Hi everyone. Well as you can probable guess this is my first store. Credit for the prolog goes to my friend Random X. Also this prologue has a "special guest" for all you Batman fans. Oh yeah I don't own Teen Titans or Batman.

R/n: are Random X's author notes and M/n are my notes.

Our story starts ….. 40 YEARS INTO THE FUTURE! It was a dark and quiet night at the maximum security prison at an intersected location near Gotham and Jump City. A full moon was in the sky. The inside of the prison was well guarded. The prisoners were locked tightly in their cells, some sleeping, some yelling to get out, some were just sitting there, pondering on how to get out. Two guards are sitting near the wall.

"Looks like another quiet night." One of the guards said.

"Should you be surprised?" the other guard asked. "This is the most well-secured prison practically in the country. No prisoner has even thought of breaking out."

"Really? But what if they wanted to break in?" a voice called out.

Suddenly, right from behind the guard, a large circle formed from the wall, and BOOM, a large explosion occurred that blew both the guards away. There was now a large hole in the wall, in which something was coming in. It made a loud, turn-crank noise. It turned out to be a big tank! On the tank, was a big, cylinder-shaped, cutting laser! Alarms sounded! More guards rushed over to the commotion.

"It's a prison break!" one of the guards yelled. "Fire at that machine at will!"

All of the guards fired at the mystery machine with their laser guns. But the tank's ultra-thick armor deflected the laser bolts off of it. Just then, five things popped out of the tank. The strange figures walked closer. They turned out to be robot androids! They looked similar to Slade's androids but not quite. Their faces looked like that of a clock's with evil-looking, clock hand eyes. Each of their left hands had a giant watch with a big clock hand shooter, and their right hands looked like an hour-glass with claws. They had metal shoulder pads and their chest plates had all three clock hands (including the small, second hand) forming a "T". The guards again fired, but the androids used their speed and agility to dodge the laser bullets. Two of the androids took out some bo-staffs, which looked like a large, clock pendulum, and "watched" three guards into submission. Another android zapped six guards with only five shots with its watch laser. There were now only three guards and one android left, charging right at them. When one android was near, one guard tried to throw a fist and the other to give a kick, but the android jumped the attacks, and instead, the guards accidentally attacked each other. They both lay unconscious. The last guard nervously held his laser gun at the android, but the android just whacked the laser from his hand and then whacked the guard with its pendulum bo-staff. He lay unconscious like the others. Soon after the fight, another figure popped out of the tank.

"Excellent work, time-droids," the mysterious figure said. "Now, release the prisoners!"

The androids did as told. One by one, they went to the jail cells. Their hour-glass hands must have had an "age ray" of sorts, because when the time-droids each shot the locks on the cells, the metal on each lock began to rust. The rust on the locks weakened the locks' hold on the cells, so the cells began to open and the prisoners escaped from their holdings. Five minutes later, two long rows of prisoners formed near the tank. Before each crook got into the tank, one of the time-droids charged admission for each bad guy to get in. Each crook paid with big amounts of money they saved before going to jail.

"Sir," one of the time-droids said to the mystery villain. "The prisoners have been released and are loading on to the tank. Awaiting your next command, Master Timezone."

The villain known as Timezone gave an evil chuckle and said, "Excellent. All is going according to plan"

Timezone had a chest plate that was rubber-like and triple-armor thick on the outside (like the suits worn in the Batman movies,) but the inside had wires and metal that helped connect to the rest of the armor and weaponry on his suit. On top of the middle of his chest-plate was what appeared to be a small clock. The chest-plate was like a sky blue, along with his tech boots. The rest of his armor, the arms and leggings, were silver. The leggings were big and metal-like. Timezone's gauntlets looked like big hour-glasses with big, clock-shaped, laser wrists on both gauntlets, like the ones on the androids. On his back was his "Time-Pak." The Time Pak operated most of his suit and actually made him able to travel through time. It was platinum with four, gold stripes at each end. In the middle was a circle made of twelve numbers, which resembled a clock. It even had a big hand pointing. Timezone's helmet was also platinum. His helmet had a dark visor in a long, straight line with triangle points at each end, like hand to a clack. The helmet also had a mouth slot piece. On the forehead of his helmet was a clock marked with the clock hands forming a "T". Timezone pressed a small button on his helmet and his visor and the slot instantly lowered, revealing only his eyes and mouth. It also revealed an evil smile from under his helmet.

"Ya know, I've heard of break-outs, but 'break ins?' phfft, ridiculous!" an invisible voice said.

"What!" Timezone said startled. "Who's there? Show yourself!"

Timezone looked around, trying to see who the voice belonged to. Suddenly he saw two of his robots getting bashed together and getting their chests crushed. Timezone quickly adjusted some settings on his left gauntlet.

"Reveal yourself!" Timezone exclaimed to the invisible figure.

He shot a ray at the fight. This ray could reveal wearing of using invisible stealth technology. Timezone was able to disarm the invisible figure's stealth, revealing it to be someone very familiar. It was the Tomorrow Knight himself, the Batman with his sleek, all-dark suit, large, pointy ears, and big, red bat insignia. In this time period, Batman is actually young Terry McGinnis.

"The Batman!" Timezone said shocked. "Time-droids attack the Batman!"

Just then, twenty more time-droids popped out of the tank and joined the remaining, first, three time-droids in charging at Batman.

"Looks like a challenge." Batman said. "Good. Makes it more fun that way."

Batman then took out two, new-aged batarangs and threw them at two of the time-droids. The batarangs exploded in the time-droids faces, and then they fell. Another droid tried to throw fists at Batman's head, but Batman blocked it and gave a punch to its face. One time-droid rushed over to Batman, with pendulum bo-staff in hand, but when the android swung its staff at the new-aged hero, Batman jumped over it and gave the robot a big kick to the ground. Just then, three time-droids fired their lasers at Batman. He quickly shot out a bat-grappling gun. This was a special grappling, because when the rope circled and trapped the time-droids, electric charges were sent up into the robots' bodies, and then those time-droids exploded. Another time-droid snuck up behind Batman and latched on to him, but Batman then flipped over the time-droid. One of the fallen time-droids tried to latch on to Batman's leg, but the Batman turned on his jet boots, and the exhaust melted the robot's head, and it let go. Now propelled in the air by the rocket boots, he let out his glider wings and soared through the prison. The time-droids tried to shoot the bat down, but he glided and dodged through the lasers. He then swooped down to the robots and punched and knocked the all over. When he reached Timezone, Batman then knocked him over four feet into the room. When Batman landed, he ran to the villain, but then Timezone quickly adjusted some settings on his left gauntlet and then instantly disappeared. He then reappeared into the position he was in before Batman knocked him down.

"What the!" Batman said startled.

Batman then rushed back to get the villain, but with one button press, Timezone then disappeared and reappeared four feet away again.

"How are you doing that?" Batman asked.

"I like to call it 'Minute Transport.' With it, I can transport back to any position I've been in over a second, a minute, or even an hour ago."

"Well then, let's see if your 'Minute Transport' can dodge this!"

Batman threw a batarang at Timezone, but before it was even a centimeter from him, Timezone then disappeared and reappeared again four feet ahead. This "game" continued four times until Batman got frustrated.

"Enough of you 'time game!'" Batman exclaimed.

Timezone then reappeared on top of his tank.

"You're right." He said. "Let's stop it from there."

Timezone then shot a white ray from his left gauntlet at Batman and the next thing Batman knew, he couldn't move his body. Only his eyes and mouth could move.

"Grr…what did you do!"

"I adjusted my gauntlet to freeze you in motion."

"What are you planning to do?"

"Well you see my dear boy; I am a time-traveler."


"Yes. I wouldn't call myself 'Timezone' otherwise. You see, by secret communications, these criminals heard of my great powers. They were willing to pay top credits for me to help them break out of prison and escape them into the past!"


"That's right! And I won't stop with just mere crooks! I'll go across the country lending my services to mobsters, crime lords, big business men under police suspicion! And believe me; they will pay great amounts of money for such an opportunity as escaping to the past. More money than you know."

"But you can't send criminals to the past, it's dangerous! Besides using your time traveling just to earn some extra creds? Seems too small-time for you. Usually all of the super powered maniacs want to take over the world."

Timezone chuckled a little.

"Where have you been?" Timezone asked. "Don't you know? Money is power. And with that power, I could practically rule the world. Too bad you won't be around to see my works."

"Why not?"

Just then, the remaining time-droids all set their lasers on the frozen Batman.

"That's why." Timezone said. "Time-droids, at-"

But before he could give out the attack command, some starbolts and arrows hit some robots and destroyed them. This followed with some mystic waves, sonic laser blasts, spikes, and electric waves. These combined attacks destroyed all of the time-droids. Timezone was shocked to see his android army destroyed.

"What!" Timezone exclaimed. "How! Who-"

"Ya know, for a time traveler, you should worry more about the future than the past." A voice said.

The voice came from a familiar-looking group of six costumed figures.

"Cause in your future, you're gonna get beaten by the Teen Titans!"

"Oh great. It's them." Batman said sarcastically.

Indeed, these were the New Teen Titans. Most of them were the offspring of the original Titans. The voice belonged to the leader Firebird, the daughter of Starfire. She looked like Starfire, but with some different features. Her hair was much darker than Star's (Black) and her skin was a bit lighter. Her height was 5"6. She wore a green tank top with a purple jacket vest, purple skirt and leggings and blue shoes with metal toes. On her jacket vest was a round, yellow, insignia with a white "T" for Teen Titans. She also had green gloves on similar to Starfire's. She talked more human than alien (since Firebird was born on Earth.) Like any good leader, she had a determined attitude.

Next, to her right was Cyberwasp, the son of Cyborg and Bumblebee. Cyberwasp, as one may have guessed, was half teen and half machine, but he had some more human skin than Cyborg. He had the same skin color as Cyborg, or whatever skin he had left. His upper chest was metal, while the lower part was human skin. He had real human arms and big muscles, his hands and shoulders were metal and robotic. There was a special tube on Cyberwasp's left arm that connected from his robot hand to his arm. The tube would connect to some circuits inside his arm and help increase the strength in the robot arm when Cyberwasp lifted weights. His legs looked liked the thorax of a bee with four, special robot legs and even a big stinger. On his back were retractable, jet wings. The upper part of his head had somewhat of a special helmet with a viewing visor that allowed Cyberwasp to see in normal, heat, night, and even low ultraviolet light vision. He also had sensor antennae on his head like a bee's. His height was 6". He had the brain if Bumblebee and the second-in-command leadership and magic mechanical fingers of Cyborg.

To Firebird's left was the archer daughter of Speedy and Terra, Archia, but she preferred to be called "Archie." Archie had long red hair and blue eyes. She wore a dark red t-tanktop and under it was a bright red shirt with gray sleeves. She also wore blue jean shorts, brown hiking boots, and brown gloves. She wore her bow and quiver on her back. Her quiver was full of arrows that each had a different feature when fired. Around her neck were specialized goggles that helped to position and aim at her targets. On the upper right side of her shirt was a round yellow insignia with an 'A' in the middle that looked more like an arrow. She was 5"3 and was spunky, arrogant, and took great care of her hair (much like her father.)

Near her were two teens that were brother and sister. These two were Arella and changer, the daughter and son of Beast Boy and Raven (R/n: and yes, surprising enough Beast Boy and Raven did marry each other.)

Arella had the same hair length, pale skin, and chakra as Raven, the only difference was in appearance and in some personality. Her hair was green, and the dark color of her leotard and mini-skirt blended the clothing together. She wore a white cloak, but barely wore the hood with it. She was a goth like Raven, but a bit nicer. Plus Arella could control her telekinetic powers more and was a year older than her brother Changer. Arella's height was 5"5.

Changer, as one may have already guessed, was an animal shape-shifter. When he turned into animals, he turned green, like the color of his skin, but with a white streak on his back. Changer was also able to use mind control on the animal he transformed into. In human form, he had dark green hair, which was longer and spikier than Beast Boy's hair. Changer wore a black shirt with a purple jacket vest, white belt, shorts, and gloves and purple sneakers. He and his sister got along pretty well. Arella would laugh at some of his jokes and he was smart enough to give her her space (he'd have to be smart enough to avoid her half-demon powers!) Unlike Beast Boy, changer thought a mo-ped was for nerds and that a motorized scooter was the ultimate vehicle. He was 5 feet tall.

The last Titan was the son of someone who wasn't even one of the original Titans. This Titan was Circuit, the son of Static. Circuit had the same skin and hair color as his father. His hair style was similar to Static's when he was still 14, only Circuit's was less wild and his hair parted in the middle. Circuit wore a white chest plate with a round, purple emblem in the middle, which had a yellow 'C' that looked like a lightning bolt. Under his chest plate was a black shirt with the same insignia in the middle. He also wore black pants with a silver belt and specialized shoes that, when touched together, would form an instant, flying, electric disk from under him, just like his dad's. His mask was purple with a yellow connector piece in the middle. Circuit was a bit like his dad, including the witty dialogue. Some distinguishing features to Circuit were that he was a risk taker and very competitive (especially among his fellow Titans.) He was 5"8.

When Timezone saw the Titans, he just laughed.

"Ha, ha, ha. For a minute there, I thought I was in trouble. But since it's only you kids, I'm feeling safe now."

"Um, hello!" Archie said. "There's six of us and only one of you."

"Ah yes, but that'll soon change. I was prepared for such odds."

Timezone pressed a button on his right gauntlet. Just then, there were more loud rumblings. Three more tanks had entered through the hole in the wall. Out of these tanks, multitudes of time-droids had popped out. There had to be at least over a hundred! Firebird just smirked as she said, "No problem. Teen Titans, Go!"

So then, each Titan went to his or her group of robots to destroy. Cyberwasp was first up. Two time-droids rushed up to him from both the left and right, but Cyberwasp kicked them of their feet with both back legs. Another time-droid tried to grab his left front leg, but then Cyberwasp kicked it off with both front legs. Two time-droids rushed up to Cyberwasp and jumped up to punch him with pendulum bo-staffs in hand, but both of Cyberwasp's hands transformed into sonic cannons, and he blasted the androids into smoldering pieces. A line of time-droids all rushed over to Cyberwasp, but he just advanced to each of them and punched and smacked their heads off, literally. Soon the line then grew into to big groups. Cyberwasp then realized that simply punching them out wasn't enough, so he lifted up all four legs and balanced on his bee stinger making it a bee-like top. It then began to spin around along with his legs. As he advanced, his spinning legs smashed and destroyed the groups of androids like a giant weed whacker.

"Boo-yah!" Cyberwasp shouted as he whacked the robots with his own "weed-whacker" legs.

Arrows went flying knocking time-droids down. Archie was the one knocking down each droid. One came up behind her so she jumped on its shoulders breaking it's head with an arrow she held then used the same one on her bow to hit another droid.

"This is too easy. Why couldn't he have henchmen that were threatening?" She took three more arrows and fired at another time-droid. Suddenly a giant droid came and attacked Archie. Archie jumped out of the way "Um…okay then."

Meanwhile, Firebird was flying through the air, blasting time-droids with her firebolts (M/n: I used starbolts originally to give an idea of the attack, this is the official name). She flew down to Batman "Are you okay?"

"Do I look okay?" the still-frozen Batman said.

Suddenly Timezone to fire lasers from his wrists at Firebird. She dodged both lasers. She then formed a firebolt in the shape of a bird-a-rang and threw it at Timezone's left gauntlet. It sparked, electrocuted, and unfroze Batman. Firebird floated down to him.

"You okay now?" Firebird asked the Tomorrow Knight.

"Yeah. Now get outta here!"


"Cause I don't need help!"

"You sure look like you need it."

"No, I don't!"


Before she could finish, both were separated and surrounded by time-droids.

"All right, boys." Firebird said to the time-droids while in karate position. "Let's have some fun."

One time-droid rushed at Firebird, but then she gave a big kick to its head and cracked its sensors. It short-circuited and fell to the ground. Another came up with a blaster. Firebird used a crescent kick to knock the blaster away and followed up with a side-kick to knock the droid to the ground. Several others charged at her. Firebird took a small metal stick out of her jacket vest and pressed a button on it. The stick turned into a bo-staff which she used to block the droids attacks. When it broke in half Firebird lodged the ends into two droids and threw firebolts at the rest. "Now for Timezone."

Else where Arella was using her telekinetic powers and her brother, Changer turned into a bull and charged at the droids.

"Arella give me a hand!" The half-demon turned to Archie and saw her try to stop the giant time-droid.

"Archie," Arella said to the archer. "I see a port hole at the back of the robot. Try to get there and fire one of the arrows in the porthole."

"You got it!"

She tried to run behind the droid, trying to avoid its giant pendulum bo-staff. When she finally slipped behind it, she fired three, energy arrows. One arrow flew into the giant time-droid's porthole and it exploded. The other two arrows almost hit Changer if he didn't dodge them.

"Ahh! Dude!" Changer yelled at Archie. "Watch where you're aiming."

"Here's an idea." Archie responded. "Get out of the way!"

She then ran off to destroy more time-droids. Changer growled in anger. "Errrrr….that annoying..."

But before he could finish what he was about to say, he saw that ten time-droids jumped up to tackle Arella.

"Arella, look out!" He yelled.

"Azarath, Hezbarak, Mortix!"

Her enchanted words enabled her to for a giant, telekinetic ball which knocked over all of the time-droids like bowling pins.

"Pretty good, Arella, but check this out!" Changer said. "Arm of snake, claw of tiger!"

Changer's arms transformed and transformed and stretched out like a snake's, and his hands turned into tiger claws. His arms stretched out at fifteen time-droids from far distances, clawed and scratched at them, and exploded.

"Pretty awesome, huh?" Changer asked Arella.


"Yo, if you think that was great, check this out." Circuit said.

He was in the air with his electric disk shoes. He produced a giant, electric disk shoes. He produced a giant, electric streak around a group of forty time-droids like a lasso. The current forced the time-droids closer and closer together. The crowding along with the electricity made the robots short-circuit and explode.

"Cool. Just don't let it go to your head, again." Arella said to Circuit.

The battle went on for ten minutes. Batman and the Titans didn't reach Timezone yet since his time-droids were keeping them busy. To make matters worse, the three carrier tanks started to fire giant, laser blasts at the team. Lasers, firebolts, bat-a-rangs and other forms of attacks were flying through the air.

"Er…" Firebird grunted after avoiding an attack from a tank. "There's got to be an easier way to stop these robots and tanks!"

"Any suggestions would be good right now leader-girl!"

Archie said to Firebird while firing arrows at some time-droids.

Firebird tried to think for a moment. She then looked at Timezone, pressing buttons on his gauntlets and controlling the show.

"With so many droids and tanks to control, he must have some extra connection somewhere. There has to be a hidden connector box somewhere." Firebird said to herself. "Circuit, point an electric light at Timezone's gauntlets and trace any link to a hidden connector box."


Circuit produced an electrical light and shined it at the gauntlets without Timezone noticing. Circuit noticed a trail of radio waves flowing out of the gauntlets and out to the big hole in the wall. The wave ended in some nearby bushes.

"Arella, help me blast the connector box in the bushes!" Circuit said to the mystic girl.

"Right. Azaraeth, Hezbarak, Mortix!"

Electric waves followed by mystic energy shot out at the controller box and it exploded. Suddenly all the attacks came to a halt. The tanks stopped firing. The time-droids suddenly froze standing. Some even fell over.

"That was ironic." Archie stated

"Ironic yes, but now we can get Timezone." Firebird stated "Titans get him!"

"I got this one." Batman said.

He saw Timezone trying to escape into one of the tanks. Batman pulled out a grappling gun and fired it at Timezone. It looped around him, tied him uup, and sent electric charges though him and his suit. His suit became badly damaged and he collapsed to the ground.

From inside a tank, the prisoners saw what happened to Timezone. They panicked, lept out of the tank, and tried to escape out of the big hole in the wall.

"Oh no! The prisoners!" Firebird exclaimed.

"I got it!" Archie said.

Archie quickly took out an arrow from her quiver and fired it at the group of prisoners. When the arrow was a centimeter away it launched a giant net which trapped all of them. The Titans then put the every prisoner back in their cells, and Firebird welded the locks on the cells back together. Minutes later, the Gotham and Jump City Police arrived to take Timezone away to a Gotham prison, and clean up the damage that was done.

"Excellent work, Titans." One of the cops said to the team.

"No problem." Firebird said. "We'll escort Timezone to the carrier truck, if you don't mind, officer."


As soon as he left, Firebird said, "Okay, you can come out now."

Batman came out of the shadows.

"Ya know that battle was pretty sweet." Cyberwasp said. "Especially when you helped out."

"I guess." Batman said somewhat dully.

There was a pause for a moment.

"Umm...Batman," Firebird said "You never did answer our invitation to join the Titans."

"Gee, I must have misplaced it." Batman said sarcastically.

"Well, we'll just give you another one." That was Changer and at his suggestion Archie smacked him in the head "Ow! What was that for?"

"He didn't misplace it idiot. He probably threw it out."

"Gee, how perceptive of you." Batman said sarcastically.

"What? But why?" Circuit asked.

"Because I'm too busy fighting in Gotham to play around with some kids."

"Kids?" Cyberwasp yelled "Maybe you haven't noticed, tough guy, but you're only a year older than us!"

"Yeah, and aren't we the ones who saved you today?" Archie snapped.

"Look, Timezone was my villain! You should've just kept out of it! If I do want your help, which is unlikely, I'll ask for it!"

"Sigh Are you always this stubborn or did the old bat rub off on you?" Firebird asked.

"Could be."

"Come on, Firebird, he obviously doesn't want to join." Cyberwasp said. "We'll do a lot better without him anyway. Just grab Timezone and we'll be off."

"Uh, I thought you had him." Firebird said to the teen machine.

"But I thought you had him. Maybe Arella had him."

"No, I didn't."

The teens turned around finding the rope that had tied up Timezone, but no Timezone!

"This is also why I don't want to join you, all the villains you capture escape." Batman said.

"So do the ones you capture." Arella pointed out.

The Titans (even Circuit) sweatdropped.

"Well, look at it this way." Changer said. "At least it wasn't my fault this time!"

The Titans and Batman gave Changer a mean glare, which made him laugh nervously. Cyberwasp then gave a big sigh and said, "Come on, ya'll, let's go back to the Tower. We can search for Timezone there."

So then the Titans began to leave. But before Firebird followed, she turned back to Batman and said, "Ya know, it would be great if you joined up. We could especially make a good team together. Just like my mentor and your mentor."

"Sorry," Batman said, "but I'm not a team player. Besides since you're leader, listening to you would be like the old Bat taking orders from Robin."

Firebird turned around to leave, but then after realizing the remark, she exclaimed, "Hey! What's that suppose to…"

But when she turned around, Batman was gone.

"….mean? Dang, I wish he'd teach me that disappearing act of his."

Firebird then flew off to join her teammates.

But where was Timezone? While the Titans and Batman were talking, Timezone took advantage of that time by fixing and making some modifications to his "minute transport" device and secretly transported back to the place he was at 25 minutes before going to prison: a typical, old, abandoned warehouse outside Metropolis. He was now repairing his suit. Even though his suit and were on a work table, his face was hidden in the shadows.

"Accursed Batman!" Timezone mumbled as he was repairing his suit. "Trying to stop my ring, wrecking my suit. But those Titans, oh, they were the worst! They ruined my plans and destroyed my time-droids. If I ever saw those Titans ever again, I could just…"

Just then, a video phone screen said. "THERE IS A CALLER FOR YOU."

"Which line?"


Timezone then put on his half-repaired chest plate and helmet on (in order to hide his true identity.)

"Put him through."

The video screen phone did so. The screen the showed the figure of a man. Dark shadows covered the man's face, except one eye. He stood perfectly still, not moving at all. Almost as if he was frozen.

"Greetings, Mr. Timezone." The figure said. "I have called because I am in need of your services."

"Sorry to disappoint you," Timezone said. "But my business has been currently put on hold."

"Really. Would that have anything to do with a certain bat and some teenage superheroes?"

"Yes…..how did you know?"

"I have my ways. You know, Timezone, you have a unique ability. Able to go through tome with your suit, able to travel in any place at any time in history. It's quite extraordinary."

"Tell me something I don't know."

"That is why I need your services for a more different purpose. This task may even benefit for you."

"How so?"

"I need you to go to Jump City, 40 years into the past and destroy the original Teen Titans."

"Huh? Why?"

"The first Titans had been a thorn in my side over the years, believe it or not. Plus there descendants have given you some trouble too, as I understand. It'll give me great satisfaction to know that the Titans of the past are finally destroyed. Also, if you destroy those Titans, the Titans of the future will never exist and won't ever get the chance to ruin your operations."

"Hmm…..you prove a good case….all right then. I accept the task."

"Excellent." The stranger said in a pleasing matter. "I shall call you back soon on your progress."

"Wait, who are you exactly?"

"All will be revealed in time. Just focus now on the task at hand. Good-bye, Timezone. See you soon."

The screen went blank.

"Well, better get to work." Timezone said to himself.

Ten minutes later, Timezone had repaired ever part of his time suit. He also modified five spare time-droids with special upgrades in order for them to help destroy the first Titans. He now sat on a hover bike and pressed a button on his helmet, lift the visor and mouth slot up. The modified time-droids lined up behind Timezone. He pressed a few buttons on his right gauntlet, which activated his "Time-Pak." It glowed brightly, and an antenna popped out of the pack with a point that looked like a clock-watch. It shot out a blue beam that produced a, big, round time portal.

" Soon, the Titans will be lost to time." Timezone said.

He powered his hove bike and zoomed into the portal. The time-droids followed. The portal then closed. Timezone and his time-droids were now traveling through time to carry out the dark deed.

End of prologue

Well that ends the prologue. Again special thanks to Random X for righting about 99 of it.