Disclaimer: I don't own Erik, Christine or Raoul. The story would have ended much differently if I had, but I didn't own it back then, and probably never will own it (unless I turn out to be some long long bloodline descendant of Gaston Leroux, Susan Kay, or Andrew Lloyd Webber, which may be HIGHLY doubtful, but VERY wishful).
A/N: Yes, I know what you're thinking- "Arh, ANOTHER Modern retelling?" But bear with me, at least for the first couple of chapters. This phic is rated 'R' (Or to the new rating system: M) because it deals with the darker aspects illustrated in The Phantom of the Opera- The heavy sexual theme in 'Point of No Return', Erik's morphine addiction, and everything else that's dark, cruel, and un-nerving.
And please, don't flame. Constructive criticism is welcomed and wanted, but flames are not, because yelling at people isn't the nicest way to go about. In any event, I guess I don't really have a say on it.
The Darkest of Deep Obsessions
Chapter One: Aspiring Talents
Addiction- every being who's lived and breathed on this earth has had one at some point. Nicotine, alcohol, chocolate and coffee are the more common ones. Drugs, while very common are an addiction of the darker kind. The average drug addict keeps this certain addiction to his or her self, as well as the people they use to feed their addiction. Some addictions become more of an obsession, not only does the body crave and need the drug, but it's all the mind can focus on. Eventually, an intense obsession with something will lead to madness- to insanity. Few people ever reach this stage, but it's not in the least bit rare.
Some people used to call me insane, but saying that would probably just be an understatement.
Her body twisted from position to position, her mind pulsing steadily with the never-ending beat. She slid her leg out far and shifted her body weight, her arms flying, head turning. The routine was familiar enough- she had practiced it over and over again in her many cold and silent nights alone in the small bungalow. Drawing her leg back in to join the other one, she let her hips sway suggestively before her knees drew towards the ground and she let herself fall into the final pose. Breathing heavily, she could almost hear the wild applause, the people shouting her name and begging for more, the adoring fans. As the music changed into a slower song, she fell onto her back, exhausted.
How many times have you practiced that dance tonight? At least a million! She thought jokingly. She let her eyes close as a smile spread across her face. It's almost perfect though… One week until auditions. If I keep this up, I'm going to make it for sure! Her mind retorted giddily. She let out a light-headed giggle and rolled onto her stomach. She was about to turn the song back on the CD player when the phone rang from the next room. Rolling her eyes she struggled into a standing position and walked slowly into the kitchen, tilting her neck from side to side to work out the kinks. The loud monotone ring from the old phone sliced into her head, the searing pain making her blanch.
"I think I'm getting a headache… from lack of sleep no doubt." She commented aloud. Groaning, she fumbled with the receiver and put it to her ear. "Y'allo. Christine here." There was a loud squeal from the other end and she winced as her head throbbed.
"Christine! Where have you been? You completely ditched me! I thought we were going to meet at the local restaurant for dinner tonight-" The girl on the other end complained. She sounded annoyed, and Christine wasn't in the mood for a fight.
"Meg it's only…" She turned her head to look at the luminous clock on the microwave behind her. 10:26pm. "Oh… Um… Oops?" She replied, wincing again. Meg let out a frustrated groan.
"Chris, that's the third time this month you've forgotten to meet me somewhere for dinner. You're taking this audition thing WAY to seriously! You need to get out more often and have fun!"
Christine let out a defeated sigh. "That's easy for you to say, Meg Giry! You're going to make the chorus without a problem- you're a true born dancer!" She cried. Meg laughed softly, and Christine could picture the girl sitting on her favourite blue couch in her apartment, twirling a piece of brown hair around a petite finger.
"That may be, but at least you can sing! I can't sing if my life depended on it! You have no idea how hard I practice each day… but I still can't seem to hit any high notes." Christine chuckled, for it was true. Although the girl had perfect timing and could move in ways Christine never thought possible, she was a terrible singer. Her voice was ragged and had no flow to it what so ever.
"Well then that makes us even. What are you doing tomorrow? How about we get together at my house and practice? You can help me with dancing, and I your singing? I'll take you out for lunch as a make-up for all the dinner's I've missed."
Meg sighed. "Alright then, seems fair enough. I'll be over at nine alright?" Christine closed her eyes as the room started spinning, her thoughts drifting to the bed in the next room, which seemed to call her name.
"Sounds good. See you then." Without waiting for her friend to answer, she placed the phone back on its cradle and rested her head in her hands. "I hate headaches!" She moaned. Crossing the room in a large stride she opened up the cabinet next to the fridge and snatched the bottle of aspirin off the top shelf. She quickly swallowed two pills and replaced the bottle.
Entering the den once more, she dropped to her knees and shut the CD player off, flicking the light switch just above it to flip the light. The room became dark, and she shivered, the feeling of unknown creeping under her skin. It's just the dark, nothing to be afraid of. Her mind retorted. She wandered around the dark house, locking the windows and doors of her five room flat. Reaching the back of the flat at last, she crept into her bedroom and turned on the purple lava lamp sitting atop wardrobe. She despised it greatly, and kept it only to please Meg, who had given her the lamp when she had moved out of the apartment, they both had shared. "Every bachelor pad HAS to have a lava lamp! It's like one of those unspoken rules!" Meg had said. Christine wanted nothing more than to chuck the ugly thing out the window. But her best friend's large, pleading; blue eyes had made her refrain from doing such said thing.
With another strangled sigh, she collapsed onto her bed and looked groggily around the room. It wasn't what one would call a very modern room, for her tastes were far from. The small twin bed sat at the back of the room, next to the wardrobe she had bought in substitution for the closet that didn't exist in the small room. The only other piece of furniture was a small desk that sat under the window, looking out onto the backyard. It was cluttered with books, papers, a few magazines, her cell phone recharger and her alarm clock. The walls were painted a soft yellow colour in contrast to the dark wood of the furniture, and white sheers hung on a pole over the window. Standing up, she threw the blinds shut and quickly changed into her pajamas, turning the light off and setting her alarm for eight the next morning before slipping under the warm inviting covers of her bed.
Child of the wilderness, born into emptiness, learn to be lonely… learn to find your way in darkness…
Christine woke with a start, her eyes sweeping the dim room until they rested on her alarm clock sitting on the desk. 8:04. Yawning she slumped back into the covers, pulling the comforter over her head.
Who will be there for your, comfort and care for you, learn to be lonely… learn to be your one companion…
Groaning she grabbed her pillow and aimed it at the machine. There was a thud as it full off the desk, but the music continued to play its sad tune.
Never dreamed out in the world, there are arms to hold you, you've always known, your heart was on its own…
"Shut up… shut up…" She pleaded, pulling the covers back over her head once more. Meg's supposed to be coming over soon… Her mind scolded. "Shut up…"
So laugh in your loneliness, child of the wilderness, learn to be lonely... learn how to love life that is lived alone…
"Euuuugh…" She groaned once more. Pulling herself into a sitting position, she glared at her newest mortal enemy for the day. "I truly do hate alarm clocks." It only replied by belting out more of the song.
Learn to be lonely, life can be lived, life can be loved, alone…
"Fine! Fine I'm up! I'm up!" She screamed, sliding off the bed to right the clock.
"Good morning America! This is DJ Tyler here, and it's a beautiful morning on October the 19th of 2005. That was just the newest hit "Learn to be Lonely by-" The over-enthusiastic voice was cut off instantly as Christine slammed her hand down on the sleep button. Shutting it off fully she glared at it.
"Good morning your self." She mumbled. Throwing the blinds open, she placed her hands on her hips and stared out into the backyard. The small patch of green grass was beginning to die from neglect, and the lilacs that grew in the soil against the back fence were growing brown and curling. Beyond the black chain link fence she could see a group of students playing on the school grounds just behind.
Letting out a groggy sigh she crossed over to the wardrobe and pulled on the doors, letting them fly open to reveal its contents. If Meg pisses me off today, I pity her. Selecting a plain t-shirt and loose fitting pair of pants, she headed towards the bathroom at the front of the house to get dressed. As she passed the den, she flipped on the computer beside the television set, and continued on her way. She let out a sigh as she flipping on the bathroom light, her eyes protesting to the bright over head light. Shivering she pulled off her bed clothes and turned the tap to the farthest right for the hottest of water. Stepping into the tub she pulled at the stopper and picked up the soap bar, beginning her monotonous act of bathing.
"Introducing Miss Christine Daaé, staring in the role of Collie Withington."
"Tell us Miss Daaé, how does it feel to get the main role, working alongside some of the greatest actors and actress of all times?"
"Well… truth be told it feels wonderful! I'm so excited!"
"Daaé, is it true that The Life and Times of Collie Withington is a musical?"
"I'm not sure if I should be telling you this, but indeed it is."
"Sing for us Christine! Sing!" Christine grinned at the large crowd in front of her. Nodding she lifted her chin up.
"Alright then. I'll sing." The crowd gave a large cheer and she beamed at them, excitement welling up strongly inside her stomach. She raised her arms and swallowed hard, taking a few breaths before starting the first song that came into her mind.
"Amazing grace! How sweet the sound. That saved a wretch like me!"
She couldn't help but smile as her eyes scanned the hundreds of fans in front of her. This was a dream come true. At long last, she felt wanted and appreciated. Years of hard work had finally paid off.
"I once was lost, but now am found; was blind but now I see."
The crowed roared at her voice as it carried through the large square packed with people. Christine lifted her arms even higher, taking a large breath.
"'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, and grace my fears relieved;"
She could feel her voice rising and floating. And for a moment, she felt like she was on top of the world.
"How precious did that gra-"
There was a loud banging on the bathroom door and she jumped, almost slipping on the soapy tub bottom.
"Christine aren't you done yet? Hurry up, I brought coffee!" A muffled voice could be heard from behind the door. Christine placed a hand to her forehead; her heart racing from being startled.
"Meg!" She threw the tap off, stepping out of the tub to grab a towel. Drying herself off quickly she pulled on her clothes and left the bathroom, leaving the door open so the steam could escape. "Meg Giry what the hell are you doing in my house?" She cried. There was a laugh from the kitchen and Christine rolled her eyes. Leaning against the doorframe she surveyed her friend sitting at the small wooden kitchen table, sipping her drink and flipping through a magazine. Her perfectly shaped eyebrows were screwed up in concentration, brown eyes sparkling with their constant enthusiasm. She had pulled back her glossy brown corkscrew curls in a pony tail, but stray ringlets had fallen around her face, softening her rather harsh features. Christine had always envied the girl's perfect complexion, and her petite body that only belonged to a dancer. But Christine wasn't a dancer. No matter how hard she practiced, she could never find the grace that Meg possessed.
"What do you mean what am I doing in your house? YOU invited me over." Shaking her head, the brunette looked up. "Looks like somebody's having a brain lapse." Chuckling to herself she shook her head once more and turned back to her magazine. Christine groaned and fell into the empty chair in front of the other girl, busying her hands with preparing her coffee with two creams and two sugars.
"You know that's not what I meant." She retorted. Meg arched her brow.
"No I don't. You asked me what I was doing in your house and I told you- you invited me here. Remember? I was going to help you with dancing, and you with my singing? Then you were going to take me out for lunch because you ditched me. Simple as that." Taking a sip from her drink Christine sighed.
"Contrary to popular beliefs, I'm not stupid you know." Putting down her Styrofoam cup she folded her arms across the table. "Let me rephrase the question then. I know what your doing in my house, but how did you get in my house?" Meg giggled.
"Well maybe if you we're day dreaming all the time, people wouldn't think you were such a blonde… and it's easy to think that you know… you ARE a blonde. Just… not in the same way." She giggled again. "And obviously you are having a brain lapse though if you forgot that you gave me a key to your house!" Christine frowned and closed her eyes, draining her drink in a single gulp.
"Stop mocking my blonde-ness. Besides, blondes have more fun!" Meg leaned back, looking offended.
"Excuse me? They most certainly do not! When was the last time you went to a party?" She questioned. Christine shrugged.
"Not in a while I guess. Things have been so busy. I really want to make the theatre chorus! It's my life long dream to be a chorus girl."
"Christine you know that's not true. You've always wanted to be a singer. Now all of a sudden you have your goals set to become some chorus girl at the local theatre? Don't get me wrong- singing and dancing is fun but it won't get you anywhere. If you want to be a singer, don't join just some chorus. Get out there and sing." Christine shook her head and let her gaze wander.
"That was then Meg, this is now. Not everybody can become a singer you know." Meg looked at her distain fully and stood up to throw out the two empty cups.
"No, you're right. Not everybody can become a singer, but you're a lot better then some of the people I hear on the radio. And they don't even have REAL talent Chris! They're making millions, and it's all because someone's editing their voice." Christine pushed back from the table and back into the bathroom across the hall to pull her hair up. As she fastened the hair tie in place, she noticed her reflection in the foggy mirror. Her wet blonde hair hung in a ponytail down to her to her mid back. Blue eyes that once sparkled like the brunette's had become dull and sorrowful. She had always been average looking, with nothing special that would make people stop and look. Sighing she looked away from herself and turned the light back off.
"I may have talent, but my voice isn't good enough to make it to the top. I'm not what people are looking for these days. Joining this chorus is as good as it's ever going to get." Closing her eyes she fought against the tears that began to cloud her vision. Don't you dare start crying now Christine. Exhaling deeply she strode into the den with determination. "Alright, so what do you want to do first? I say dancing." Meg squealed and half ran into the room.
"Right, right, right… Dancing it is! Now I talked to Lola Sorelli- you know- the girl from the chorus we talked to when we signed up? Spanish or French… something like that… She's very… well she's like the Carlotta Giudicelli of the chorus … just not so….mean and attention grabbing. But anyways. So I talked to Lola, and she said that we were going to probably auditioning to one of these three songs. I know they gave us ten, but something happened and it's kind of confusing. I brought the songs." Christine blinked a few times.
"Wait… slow down! Who's Carlotta Goodiecello?" She questioned. Meg sighed dramatically and dropped onto the couch.
"Carlotta Giudicelli. LA Carlotta Giudicelli. She is THE Prima Donna." Christine raised an eyebrow.
"La? Prima Donna? Isn't that French?" Meg nodded enthusiastically.
"Yea. She's not French, but supposedly she was the leading diva in the major theatre over in France before she came here." Christine's eyebrow rose even more.
"If she was all that, then why did she decide to move to this small town?" Meg shrugged.
"No clue. I think it's a lie though, and so does Cecile Jammes." Christine sat on the couch beside her friend.
"Who's Cecile Jammes? No wait, let me figure it out. Another chorus girl?" The dancer smiled.
"Yup. You'll love Little Jammes. She's real nice. They call her "Little Jammes" because her mother works at the theatre too, and they call everybody by their last names." Christine let out a bark of laughter.
"Hey doesn't your mother work at the theatre? So I guess I should start calling you Little Giry?" Meg scowled and jumped off the couch to retrieve a CD case from her jacket that lay across the chair in front of the computer.
"If you start calling me Little Giry, I get to call you Chrissie." Christine wrinkled her nose and turned on the CD player.
"Umm… I think not. Nice try though." Meg giggled and put the CD in the player before turning it to the fifth song.
"Alright, get into position. The first song will be a slow one just for warm-ups. I'll call out a move- ballet first- and you do it. Got it?" Christine stretched her arms out.
"Got it." Meg nodded once and turned the song on, running to join her friend opposite in the middle of the room. The beat came on slow, a piano playing in the background. A woman began to sing the soft lyrics and Christine groaned.
"Arh… of all the songs..." Meg shook her head solemnly for Christine to stop talking. Just like her mother. So serious when it comes to dancing. She mused. Resisting the urge to laugh aloud she listened the lyrics of the song for the second time today.
Child of the wilderness…
"Right… En face, plie, fondue, pirouette… no try that again. This time raise your foot higher off the ground… good now plie again, petit battement…" The music faded into background noise as Christine concentrated on her footwork and body and its movements. Pulling herself onto bare tip-toes she reached for the ceiling, feeling as though she could do anything. Just a bit taller… Just a bit higher… Pulling herself up to stand taller she rocked on her toes and pressed higher still. Absorbed in her own world she raised her leg up to rest behind her knee and spread her arms wide, using them to propel herself into a full circle. Once… twice… her eyes slowly closed as she spun the third time. Loosing her balance she stumbled a few times, almost toppling over on Meg.
"Ow! Okay that HURT. Even if that was really good, you should listen to INSTRUCTIONS! I said to slide your left foot forwards and descend to the ground gracefully! Not do what you did and then fall." She protested. Christine giggled and pulled herself off the floor.
"Sorry about that Meg. I've just been so… clumsy lately?" Meg shook her head and stopped the CD player.
"Chris someone IMed you." Christine blinked.
"What?" Meg stepped over the machine on the floor to get to the computer. She squinted and read the screen.
" 'GotMoney' says 'Hey Lotte, where are you?' Who's GotMoney?" Christine gasped and half ran to the computer, pushing Meg's jacket to the floor. Reading the message once she smiled.
"It's Raoul!" Putting her fingers to the keyboard she typed back a short message.
xShatteredxTearsx: Raoul! I'm here… how are you?
Meg clicked her tongue.
"Who's Raoul?" Christine shook her head.
"A friend."
GotMoney: Ok. Where are you though?
Christine bit her lip.
xShatteredxTearsx: I told you. I'm here at home.
GotMoney: Shoppers world? Its 9:20.
"Oh my gosh! Raoul! The mall! Ah he's going to KILL me!" She shrieked. Meg gave her a weird look.
"What do you mean?" she queried. Christine sighed.
"I was supposed to meet Raoul at the mall at nine this morning. I can't believe I forgot!"
xShatteredxTearsx: Omg! Are you still there?
"Wait… You aren't going to go meet him still are you?" Christine gave her a pleading look.
"Meg, this is really important to me. I haven't seen Raoul in YEARS! I mean, we've talked once in a while on the internet, but he's moved into the neighbourhood, and we made plans to meet today at nine in the food court. He said he'd be wearing a bright blue t-shirt so I'd know it's him. Please- Meg I have to go!" The brunette looked at her and shook her head.
"How do you know he's not some deranged psycho-path or something?" Christine rolled her eyes.
"He's not. If you're so scared, then come with me! It'll be fun, and I can still treat you!" Meg folded her arms across her chest.
"Like that's going to help…But what about the singing?"
"I'll make it up to you, I promise. Please?" Christine pleaded. Meg sighed.
"Fine. But you owe me so much Christine Daaé." Christine squealed in delight and turned her attention back to the monitor.
GotMoney: Of course. I'm on my cell.
"Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you!" She cried.
xShatteredxTearsx: Okay, I'll been there in 10. Stay there! I'm bringing a friend.
GotMoney: Ok. See You.
Christine jumped up and gave her friend a large hug.
"Help me change?" Meg laughed and led Christine to the bedroom.
"Only if you let me borrow something to wear. These clothes are NOT mall clothes!" Christine pushed the other girl and tossed open her wardrobe to find something to wear. Meg reached forwards and snatched a purple blouse.
"Oh! Chris this is perfect! I call dibs!" The other girl giggled and handed her a pair of jeans.
"I don't have any pants that would fit… apart from these. They're way too small for me. You can have them." Meg squealed.
"Thanks! These are perfect. I'm going to change." In a moment the brunette had ran out of the room and Christine was left by herself again. Hands on her hips she surveyed the contents. Its times like this that I wished I had more money. I haven't seen Raoul in years! I'm not a little girl anymore, but I don't want him to think I'm something I'm not. Scowling she grabbed at another pair of jeans and a t-shirt. Her eyes caught a blue sweater and she smiled. Perfect. Changing quickly she grabbed her cell phone off the desk and left the room. Meg was already dressed and ready, pulling her jacket over her shoulders. She had taken her hair out of her hair out of its holdings and it cascaded just past her shoulders in a mess of curls. No matter what Meg wore, or how she did her hair, she always looked perfect.
"You ready? Let's go." Questioned Meg, grabbing her CD and clothes. Reaching into her pocket she grabbed a pair of car keys and motioned for Christine to follow.
"I'm so nervous! What if he's totally changed?" Meg let out an excited giggle, holding the front door open for her friend.
"Oh don't worry about it. I'll be there. What's the worse that could happen?" Christine stopped to lock the door then turned back.
"The worse that could happen? He could be a real jerk or geek, in which case we'll pretend we never saw him. Or he could be a God but still be a jerk." Meg shrugged and stood at the top of the drive way, surveying the car that stood in it. The white paint was chipping and there were several rust spots, and it was definitely very old and very small. She wrinkled her nose.
"Sorry Christine, Mom needed my car, so I'm stuck with this piece of junk." Christine laughed softly.
"Don't worry about it. I don't even own a piece of junk, I have to envy yours." Meg giggled again and opened the door, throwing her stuff in the back. Unlocking the passenger side, she closed her door and watched as Christine slid in, stuffing her cell phone into the pocket of her sweater.
"Alright, let's just hope this thing makes it to the mall." The singer snorted.
"It's not that far you know. I've walked there plenty of times. It's just… cold today and I'm late, and we'd better start going or we'll miss him." She commented. Meg shrugged and started the engine, backing up slowly.
"Oh yes, and we wouldn't want him to think that you ditched him after all." Christine rolled her eyes and pressed her forehead against the window, closing her eyes.
"Wake me up when we get there." It was Meg's turn to roll her eyes.
"But I thought you said that the mall wasn't that far!" She protested. Christine sighed.
"It's not, but I had a major headache last night and I think it's coming back. I just want to close my eyes for five minutes." Meg groaned and Christine could feel her self falling away from reality… her thoughts vanishing completely. For the first time in months she felt relaxed. Until a soft voice reached her ears and the near silence was broken.
"Who would be there for you… comfort and care for you…" Christine let out a long sigh and opened her eyes.
"Shut up Meg!" She cried. Meg stopped at a red light and turned to her.
"No. Learn to be lonely…" The blonde gave a strangled cry and was about to whack her friend's arm when Meg hit the gas peddle.
"Me-eg! Please be quiet?" She pleaded desperately. Her mind could hear the music, reaching for her, calling to her.
"No. I need to practice singing. Learn to be your one companion…" Christine folded her arms across her chest, glaring daggers at the girl.
"So sing another song." She replied. Meg stopped with a huff and gripped the wheel slightly tighter.
"But I like that song." Christine shrugged.
"But I hate that song." She mocked. Meg lowered her eyes.
"Why?" She questioned, turning the steering wheel in her hands to avoid a car that was driving rather wildly. "Some people…" She muttered under her breath. Christine blinked a few times.
"Why what?" She questioned. Meg sighed and repeated her question.
"Why do you hate that song?" Christine stared out the front window for a minute, trying to think of a reasonable explanation rather then 'Just because'.
"Because it's a stupid song." It was the only answer she could think of. And a lame answer at that. She thought.
"I don't think so. It's so sad. The first time I heard it I cried." The brunette exclaimed. Christine snorted.
"The first time I heard it I threw my pillow at it." Meg let out a bark of laughter but quickly bit down on her lip to stop herself. Christine grinned.
"I don't care whether you like it or not… I don't, and I'm the older one here. Didn't your mother ever tell you to respect your elders Meg Giry?" The brunette scowled.
"You're only older then me by five months. I hardly think that counts you as being one of my elders." She retorted hotly.
"Old enough Little Giry." Christine commented casually.
"Well it doesn't matter anyways Chrissie, because we're here. Time for you to meet your lover boy." Pulling the car into a free parking spot, she shifted the gear and unbuckled her seat belt. Christine followed suit with her own.
"Alright…he's NOT my lover boy. We're just friends. Nothing else." Meg snickered.
"Sure you are. And I'm Mame Giry in pink leotards." Christine paled at that thought and wrinkled her nose in detest.
"Bad mental picture there." She cried. Meg's face turned green and she nodded.
"Most defiantly." The dancer agreed. Tilting her head she checked her reflection in the review mirror and gasped.
"Chris- quick! Look at that guy getting out of that old silver car behind us." Christine jerked her upper body to look out that back window and felt her stomach drop like she was on a rollercoaster. He was hot- there was no doubt about it. His car wasn't much, but he on the other hand was defeninitly the opposite. He was easily taller than six feet, with a decent looking build. He sported a turtle neck and jeans, both dark black in colour. Christine let her eyes rake his form and she inhaled sharply when she reached his face. His hair was a dark brown that was rather shaggy and hung over the right side of his face, blocking it completely from view. Although his appearance had a rebel sort of aura, he was clearly far from it. He moved with such grace and elegance that Christine could hardly believe he wasn't locking the door of a limo or wearing a dinner jacket. She could almost taste the power radiating off of him.
"Oh my God…" She whispered. Meg gulped.
"He's hot." She replied in her own breathy voice. Christine placed a hand on the head rest and nodded solemnly.
"Hot… but just LOOK at him… he looks so… so…" She felt herself at a loss for words.
"Wow…" Meg commented. Christine giggled and tore her gaze away from the man who had walked off down the lane towards the building.
"Come on!" She hissed to her friend who was still staring. Making sure to tuck her cell phone deep into her pocket she opened the door and pulled at Meg's arm. "If we hurry we can follow him… possibly catch up to him… possibly get to know him?" Meg laughed quietly and stepped out of the car, closing it hard behind her. Placing her hands on the top of the car, she glanced at Christine.
"And what about Raoul?" Christine's face fell and she let her eyes fall to the ground. Sighing deeply she bit her lip.
"Oh yea… I suppose we should go shouldn't we…" Meg let out a snort and locked the door.
"I suppose we should…" She replied. Christine looked up at her and grinned sheepishly, biting on her lip harder to stop herself from laughing. Go figures… Making sure her own door was closed properly; Christine touched the lump in her sweater pocket as if to remind herself who was waiting to see her. Nodding her head in determination she made her way around the car to where Meg was standing.
"Let's go." She whispered quietly. Christine could feel her stomach turning in both fear and excitement as they made their way into the semi-crowded mall. She kept her eyes on Meg's left shoulder as they dodged men carrying shopping bags, groups of rowdy teenagers on cell phones and pregnant ladies with numerous youngsters in toe. After what seemed like hours and various comments of "Oh Christine look at that dress! Isn't it so cute?" Christine could see the luminous sign that read "West End Mall Food Court" and the pungent smell of grease and fries hit her nose. Inhaling sharply she looked over at Meg who had come to stand beside her.
"Ready?" Meg queried. Nervously Christine nodded and they entered the food court together, eyes scanning for a blue t-shirt. Meg spotted a particularly vibrant one and she gasped.
"Christine I think I found him!" She chortled. Christine followed her gaze and smiled. The man looked to be in his mid-twenties, and had perfect posture. Once a rich kid, always a rich kid. Christine thought jokingly. She quickly scanned his form, taking in the brown hair that was pulled back in a low pony-tail. He was definitely classy looking in a brown leather jacket, blue shirt and jeans as he leaned against a pillar, arms crossed.
"Defiantly him." She said grinning. Meg laughed softly.
"Well come on then!" She exclaimed. Christine giggled and followed her friend across the masses of people feeding their faces.
"Raoul!" She cried. He looked up and a toothy smile spread across his face. Stepping away from the pillar he strode across the place quickly and met her with open arms. Christine laughed gaily as he picked her up and spun her in a circle, setting her down on her feet with a laugh of his own.
"Lotte! I can't believe it's you- you look so different!" He commented. Christine felt her cheeks go red.
"I look different? You look different too!" She joked. Raoul tipped his head back and laughed once more. Christine smiled and turned her head towards Meg who was standing a few feet away with a look of uncertainty on her face. "Raoul, this is Meg Giry, my best friend. A wonderful dancer I might add. We were rehearsing for the auditions at the theatre… we're trying out for the woman's chorus!" Meg blushed crimson and did a little curtsey. Her eyes trained on Raoul the brunette spoke with uncertainty.
"Oh Chris, it's not like you're not a bad dancer! Have you heard her sing? Such a beautiful voice! No one could ever compare to her!" At her friend's words Christine flushed and gave her a look of annoyance.
"Meg! You know it's not true! I may be able to sing but I'm not that good!" She screeched. This made Raoul laugh harder.
"Oh come now Christine! If I remember correctly you always did sing with such grace. You're voice is beautiful." He told the singer. Christine pressed a hand to her face.
"Well it may be good, but it's not good enough." She protested. Meg hit her arm.
"You are too." Christine shook her head feverishly.
"I am not Meg and you know it! Stop pestering me!" She squealed.
"Prove it then!" Christine turned her head sharply to look at Raoul.
"What?" Raoul just shrugged.
"I said prove it then." He repeated. Christine rolled her eyes and folded her arms across her chest.
"You know very well I can't do that!" She protested once again. Raoul gave a hearty chuckle.
"And why not?" He asked.
"Yea Christine, why not?" Meg echoed. Christine scoffed.
"Why not? Because we're in the middle of a mall! People will think I'm crazy!" It was Meg's turn to laugh.
"Chris, people already think you're crazy." The dancer joked. This made Christine cry out in anguish.
"I am not!" She screamed. Raoul grinned.
"Sing for me Lotte; sing for the angel of music! Let him hear you!" He coaxed. Christine sighed.
"Raoul that's not even funny." Raoul laughed.
"Oh come on Christine, just a few bars! I haven't heard you sing in ages." He pleaded. Meg nodded in agreement. Christine looked around the food court anxiously.
"Fine. What song?" Meg bounced on her toes.
"Oh! Oh! Let me pick! Let me pick! Special to me!" She squealed. Christine closed her eyes and nodded.
"Alright… Just a bar or two…" Her eyes still closed she swallowed hard. "Caught up in your wheelin' dealin' you've got no time left for simple feelin', I thought I knew you but I didn't know you at all…" Opening her eyes she stuck her tongue out at them. Raoul stared back at her with a grin plastered on his face.
"That was amazing- sing the rest!" He asked. But Christine shook her head.
"No, I said one or two bars and that was more then that. Sorry." She replied shrugging her shoulders. Meg laughed as Raoul groaned.
"What song was that anyways? I don't think I've heard that one before." He quried. Meg jumped in.
"Of course not! Christine wrote that one!" She imputed. It was Christine's turn to groan.
"You serious! Well… Little Lotte the composer! Like father like daughter I suppose, eh?" Raoul joked. Christine frowned.
"How 'bout we get something to eat? I'm starving." Meg said. Christine nodded, still frowning.
"Alright, I'll be right back though… bathroom break!" This made both Raoul and Meg laugh. "What! It was the coffee! Coffee does that to you- even ask Meg!" Raoul laughed harder. Rolling her eyes at their childish behaviour she made her way to the restrooms at the opposite end of the cafeteria. My, some people never change! Like Raoul for instance- childish and as carefree as ever! Her mind chortled. The NERVE of them both! Making me sing in public! Oh… just they wait! While I'll- Her thoughts were broken as she felt herself hit something hard. She stumbled a bit and almost fell when and arm snaked around her waste, pulling her to stand on two feet. Looking up she felt her breath gasp as she realized who was holding her. It's the guy from the parking lot! She could feel her face heating up as she blushed. She almost choked on her breath as his eyes fell onto hers.
"You have yellow eyes…" She whispered. Realizing what she had said she covered her mouth instantly, eyes wide. "Oh dear- I meant… it's you! No!" She groaned. "No, that's not what I meant. What I meant to say is thank-you." She pressed a hand to her face to cover her clear embarrassment. Suddenly the man took a hold of her hand and pulled it away and his yellow eyes were trained on hers once again. She wanted to pull away from his gaze but found it almost impossible to do so for some reason.
"That's quite alright my dear." Christine shuddered at the sound of his voice. It was powerful and commanding, and yet at the same time it was elegant and gentle- just like his movements. Still holding her wrist, his other hand moved to brush a tendril of hair out of her eyes. She gasped as his cold fingers touched her skin and moved to recoil but his grip tightened. His eyes seemed to search her own and she swallowed again, her breathing shallow.
"Don't trust the intentions of your friends. Some people are not always as they seem." With a smirk he dropped her hand and turned his back on her, walking off in the direction he had seemed to come. Christine stood swaying on the spot, a confused feeling washing over her. Don't trust the intentions of your friends. Some people are not always as they seem… His words echoed in her head and she wanted to go after him, questioning him as to what he had meant. But remembering Meg and Raoul were probably waiting for her, she made her way to the bathroom. This was turning out to be an interesting day after all.