I don't own Teen Titans. Which is probably good. I don't have time to make a TV show.

Dedication: To Jenny and Mel. I'll miss you! I ♥ you guys!


Starfire sat up quickly, looking around her room. Nothing was out of place. She glanced at the clock. It was a little past three. Star sighed. She had probably imagined the sound. Yeah…it was her imagination. Or a dream. Star laid back down, closing her eyes.

Suddenly, she jumped up again. She had definitely heard something that time. "Who is there?" She called into the darkness. The only reply was a low, almost inaudible chuckle. Star threw a starbolt in the direction of the sound.

"You'll have to do better than that princess…" She threw another starbolt, looking wildly around the room. Nothing! "Well, it has been fun watching you attack the walls, but we really need to wrap this up. I've got stuff to do." Where was that coming from? Star gasped as someone grabbed her, holding her arms to her sides with surprising ease. A hand covered her mouth as she tried to scream. She vaguely noticed the funny smell of the hand over her mouth and nose as she tried to free herself, not noticing conciseness slipping away from her.


Robin walked into the kitchen helping himself to the coffee. With his mug in hand, he ventured into the living room, sitting on the couch. He sipped his coffee, watching Beast Boy and Cyborg play Gamestation, Raven reading, and Star…where was Star?

"Hey, has anyone seen Star today?"

"She hasn't come out yet." Cyborg replied, not looking away from the TV.

"Hmm…it's not like Star to sleep in…" Robin said more to himself than to his team as he went to see what was keeping his best friend.


"Check again." Cyborg sighed.

"Robin, I've checked three times. Star's not in Jump City. Period." Robin shook his head.

"People don't just vanish off the face of the Earth Cy. Check again." Muttering under his breath Cy ran the scan again.

"Nothing. She's not here."

"Can we contact Tamaran?" Cy nodded.

"It'll take me a bit to get it set up. Go relax. I'll call you the minute it's ready." Cy gave Robin a reassuring smile. "Don't worry. We'll find her."


Star groaned softly, opening her eyes slowly. 'Where am I?' Star jumped, hearing a groan to her left. Glancing over, she let out a gasp. "Blackfire!" Her sister sat up quickly, staring back at her.

"What did you do?"

"Me?" Star replied, shocked. "I was sleeping at my home when someone broke into my room and-"

"Knocked you out…" It wasn't a question, but Star nodded anyway. "That's what happened to me too."

"But if it was not you, then who-"

"Me." The two looked towards the sound of the voice. A tall muscular man smirked at them from the other side of the cell bars. "You ladies comfy?"

"Why have you kidnapped us?" Star asked, ignoring his question. The man quickly went from calm and cocky to outrage.

"Because it was Troqs like you that ruined my life! And once I rid the galaxy of you, I'll be able to take back what's rightfully mine!"