Disclaimer: I don't own Kanna, Kagura, Shippo, Kagome, Sango, Naraku, the show or anyone else in it that might be mentioned. Is it just me or was this rather obvious?

Summary:Before it was an empty book. Then Kanna, the (supposedly) cold emotionless void that was Naraku's incarnations, started filling it in with her thoughts, feelings, and memorys. (Inu/Kag, Mir/San, Kanna/Shippo)

Author's note: NO FLAMING THIS ONE! Normally I can stand flames, but I LOVE this one, and it could break my heart to have it flamed. . . Anyway, I'm open to suggestions, but I've already got the second entry planned out, so you'll have to build on it. I know Kanna may seem childish, and Kagura a bit OOC, but tell me anyway, and (if you would)where it happens. There's going to be a lot of Kagura's OOCness in this. > I know, strange since I hate having characters OOC, but it's true. I will try to keep it to a minimum, though. Please Review, I've beenin a REALLY bad mood lately. . . Oh, yeah, and this IS rated mature, as in, for sixteen years or older. Of course, I AM a thirteen year old writting it. . . heh, it's your choice, read it or don't.

Please Keep Me Safe

Entry One

It didn't take me long, just a second to take it. Softly, in the back of my head, deep in the piece of soul I'm allowed, I mourned the death, wished to give back the soul to its rightful owner, but I can't. I have no power over what I do. Naraku dismisses me, so I turn and leave. I believe he fears me, even though he's much stronger than me. He believes I kill without remorse; they all seem to think that. What I wouldn't give to be just that, a cold blooded killer who has no soul. But I do have one, I just can't reach it. Yet. Only two seem to understand, or wish to understand, what I feel and what I am.

Kagura. She is my sister, my advisor. I rarely listen to her, I really wish I could. I would do just about anything to be free of Naraku, or, I wish this even more, this cursed mirror that is my only weapon. IT is my soul, the key to my heart. What they don't understand it that, the only reason I can use this mirror is because it holds my own. I believe Kagura understands that, but isn't sure how to help. Or even sure if she should.

I disgust Kagura, I know I do. The reason I do is really very simple, I don't fight Naraku. He tells me to do something, I do it. No questions, no hesitation. Then I am dismissed and I go to my room. I walk calmly, giving no sign to how much I pin. When I finally arrive, after what seems to be an eternity, I lie on my bed and cry.

Once Kagura found me there, I'm not sure what it made her think, but it obviously disturbed her. Of all the people, of all Naraku's incarnations, I am, supposedly, the void. The unreachable one. Since that day she has made a point to be by my side more often, and will often follow me to my room, be there to comfort me. I'm not sure why she does it, I'm just glad she does. It helps to have a sister.

Kagura is one of the two that sees past my façade. The other. . . He doesn't know that much about me, except what is obvious. I kill. I'm one of Naraku's incarnations. I follow his every order without hesitation. Shippo, for some reason I don't understand, trusts me though. No matter what happens, he knows that I'm not how everyone thinks I am. I'm not sure why. Maybe because once Naraku ordered me to kill that miko. What was her name. . . I'm not sure. I know I've heard it before, but it refuses to come to my mind. But I didn't kill her.

There were a number of reasons I didn't do this. One, I couldn't comprehend Naraku's order just then. I was caught up in the pain, not physical pain, but mental. I had liked those in that group; they had been nice to me. Until Kagura came searching for me, probably out of worry. She'll admit it, but Kagura is like my older sister, and she looks out for me. When Naraku gave me the order to kill Kagome, yes, that's the right name, she snatched the mirror from me, realizing how much pain I would go through if I followed the order, which I would have eventually. That was reason number two. Number three, I blacked out. I'm not sure what happened, I know I was still awake, but I wasn't in control. I still can't remember what happened; only that Naraku was VERY upset with me afterwards. There are more reasons, but I won't go into them now. Whatever it was that happened, it made Shippo trust me with his life. He's proved it before.

I've wanted to ask Kagura something about him for a long time, but I haven't. I have anger, happiness (though that one rarely shows itself), and mourning and sadness. I guess it comes to follow that I also have fear, which is why I haven't asked her. The question is really very simple, but it's so hard to say. Why am I so attached to Shippo? Why can't I stop thinking about him? Is there any reason that I hate people so much when he gets hurt by them, in any way? Ok, so it's more than one question, and none of them are that simple. I suppose this is an emotion as well, but I'm not sure what it's called. . .

But, going back to the point, I'm not a void. I do have emotions. My soul is out of reach, but that doesn't make it non-existent. I'm not sure why everyone thinks so, but it hurts to be so disliked. The hatred is everywhere, and I can't seem to escape it.

But at least I'll always know that there are two people who care for me. Two people who are willing to give me a chance at life. Sure, they might not seem like much, but they are all that keep me in this world. They are my light, so small and distant that they almost seem imaginary. One of the greatest fears I have, have every had, is that they will go away. Will leave me behind in the dark.

I hate the dark now. There was a time when I found comfort in it. It was all I had. So I sank into it and it covered me, at least until I made it back into my room safely to cry. Now I have a light, and I don't want to let them go.

I don't want to be alone. So please, don't leave me alone in the dark, with all my childish fears. Remember I'm young, not only in my body, but also in my mind. I'm just a little girl who's scared of the dark, and all that she knows. Never forget, that though I do horrible things, I'm just a child, so veryfrightened of all that surrounds me. Please don't tell, but don't forget either. I have one simple reason to beg this of you.

I don't want to be alone. . .

Ok, a bit disturbing. Not sure how this popped into my mind, not sure how it'll be recieved. It's a bit. . . ano. . . off from the normal subject of fanfics I guess. I love doing diary entry's, and since Kanna's one of my favorite characters, I'm doing one from her pov. Once again, PLEASE REVIEW.