SG1 or Stargate: Atlantis. The Only thing I Own in this story is the Characters that do not appear in the shows.
Rating: PG13 American, 12A British.
Author Notes: I am not good at grammar, so please be patient. I am changing he story from a SG1 story to an Atlantis story, as most of it will be set in Atlantis after is chapter. Sorry but this is a very short chapter. But the next one will be longer.
Chapter Seven,
SGC Colorado
Daniel stared at Jack, he couldn't believe what he was just told. That the person standing next to him was Jack's son, Charlie. Also that Charlie was an ascended being.
"Is there anymore more surprises I should look out for?" Daniel asked in a hash voice.
"Not that I know of, but anything is possible! Believe me when I say I wasn't expecting any of today's events. It's a bit of a shock for me as well." Jack answered.
"Yeah, I kidding." Daniel muttered sarcastically under his breath.
Charlie quickly looked to the ceiling, it looked like he was concentrating on a particular spot on one of the ceiling tiles, but Daniel knew better he was listening to the 'others' as they liked to be called.
"Oh hell!" He exclaimed a few minutes later.
"what?" Jack demanded, not liking the tome Charlie used.
"You're not going to like it, but I need to pick someone else up before we go to Atlantis." Charlie answered and Jack sighed.
"Who and why?" He demanded.
"Azabeth and becauseā¦." He paused momentarily, until his father glared at him to continue. "Someone has burnt out all the circuits n a part of the city and they have no spare parts." He finished quickly and after he took a deep relaxing breath.
"Who's Azabeth?" Questioned Cassandra, whom had been unusually quiet since Charlie had walked though the door.
"Probably another daughter!" Daniel muttered, Jack shot a glare a Daniel.
"She's my Granddaughter Cassie." Cassandra eyes widen with his answer, she wasn't expecting that to be the answer. She quickly flashed a look at Allanda wondering if Azabeth was her daughter. Allanda had caught the look and quickly responded by putting her hands up in the air in defence.
"Hey, don't look at me. Azabeth's my niece, she Lucan's daughter."
"Lucan?" Cassandra questioned again.
"My brother, twin brother actually, even though you wouldn't be able to tell but looking at it." She answered, in her normal voice at the beginning and tail-off quietly at the end.
"Again, why Azabeth? She was only a child then we left Atlantis. She doesn't know anything about the power systems." Jack questioned again, wondering where Charlie's logic was coming from.
"No, but Lucan did and was working on system upgrades before you left the city and a new prototype ZPM. He gave all of the blue prints and a few raw materials to Azabeth for safe keeping. When he finished the designs he told her to only release the designs to him and no one else, including family.
"Of course he did." Jack grumbled.
"Then wouldn't it be better to pick up Lucan, go to Azabeth get the designs, then go to Atlantis. You know how he will react if she went to Atlantis without him. Especially now that the Wraith are a threat again." Olivia questioned and Charlie laughed.
"Do you want to tell them or shall I?" He asked his father.
"I don't really care." Jack answered, while rubbing his temples with his fingers.
"Lucan's already at Atlantis." Charlie explained, letting his father of the hook after all he was having a bad day so far.
"Ah, that explains a lot." Allanda muttered.
"Well I'll quickly go and get Azabeth and you lot should get ready. How long do you need to pack?"
"About 6 hours! No you can't have any more time, if you haven't got everything by that time, it gets let behind." Jack stated pointing at Daniel.
"Oh come on Jack, how will I know what books to take." Daniel whined, momentarily forgiving Jack because he was finally able to go to Atlantis.
"Oh I don't know ask! Anyway the only culture that has had any impact on the worlds in Pegasus is the Alterran's so you only have to take Latin books or you could not take any at all and just ask one of us to translate." He told Daniel.
"Charlie go get Azabeth." He ordered.
"Uncle Jack?"
"Yes, Cassie?"
"Am I coming as well?" She questioned. She didn't want to be left alone on earth and it would give her an opportunity to get to know Charlie more, even though he was an ascended being and had other responsibilities.
"I wouldn't dream of leaving you behind Honey." He answered.
John just glared at Rodney, as he was still laughing and he had started about 10 minutes ago.
"Rodney, shut the hell up." John muttered in a low deadly tone.
"My god, did you hear yourself, classic." Rodney said, managing to stop laughing for a few seconds. But he started right up again after finishing is statement.
"Elizabeth, make him stop or I won't be able to control myself." John warned. It wasn't that Elizabeth needed the warning, she had heard the deadly intent when tried to stop Rodney moments before.
"RODNEY!!" Elizabeth shouted. John looked at her in shock, he didn't expect her to shout.
"Gee, Beth, I could of done that thought you were a diplomat aren't you suppose to talk your way out, not shout." He cheekily teased her. She just looked indifferently at him.
"Some times shouting is necessary." She whispered into his ear. Realising that her first shout hadn't stopped Rodney, she prepared herself to shout again.
"RODNEY-Y!!!!" She shouted ten times as loud as before and stunned Rodney into silence.
"Thank you!" She calmly spoke to Rodney. "Now I don't want to hear you laughing like that at anyone again. Also before you touch any power units, circuits etc, YOU DON'T TOUCH WITHOUT MAJOR SHEPPARD BEING THERE. IS THAT CLEAR?" She stressed. He felt to intimidated to speak, so he nodded his head that he understood.
"Good, now get out of here before you break anything else."
Not wanting to be shouted at again Rodney quickly darted out of the room, with his science team right behind him. Carson made a quiet exit as well, believing Elizabeth and John needed sometime alone.
John was silent for a little while longer trying to calm down and collect his thoughts. Elizabeth just waited, she wasn't going to sat a word, not until John had broken the silence.
After a few more minutes he broke the silence.
Thanks, Elizabeth. I really need help with him just then, I nearly lost control." He whispered the part, but Elizabeth still heard. Elizabeth knew she wasn't suppose to hear the last part, so she stored it in her memory for later and let it drop for now.
"Your welcome." she answered. Instead of saying anything else, she walked towards him and gently took his hand and pulled him across the room and out of the door. She knew he needed to be back into the alive part of city and work off some of the tension Rodney had unknowingly caused.
End of Chapter.
PS - Sorry again that the chapter wasn't longer, but I will promise the next one will be longer and you will finally meet John's daughter and everyone will be at Atlantis. It may be a while before I can update again, so please be patient.