Conan raised his head from its resting place on his folded arms after being startled awake by his teacher's voice.
"Wha?" he asked sleepily.
Conan's math teacher Amamiya-sensei glared down at him. "Edogawa-kun, this is the twelfth time you've fallen asleep in my class. May I remind you that school is a place for learning not snoozing."
The class snickered and some students made faces at him from behind the teacher's back. Ayumi, Mitsuhiko, and Genta watched him nervously. They knew that their friend was in big trouble.
Amamiya continued, "The only reason I haven't called home about this in the past is because your grades have been exceptional, but I think that we can both agree that twelve times is pushing it."
Conan's eyes widened, all traces of previous sleepiness gone. "Please don't sensei! Not Ran-neechan! I'll be good! I promise!" he pleaded.
Since no permanent cure for his condition had been found as of yet, Conan tried to make Ran happy by being as supportive and helpful as he could. He knew that finding out he was sleeping in school would make her unhappy.
"All right, I suppose I could let it go one more time. After all, you are a very good student." Amamiya suddenly smirked. "Even though it's against school regulations to let a student off the hook so many times, I'm willing to consider it if, and only if you do something for me."
"Really? You will?" Conan looked hopeful, and Ayumi Genta and Mitsuhiko looked relieved. They knew how important Ran was to their friend. The rest of the class looked put out.
"You do agree to the terms don't you Edogawa-kun?" She paused then squatted down and looked straight into his eyes. "This is your last chance kid."
The whole class audibly gulped. Amamiya-sensei could be very intimidating. Even Conan was scared of her, and he was supposed to be a high school student. (A/N: Sort of makes you wonder why he dared to fall asleep in the first place.)
"W-What do you want me to do?" he asked nervously trying but not really succeeding to break eye contact. Luckily, she moved her gaze away and stood up straight again crossing her arms.
"I am a math teacher," she began.
The teenage section of Conan's brain wanted to make some comment along the lines of 'Should I find that surprising? I'm in your class...' Though it's probably a good thing he kept that to himself.
"So," she continued, "I am going to give you a math problem to solve. If you solve it correctly I won't call home." Her smirk widened as she mentally congratulated herself. She wasn't going easy on him this time. Oh to be a teacher, 'twas the life.
Conan meanwhile relaxed. If it was just a math problem he hardly had anything to worry about.
"I will allow you to use one sheet of paper, a pencil and a calculator." Amamiya told him.
"Hey, no fair! Why does he get to use a calculator?" remarked a random boy in the class. There were murmurs of agreement."
'He has a point. Why would she let me use a calculator? Last time I checked we were still learning multiplication. I wouldn't have to do any work...'
Amamiya ignored the comment. "Listen carefully because there are three parts."
Conan nodded.
"Pretend you have a right triangle." She began.
Conan drew a right triangle on his paper. 'Strange, we haven't learned about triangle types yet.'
"One angle is measure 'x'." She continued.
Conan picked one of the two angles that wasn't the right angle and marked it with an x. 'Algebra? What kind of seven year old knows algebra?'
Amamiya glanced at his paper. 'Is this kid actually following me?'
A little startled she continued. "The side adjacent to angle x is 3 meters long."
Conan again marked down the information.
"The hypotenuse is 5 meters long."
'This is starting to look like trigonometry,' Conan thought perplexed. Then it dawned on him. 'Why didn't I see it before? She's giving me a problem that she is sure no elementary school student can solve.' he inwardly chuckled. 'Sneaky sneaky, she thinks she can make a fool of me? Ha! No primary school teacher is gonna outsmart detective Kudou Shinichi!'
"Now tell me Edogawa-kun, what function would you use to find the measure of angle 'x'?"
Ayumi, Mitsuhiko, Genta and the rest of the class looked totally lost..
"Cosine Inverse." He stated without much thought.
'What is with this kid?' Amamiya was utterly shocked to say the least. 'There's no way he could know that...' Regaining her composure she spoke.
"Very good. Now, part two. Solve for angle 'x'." She watched as Conan punched a few numbers into his calculator.
'Good thing I have a scientific calculator.' he thought. 'I don't know what I would do if I didn't.' Speaking out loud he said,
"The answer is 53.13010235 degrees."
Conan found Amamiya's jaw literally hitting the floor, along with everyone else's strangely satisfying.
"T-that's correct," she said hesitantly after checking the answer on her own calculator. Conan just looked smug.
"Part three. Round your answer to the nearest hundredth." Amamiya didn't really see much point in asking him to do this last part, but she always thought it was best to finish what you started.
"53.13 degrees,"
"All right kid, you win." She sighed and rubbed her temples. "I won't call home, but you should consider taking a higher level of math."
Conan's face went chalk white. For a moment he didn't move, then started banging his forehead against the surface of his desk.
'Crap crap crap crap CRAP! I was trying to avoid standing out! There's no way anyone's going to keep this a secret! Why do I have to be so cocky!'
His friends left their desks and ran up to him.
"Wow that was great Conan!" Genta exclaimed grinning widely."
"Yeah! That was so cool!" agreed Mitsuhiko.
"Conan-kun is so smart!" remarked Ayumi.
Pretty soon the whole class was congratulating him. Even the ones who were hoping to see him get in trouble. Conan vaguely noticed that Amamiya was now on the phone with someone talking animatedly. Conan just groaned and continued to bang his head against the desk.
After school Ran came to pick Conan up.
"Hi Conan-kun, how was your day?" she asked walking up to him.
"Why? What happened?" she asked frowning. "You weren't picked on were by bullies were you?"
"No, nothing like that!" Conan answered quickly seeing the protective glint in the teenager's eyes.
"Ran-san!" shouted Amamiya, running up to them from across the campus.
"What is it?"
'Oh no! She's going to tell Ran about the math problem!' The small detective thought frantically.
"Hey Ran-neechan! Let's go home, I have a lot of homework to do so the sooner we get home the better!" He laughed nervously, hoping she would decide to leave without talking to his teacher. Of course the chances of that happening were doomed from the start.
"Let me talk to your teacher first." Ran said.
"But-" He broke off realizing there was nothing he could do to change her mind.
"What is it Amamiya-sensei?" she asked.
"I wanted to suggest that you enroll Edogawa-kun in a higher math class."
"Oh? Why?"
"Did you know that he can do Trigonometry?"
"It's true, he solved a problem like it was nothing today in class." She turned to the teen-turned-child and smiled. "Isn't that right Edogawa-kun?"
Conan chuckled nervously rubbing the back of his head as he scratched his leg with his foot.
'Just like Shinichi...' Ran though, catching the uncommon gesture.
"Why didn't you tell me Conan-kun?" she asked looking down at him wide eyed.
"Uh…" was all he could think of to say.
Turning back to the teacher Ran said, "Of course, if he has already learned Trig then a higher math course is definitely needed."
"The class will have to be held at your school" Amamiya informed her.
"That's fine."
"But-" Conan tried to protest but was drowned out.
"Ran-san, math is your first period right?"
"Then why don't we try him in your math class. You are about the right level, and this way he'll have somebody he knows to help him out."
"That sounds like a great idea."
'I love how they're not giving me any say at all...' Conan thought sarcastically.
"Good he can walk to school with you in the morning, attend first period, then come here right afterwards. Is that alright with you?"
"Yes that's fine."
"Perfect. I'll talk with the administrative board and get this set up then give you a call when the change is made."
"Right." Ran replied, then looked down at Conan. "We're going to be in the same class Conan-kun! Isn't that wonderful? Ever since that idiot Shinichi went missing I've only had Sonoko-chan in that class with me. It will be nice having somebody refreshing to talk to."
'Almost like having Shinichi back again...'
"Yeah," Conan tried to sound enthusiastic, but he was filled with dread. All he could do now was hope they didn't broadcast this in the news. After all, it isn't everyday that a seven year old is sent to high school.
'At least class won't be as boring, and I'll be with Ran.'
I hope you liked the first chapter! R/R I'll try to update soon.