Disclaimer: Exosquad doesn't belong to me, it belongs to Universal.

A little mad drabble I thought about writing.

Charge of the exo-carriers (as seen in Blitzkrieg and Resist)

A mighty fleet of human warships flew at maximum fleet back towards its beleaguered home planet known as Earth.

Among them were six huge mighty carriers crammed with humanoid fighters called E-frames and with names like Resolute, Dominion, Coranado, and Borealis.

Unfortunately, a vainglorious and easily irritable captain leads them and without the true commander of the fleet or its star pilot, the fleet flew recklessly straight into the waiting guns of humanity's children who have taken up arms again and have devastated the home of humanity, using the very same weapons humanity used to defeat them many years ago.

Despite the savage defensive firepower of the carriers themselves and the individual bravery of a few E-frame pilots, the six carriers start to fall one by one to the firepower of the fleet created by humanity's children.

The sight breaks the morale of the captain as he sees the Borealis destroyed in front of his eyes.

Fortunately though, the fleet's star pilot extricates himself from his predicament and with his comrades, takes charge with the backing of the recovered admiral and decides to return the favor on their assailants by hammering the head.

With more savage losses to the E-frame squadrons, the two remaining carriers, Resolute and Dominion, extricate themselves from the battlefield with the admiral promising that his star pilot's bravery will be remembered and that no matter how long it takes to rebuild, they will return and the sacrifices of the vainglorious captain's reckless charge will be avenged.