Disclaimer: I-ay o-day ot-nay wn-oay een-Tay itan-Tay.

From out of the depths of the blackness... there arose this. I don't have a space to put it, so it's going up as a separate story. If I get any more short ideas, I might change this and put them up here. For now, this remains a one-shot. Read it and weep.


The guard threw Blackfire roughly to the ground, forcing her to kneel awkwardly.

"Why am I-" Before she could finish, he struck her forcefully across the cheek. Saying nothing more, Blackfire narrowed her eyes as she tilted her head up to look at the implacable figure on the throne.

"What are the crimes?" The cold, flat voice carried an edge of anger on the words.

The guard unrolled a scroll of parchment, reading off the words written in crimson ink.

"The accused has committed the following crimes:

One. Conspiring with off-worlders with intent of harm against the Ruler.

Two. Attempting to kidnap the Ruler and threatening harm of said Person.

Three. Coming back to the world from which she was Banished."

Rolling it back up with a snap, he looks at the Ruler.

"Verdict?" Starfire's cold, empty eyes pierce into Blackfire's as she speaks.

"Death." For once, Blackfire was silent as they dragged her, stunned, from the room.