Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of the Lord of the Rings, from the tallest elf, to the smallest hobbit, I own them not!


Legolas lay in a dark, damp cave. He tried to move, but every move he made he felt pain. Legolas could not hear or see anything. "Can you hear me melon-nin?" A voice from above him yelled. "Yes, Estel." Legolas could barely be heard.

"Are you allright?" Aragorn asked, he knew his friend was not allright, "Can you move at all, Legolas?" He heard a whisper from below that said, "I will try, Estel, I will try." Aragorn could her the whimpers of pain coming from his friend below. "It is no use Estel, I can not." "Stay with me melon-nin." Aragorn said. "I'm sorry Estel, I'm sorry." Legolas said and the darkness crept over him again. "Legolas, Legolas, answer me!" Nothing, he knew help would come soon, but he just kept blaming himself for what happened.