Disclaimer:I don't own anything

Summary: Danny and Flack are kidnapped from a crime scene and during that time, Danny is tortured.

Pairings: Danny/Aiden


Meanwhile, back at the Morgue, Aiden and Dr. Sheldon Hawkes were going over the victim. Dr. Hawkes had determined that their victim had died of strangulation, which was why she had massive petechia haemorrhaging.

Aiden was in the process of collecting the young women's fingerprints, in order to identify her, and Dr. Hawkes was busy pointing out all the different bruises that covered her body, however, Aiden's mind was only half focussed. She was still worried about Danny. He still hadn't contacted her, so her next stop after running the prints, was back to Mac's office.

Now Dr. Hawkes was pointing to a massive bruise surrounding her right eye. Aiden's eye followed his finger and landed on the injury as Dr. Hawkes was saying: "These injuries are consistent with those an abusive husband or boyfriend might inflict. She also had a tender spot on the left side of her belly; internal bleeding, perhaps. Nothing definitive. I'd have to run some tests, but I do know that some of these injuries were inflicted very recently; within the last twenty-four hours. Others, though, have been present for weeks. She also had defensive wounds on her hands. She fought like hell. I also found a blood sample on her hands and I was able to extract enough DNA from it," Dr. Hawkes said, giving the DNA to Aiden. "Nothing more I can tell you about the murder itself, but I'll page you with the test results."

Although Aiden had been focussed on Danny, she didn't let this information slip by unnoticed; she absorbed it like a sponge would water. "Thanks Dr. Hawkes," Aiden said. Aiden quickly left the Morgue and went to run the prints and DNA through the database.


Without his glasses, Danny was pretty much helpless and Carlos had counted on his inability to see, to inflict as much pain as possible.

Carlos had been MIA for the past half an hour and Danny, not caring how much pain he might be in, took this opportunity to try and break free from his bonds. Flack was doing the same.

Danny had made up his mind that he was going to get out of his prison, one way or another, but the pain…that terrible pain in his neck was just unbearable.

After giving a few more swift tugs on the rope, he finally felt his patience ebbing and without realizing what he was doing, he quickly jerked his neck. The pain he experienced in that moment, was like nothing he had ever felt before. He tried to stifle the scream that was bubbling in his throat, but it was too late. He let out a short, loud yelp. Almost immediately he heard the sound of running footsteps in the distance. He looked at Flack and saw the disappointment in his eyes, so he did the only thing he could think of: he gave Flack an apologetic glance.

Before Danny could look inconspicuous, he felt a hand grab his hair and yank back. Danny let out another pain filled yell.

The man standing behind him, however, was not Carlos Antone, rather Jack Corsina, another man Danny had helped to put away. Unfortunately, for Danny and Flack, Jack was even more dangerous than Carlos.

Jack let go of Danny's hair and, without saying anything, rummaged around inside his pocket.

By the sound of glee Danny heard coming out of Jack's mouth, he knew that Jack had found what he was looking for.

Danny didn't need his glasses to see that what Jack had been looking for was a syringe filled with an unknown liquid.

Jack reached for Danny's right arm. Danny tried to move away, but his bonds made that practically impossible. He finally felt the cold, sharp needle penetrate his skin.

Don Flack watched in horror, as his best friend's pupils grew misty and finally his brown eyes rolled up into his eye sockets. Danny hit the ground in an unconscious heap.

Jack Corsina looked smugly at Flack and walked away, with a mocking laugh.