This is my first fanfic and I promise or at least hope that it will get better. I'm taking this one chapter at a time, so it will take about two to three weeks for a new one, I hope you enjoy!

Lily glanced up from her baby boy sleeping in the bassinet beside her to the clock hanging above the mantle of the roaring fireplace. Not that the clock was any helpful to her if she wanted to know the time, no this clock was different. This clock contained three hands, each hand containing a photo of her small family, and instead of numbers the clock had different places where everybody could be, such as home, work, out with friends, and even mortal peril. Her medium hand, along with the newly added small one for her son, pointed to at home while her husbands was in between work and home. Lily smiled softly to herself, picked up the book that she was reading, and snuggled further down into the comfy couch. She had not gotten passed the first page when she fell asleep to join her infant son in the land of nod, nor did she notice that the flame inside her fireplace turned green and out of it shot her husband James, an exact replica of their son with a few exceptions of course. The first one was being size, obviously James Potter was bigger, and the second was the eyes, Harry had emerald green eyes like his mother, while James had big brown eyes. The rest of his traits were exactly the same.

James looked around smiling at his beautiful family. He started making his way to his wife, to let her know that he was home safe and sound, when he heard a soft cooing sound coming from the bassinet.

"Hiya, champ." James said picking his son up. " So, You're awake. Fooled me didn't you, and all this time I thought you were sleeping."

In response to his fathers greeting Harry started cooing more loudly, and then in a flash he grabbed one of James' thin fingers and clamped it tightly in his chubby little finger. Then within another quick moment Harry had the newly grabbed finger in his mouth. James assuming that Harry was just going to suck on it, was quite surprised when he felt teeth and gum chomp down hard on his finger.

"Why, You little." James said grimacing, and sucking on his sore finger.

"Score one, for lil Prongs." A sleepy voice said from behind the chair giggling. "I wanted to warn you when you came home, but looks like I'm too late." Lily said through another burst of laughter. " He's been doing that ALL DAY. His teething has gotten quite bad, but the worst of it is I think he actually knows what he's doing, and trying to play us all for a fool. My guess is that he's just trying to join in with the marauders, and start some chaos on his own." With that said Lily eyed her son suspiciously.

Harry's eyes met his mother, and as he locked eye contact with her, he gave her the most innocent smile he could muster on his tiny face.

That got both the adults in the room laughing, and eventually Harry joined in with his little coo's.

James crossed the room with Harry, and put him to bed. He then made his way back into the den, to see his wife. Once he got there the smile that he was wearing quickly vanquished from his face. Lily was looking daggers at him and he had no idea why. The worst part of it was that Lily's eyes no longer danced and sparkled instead they were like a frozen pond, all clear, and cold.

"What?" James asked looking all confused

"Don't you give me what, Mr. Potter." Lily hissed.

"I honestly don't understand, what's wrong, what happened?"

"You're what's wrong. You promised me. You promised me you'd be home earlier, and you'd stop working so late. You specifically told me no more late hours. I was so worried, James, with everything going on, and You – Know – Who, getting stronger, what if he got to you, I don't know what I would have done without you." Tears were brimming in her eyes now.

"I'm sorry love, I didn't mean to make you upset, it's just that this raid took a bit longer then we suspected it would, I'll try to do better next time, I promise." In seeing that his feeble apology didn't please his wife he continued, " Hey don't worry Lil's no one has ever taken down a Potter, for we are a strong breed of people." He tried feebly to laugh.

"That's not funny James, not funny at all. How can you even joke at a time like this?" Now tears were really running down her face in vast amounts.

"Aw, Lils, listen to me. Tomorrow everything will be finalized, and that great big Git of a man and his mates, will not be able to get his hands on or harm, You, Harry, or Myself, understand? The light will defeat the dark, like it was has."

"What, if you're wrong James, and You – Know – Who triumphs, and then we live in darkness, what will happen not just to our little family, but to everyone else. I want this to be over with. I'm so scared all the time, what kind of place is this for our son." She was near hysterics at this time.

James did the only thing he knew how to do to calm his wife down. He opened his arms to her, for comfort, but she refused.

"If that's the way you're going to be fine then." James scowled, clearly upset by the rejection from Lily.

Before she knew what was happening, James pulled out his wand muttered the Incantation, "Accio, Lily." And found herself in her husbands arms.

"I love you." He whispered in her ear, and then he leaned down to give her a kiss on the tip of her nose.

"I love you too." She said through muffled sobs, and she snuggled deep within his warm embrace, and he kissed her once more.

James carried Lily off to bed, tucked her in, undressed himself from his work robes, slipped into his sleep robes, and then joined his son and wife in sleep.

The next afternoon, after her son had been sleeping for two hours, Lily went to check on him. She stopped suddenly when she noticed that someone was already there.

"James?" She looked puzzled and confused. He was supposed to be at work after all.

"James, talk to me, tell me what's wrong?" She said now more urgently. Almost near hysterics again.

"I decided to come home early today, Minister Furtoch said it was imperative that his best auror have some time to recuperate, before tonight's raid."

"Oh!" was all Lily could muster, as comprehension dawned on her face. The rest of the plan to keep the Potter's safe was ineffect.

Lily made her way into her son's room picked up the sleeping child, and rocked with him on the rocking chair, back and forth, back and forth.

The sun was setting fast, about to mark the end of a new day. Lily knew what this night would bring, and could not tear herself away from her child, not even for a second. She had a feeling that it was going to happen tonight, even with all the extra-added securities. She held her baby harder and sang to him a song from her favourite children's book by Robert Munsch when she was younger.

" I'll love you forever

I'll like you for always

As long as I'm living

My baby you'll be."

Lily continued to sing, if only to engrave that song into young Harry's head, in hopes that he would remember her, and know that she loved him with all her heart.

She looked up from her beautiful son for a quick nervous glance into the hallway. At that moment she saw James fly past the room, robes billowing in the air threateningly. He yelled to her from the steps, "Take Harry and run. I'll try to stop him."

At that she saw a green blaze of light, from the stairs and knew that running away was futile, she would lose against Voldemort.

He stepped into the room and smiled a snake like smile, his face twisted in malice as he looked up at the pathetic girl, and her brat, "And he's supposed to be my demise, HA." Voldemort thought to himself.

"Give me the child and you my dear shall live."

"Please not Harry, just take me instead." Lily cried trying to plead with the monster before her.

"I Do Not want you I want him." He snarled.

"Well, you can't have him. I won't let you, you're a despicable monster, I'd rather die." Lily screamed now in hysterics.

"Well young lady that can certainly be arranged. AVEDA KEDAVRA." He yelled, and for the second time that night Harry was bathed in a green glow, his mother lay limp on the floor dead.

"AVEDA KEDAVRA." Voldemort said again, but this time the spell rebounded on him, and he was thrown from his body evaporating in a mist, while young Harry Potter was now the first person to ever survive the killing curse.

Harry crawled toward his mother, speaking his first word. "Mama." And when Lily did not respond he nuzzled into his mother's stomach and fell asleep crying amidst the rubble.

The now 17 year old Harry Potter, woke up to hear himself screaming "Mama." He hoped that his uncle Vernon did not hear him otherwise he knew he'd be in trouble.

This was the fourth time this week, he found himself waking up to his screaming each dream had been different though, and each time his uncle would come to his room and beat him with a belt, then refuse to feed him the next day.

After several minutes passed Harry figured he was safe, all he could hear was silence; he was ready to fall back asleep when all that changed.

"HARRY POTTER!" Thundered Vernon Dursley right outside his door. And this time Harry knew he was in real trouble.