A/N: Yep, it's that time again.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own HP.

Chapter 15

The next week passed Harry by in a complete whirlwind. He was nearly blown over with the extravagant amount of homework he received. He was given essays, reports, projects, spells to practice, and more.

One Wednesday morning, the foursome headed to breakfast in the Great Hall, arrived, and took their usual seats. Harry had recently informed Dumbledore of when the first D.A. meeting would be taking place, so that the headmaster could make an announcement about it. The breakfast soon appeared and everyone dug in.

"Attention everyone," Dumbledore began, the sonorous spell on his voice, "I would like to inform you all that if you have any interest in joining the Defense Association, also known as the D.A., please know that the first meeting will be taking place tonight. For any more information, such as the whereabouts and time, please see Mr. Harry Potter for details."

The heads of hundreds of students turned in Harry's direction.

"That will be all, please continue with your breakfast."

All day people came up to Harry, asking for the time and place of the meeting. He gave the information out keenly, happy to have more members, but after a time, it began to get annoying. It looked like there were going to be a lot of students at that night's meeting. Many of the students Harry did not even recognize.

During his classes, students continuously whispered to him for more information, causing the teachers to grow annoyed and deduct points. Though his fellow Gryffindor's didn't seem to mind losing points all that much. Perhaps it was because they were some of the people whispering to Harry, helping along the process of losing points,

That afternoon, during Transfiguration McGonnagle lost it.

"Can't you get them to shut-up, Potter?" she yelled. "Would you like me to let you make a little speech, so they will all be quiet and let me teach my CLASS?" She took a deep steadying breath and continued teaching, ignoring all of the shocked stares she was getting, as though she had said nothing out of the ordinary.

His last class of the day, Herbology, was exactly the same as the others. This year, the Gryffindor's had the class with the Hufflepuffs, once again. Ernie Macmillan and Hannah Abbot continuously whispered to Harry about the night's meeting.

"Psst, hey Harry!" Ernie whispered excitedly.

Harry sighed and replied, "What Ernie?"

"What's tonight's meeting about?"

"You'll find out tonight, Ernie," he said dully.

"But, come on, Harry…"

"No Ernie," he said firmly.

That night at dinner, Dumbledore made another announcement about the meeting.

"Excuse me," Dumbledore began, clearing his throat, "Please, everyone remember that tonight is the first meeting for the Defense Association at 7:00 pm. Anyone wishing to attend is welcome." With that, the headmaster sat down and motioned for everyone to continue their dinner.

After Harry had finished his dinner, he hurried up his dormitory to gather his things and rushed over to the Room of Requirement. He was, luckily, the first to arrive. He paced back and forth three times, concentrating hard on what he needed.

A room where we can learn how to defend ourselves. Bigger than the one we had last year.

And suddenly, a door appeared. Harry grinned and opened it quickly. The room was much like it had been a year earlier, but was expanded tremendously. The shelves full of useful books remained. I wish there was a desk for me to sit at, Harry thought. So, suddenly, an enormous oak desk appeared at the back of the room. Harry smiled, grabbed a book entitled The Dark Arts: What You're Up Against.

A few minutes later, in walked Ginny, Ron, and Hermione. Harry was too absorbed in his book to notice their entrance.

"Hem hem," Ginny cleared her throat like Professor Umbridge. Harry's head shot up in fear. He saw Ginny and relaxed.

"Oh, sorry, hey guys. I was…preoccupied," he stated. "Anyway, I was wondering if you guys, along with a few others I've chosen, could help me out with tonight's meeting."

"How?" Ron asked.

"Well, Ron," Hermione began, "There are obviously many more students than last year. So, I'm guessing Harry wants some help catching up the one's who weren't part of it last year. Am I correct Harry?"

Harry nodded. "Yeah, I wanted you guys, Neville, and Luna to help out."

"Oh, well that's a good idea," Hermione smiled.


Within a few minutes, many people had arrived. There were about 75 people in there by the time everyone had arrived. Harry was overwhelmed. He blew his whistle a few times, and the room fell silent.

"Hi, as I guess you all know, I'm Harry Potter. The meeting will start in a minute, but first, I'd like Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley, Neville Longbottom, and Luna Lovegood, up here please."

Neville and Luna looked slightly surprised, but made their way up nonetheless.

"Hey guys, well, today's meeting, at the beginning, is basically going to be a time to catch everyone up. I don't think we have anyone under third year at this meeting—the others were probably too scared—so, I doubt it will be too much of a problem. So, I was wondering if you five could help me catch them up? I was thinking we could divide them into five groups—one of us teaching each group. I was thinking we could divide them by years. Is that okay with you guys?"

They all nodded, even Neville—though he did look quite nervous and was sweating a bit.

"Are you sure about this, Harry?" he asked.

"Of course! Why would I ask you if I didn't believe that all five of you could do it?"

Neville shrugged and mumbled something about not knowing.

The students divided up into groups: The 3rd years were with Neville and Luna, the 4th years were with Ginny, the 5th years were with Ron, the 6th years with Hermione, and the 7th years were with Harry.

"Okay," said Harry, walking over to Hermione, "I'm thinking we should just see where they're at and work on from there. Does that sound good?" She nodded, so Harry walked over to everyone else, one by one, informing them.

Harry walked back over to his group, blew his whistle and said, "Well…you know what to do…let's start."

"Well," he began, addressing the seventh year students, "I'm assuming you've al mastered the disarming charm by now," he said, motioning towards the 3rd years who were practicing it.

There was a slight bit of laughter at this and they all nodded.

"Right, so, I know this is fairly basic, but I tend to notice that not everyone truly has the basics down, so, with that said, we'll be starting with the Reductor Curse."

There were a few slight groans—which made Harry smile slightly—and most everyone nodded. They then began to practice. Most everyone did alright, but there were a couple of students who struggled a bit. But after a bit of practice, everyone got it down eventually.

There were shouts of the Reductor Curse, the Disarming Charm, the Shield Charm, the Full Body-Bind Curse, and the Vanishing Spell, all across the room.

After a bit more practicing of the Reductor Curse, Harry decided it was time for them to move on. He summoned a few cushions from the corner of the room.

"Well, that was good, so I think it's time to move on the stunning."

A few of the students grinned and others nodded.

After a few moments of giving out instructions and setting up, shouts of "Stupefy!" could be heard from all over. Most students did well at this, but there was a bit of struggle from a couple students.

"Stupefy!" Cho Chang shouted. Her partner froze and fell to the floor.

"Ennernvate," she said, trying to awake her partner, but, instead, managed to set the floor on fire.

"Oh no!" she vanished the fire with the wave of her wand.

"Ennervate," said Harry, awaking her partner.

"Sorry Harry!" said Cho, "I told you last year! You make me nervous!"

"Er—yeah…that's okay," he replied.

Harry glanced over at Ginny, who was staring at him with a gleam in her eye. Harry sighed and tried to smile at her, but she would not smile back.

After about forty-five more minutes, the students were almost done catching up, but it seemed they were out of time. Harry sighed and blew his whistle. The houts of spells died away quickly and soon everyone was looking at Harry.

"Well guys, that was great, but we don't have anymore time. We were going to do something else, but there isn't enough time. But, before you go, I think it would be a good idea for everyone to write their names, house, and year down on this piece of parchment, just so we know everyone that was here. Okay?"

There were scattered nods and "Okays" from all around. So, the students went up, one by one, and wrote down there name, house, and year.

Once everyone finished, Harry said, "You're all free to go."

Everyone left except for Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny. They cleaned up a bit and then looked at the list of students. They went through student to student, occasionally making comments such as, "Oh, that name sounds familiar" or "Oh, I know him, he helped me with my homework once." They were almost all the way down the list when they came across two interesting names:

Blaise Zabini, Slytherin, 6th year

Maggie Brown, Slytherin, 6th year

"Slytherin?" said aloud. "Slytherin?"

Harry nodded. "Hmm….I guess we have to give them a chance…"

"Why?" Ron asked. "I say we kick them out now!"

"Ronald!" said Hermione sternly, "We don't even know them! We can't just kick them out because of there house! What about inner-house unity?"

"Hermione, we've been through this," Ron sighed exasperatedly, "If that means us Gryffindors are supposed to get matey with the Slytherins, it's not going to happen!"

Hermione let out a huff of frustration.

"I say we give them a chance," Ginny said quietly, who had hardly spoken since the end of the meeting. Harry thought he knew why.

"Yeah, I agree," said Harry.

Hermione nodded approvingly. Ron sighed, defeated, but said nothing.

After a few more minutes, Ron and Hermione left, but both Ginny and Harry lagged behind.

"Hey Gin, come sit down," said Harry quietly. Ginny nodded slightly, and they both sat down on two cushions that had been used earlier for stunning.

"Gin, are you okay?" Harry asked.

Ginny remained silent but gave an unconvincing nod.

"Gin…please…talk to me….Is this about Cho?"

Ginny glared at Harry with the upmost hatred she could muster.

"Well maybe if you hadn't been so busy flirting with her, then you would know!"

Harry sighed. Yep, he thought, It's definitely Cho.


She turned away from him.

"Gin…Gin, please listen to me…"

He grabbed her shoulder lightly and she turned around, fresh tears glistening her eyes.

"Ginny…you know I don't like Cho anymore."

"How do I know that, Harry?" she asked.

"Gin, I haven't liked her for a long time. That whole mess ended a long time ago. She was never right for me…you are."

Harry pulled her into a hug. She rested her head on his shoulder and wiped away her tears. "Gin, you know you're overreacting, right?" Ginny sighed a nodded.

"Sorry...I just don't want to share you," she said, smirking.

Harry grinned, "Possessive much?"

"Just a bit," she said, now smiling.

Harry sighed, "I am sorry though," he added.

Ginny nodded, and then a slightly evil-looking grin came over her face.

"Uh…why are you grinning?" asked Harry.

Ginny smirked slightly, "Oh well, I just know what to do if Cho needs reminding that you're mine."

"Oh really? And what's that?"

Ginny grinned, "This." She instantly pounced, nearly jumping on top of Harry to kiss Harry.

Harry's eyes widened, but he then relaxed, enjoying the simple pleasures of the Room of Requirement.

Morning came too soon the next day for Harry. He was exhausted after staying up so late talking with Ginny in the Room of Requirement and then finishing up his Charms and Potions essays.

Ron awoke earlier than Harry and spent a strangely long amount of time getting ready, and was ready to go when Harry finally struggled out of bed. Harry hurriedly threw on some robes, not bothering to even attempt to flatten out his hair, leaving it sticking out wilder than usual. Ron and Harry met up with Hermione and Ginny as they walked out of the portrait hole.

"Uh…hey Hermione," Ron said awkwardly.

Hermione looked at him quizzically, "Hey Ron. Hey Harry."

"Hey Hermione. Hey Ginny," Harry yawned sleepily. "Snape had better not have some intricate potion planned for today because I'm just so sleepy…I know I'll mess it up somehow."

"You'll do fine," Ginny reassured him, affectionately trying to smoothen his hair.

Though Ron seemed to have taken no notice of this, Hermione did, and smiled slightly.

After breakfast, Harry met up with Neville. Neville seemed to be feeling especially down today. He kept dropping his books and then not seeming to notice and almost tripping on them.

"Okay Neville, what's wrong? I mean I know we never exactly look forward to seeing Snape, but he's not that bad."

"Oh it's not Snape, Harry, it's Trevor!" Neville exclaimed.

"Trever?" Harry wondered what was wrong with Neville's toad. "What's the matter with him?"

"He's sick Harry, real sick. He keeps coughing up this yellowish stuff. It's kind of gross and I'm really worried." Neville looked miserable. "I'm afraid it's all my fault."

"How could it be your fault?" Harry asked.

"Oh, I don't know…it usually is."

Harry felt a sudden stab of pity for him. Then he had an idea as they walked into class. "I know Neville. Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and I are going to visit Hagrid this weekend. Why don't you come with us? I'm sure Hagrid could help you with Trevor."

Neville's face brightened at the prospect and he started to say something but was immediately quieted by Snape. "Quiet Longbottom! It is bad enough for you and Potter to be late, so please do not disturb class anymore."

Harry's sleepiness and grouchiness got the better of him. "We're not late. Malfoy walked in two seconds before us, and I don't hear you grouching at him for being late."

"That will be quite enough Mr. Potter," Snape said in his usual cold voice. "Twenty points from Gryffindor and fifty more if you don't watch your mouth and the future."

Harry was about to tell him exactly what he thought of him, but he felt Neville tap the back of his arm, and he took the hint.

Soon after the lesson started, Harry and Neville were both dismayed to learn that Snape had planned a dreadfully hard lesson for them. Neville was so worried about Trevor and what his Gran would say that he kept pouring the wrong mixtures in his cauldron at the wrong times. Harry was so tired that he kept accidentally knocking over the ingredients and having to get more. Needless to say, Snape was not happy with either of them by the end of class and they were both eager to leave.

Harry had charms next with Ron and Hermione. He did okay with the newest charm that they were learning, mainly because Ron and Hermione helped him through most of it.

"Man, I'm sure glad today's Friday," Harry said. "I'm going to bed early tonight and leaving my homework for Sunday since we'll probably be visiting Hagrid most of the day."

"Harry I'm not sure if that's a good idea," Hermione warned.

"Oh can it Hermione. Let Harry rest tonight," Ron said. "He has to run Quidditch practice tomorrow night and don't you want to visit Hagrid?"

"Oh that reminds me," Harry said. "I invited Neville to go with us because he needs Hagrid to look at Trevor. He's sick."

"Oh, well that's a good idea," prompted Hermione.

Harry nodded, "Yeah I guess," he said, collapsing into a chair in the Gryffindor Common Room. He nearly fell asleep just sitting there but was jerked into consciousness by Ginny suddenly plopping into his lap.


Ginny pushed his hair back. "Are you okay? You're really not looking so good."

Harry nodded. "Yeah, I guess. I'm just so exhausted."

Ginny kissed him quickly on the forehead. "You want to go take a nap before dinner?"

Harry smiled slightly and nodded. "I like the way you think, Gin."

Ginny laughed, gave him a quick hug and a kiss, and shooed him off to his dormitory for a nap.

The rest of the day was rather uneventful. Harry went up to his dormitory to sleep nearly right after dinner and awoke the next morning feeling fairly relaxed and refreshed.

He and Ron got up fairly early because of Quidditch practice and met Ginny walking down to the Great Hall.

"So what do you have planned for practice today, Harry?" Ron asked curiously. "I think it's so cool you're the new captain, though you'd better not turn into an Oliver Wood. I've heard a lot about him from Fred and George."

Harry smiled slightly. "I won't. I'll be busy enough trying to keep up with school and plan DA meetings without spending hours thinking up pep talks or calling special practices in the rain with one day's notice. As for today, we're going to just go over the basics. We have about a month--maybe more--to prepare for our first match."

They quickly finished eating and then went back to their rooms to grab their brooms. Once on their way, they met Cho in the hall.

"Hey, Harry," Cho said, beaming at him. "I loved the last D.A. meeting," she gushed.

"Thanks," Harry said, hardly glancing at her. He grabbed Ginny's hand and they kept walking, leaving a frowning Cho behind them.

"Let's hurry," Harry said five minutes later, clutching his Firebolt as they walked out of the portrait hole. "I want to get there first."

"Relax Harry," Ron said to his best friend, holding his Cleansweep Seven. "You still have twenty minutes."

"Wait for us!"

The trio turned around and saw Hermione and Neville, holding Trevor tightly, rushing toward them.

"We want to come watch your first practice," Hermione said smiling. "Then we can all head over to Hagrid's." Neville nodded.

"Okay, great," Harry said. "Let's go then."

They got there about ten minutes later, and Harry was pleased to see that they were the first one's there. It was a cloudy, but warm, day, perfect Quidditch weather. Hermione and Neville went to sit in the stands and Harry opened the box containing the bludgers, quaffle, and snitch. Of course they were still strapped in so they didn't fly everywhere. About five minutes later, Katie Bell showed up, followed by Jack Slopper. Andrew Kirke showed up next and Alyssa Nork about a minute after him with, surprisingly, Madame Hooch. Harry allowed his team to fly around for moment while he went to talk to her.

"Uh…hi Madame Hooch…" Harry mumbled, wondering why she was here.

"I suppose you are wondering why I am here, aren't you, Potter?" she asked, seeming to read his mind.

"Uh yeah…yeah I am."

"I have been asked by the Headmaster to oversee all of your practice," she explained.

"But…why?" Harry asked, very confused. "Has something happened?"

"I am afraid that this is not my place to discuss this with you, Potter," Madame Hooch said, with a note of finality in her voice that made it clear to Harry that it would be of no use to argue. "The Headmaster did seem to realize that you would want to know the reason for this, and he said that he would inform you completely at your next lesson with him. He is currently out of town for two days. Now I suggest you start practice."

Harry nodded, and noticed that Hermione, Ron, and Ginny were all shooting him curious looks. He mouthed "later" and motioned for his team to dismount their brooms and huddle around him.

"Okay team, I'm not going to bore you with a long pep talk except to say that I'm really excited about this season. I'm confident that we have an edge in out talent level over the others and I think we can keep the Quidditch Cup in our house!" Harry yelled, with a lot of enthusiasm. Ron whistled and Katie and Ginny clapped.

"Are there any questions before we begin?" Harry asked, ready to get the practice started.

Alyssa Nork spoke up, "Why is Madame Hooch here?"

"That is not for you to know," Harry said shortly, not wanting to let on to that fact that he didn't know himself. Alyssa looked taken aback and did not say anything more.

"Okay then. Any more questions?" When no one spoke up, Harry continued. "As you all probably know, our first match is against Ravenclaw, in about month." Harry pulled out a Write-Away quill from his robes, a complimentary one given to him by Fred and George from their joke shop. They would never let him buy anything there, as it was him who had funded the store in the first place. Harry especially liked this quill though, because it could write on any surface and erase with a flick of your wand.

He started to write on the grass. "This is how they usually set up, and I figure we'll set up against them like this." Harry kept writing, explaining as he went. After everyone understood it, or so they said they did, he erased it.

"Mount your brooms," Harry ordered, "and let me see how you set up." He found that they set it up satisfactory for the most part, only moving Alyssa slightly to the left and Jack about two feet higher.

"Good job," he said. "I'm going to let all of the balls out now and we're going to set up the first play I showed you… and Jack and Andrew," he smiled in an exasperated way, "you both forgot your Beaters' bats on the ground."

They both hurrdily flew down to retrieve them, blushing furiously. Harry noticed Katie and Ginny both stifling laughs. He waited until Andrew and Jack were both back in their positions. He let out the quaffle first, then the bludgers, and finally the snitch. Harry then mounted his own broom and signaled for them to start. Though the snitch was out, Harry spent most of the time calling out plays and observing his team, catching the snitch occasionally. After about two hours of this Harry caught the snitch for good and instructed the rest of the team to bring the bludgers and quaffle back to him. As he strapped all of the balls back into the case, and congratulated his team on a good practice, he reflected that it really had been a good practice, and he was pleased with his team's performance.

He then met up with his friends, and they were on their way to Hagrid's.