Okay! 8 reviews were given! Thanx to all who reviewed! It makes it funner to write knowing someone is reading it! Srry if there are spelling mistakes, my computer dosen't have spell check for some stupid reason! Oh-well Oh-well! Now on to more of the story...



Hiei sat in a tree in genki's forest, the sun was shinning down on his face which had a slight smile upon it. He sighed. It had been a while since he had, had some quiet time to relax. Although he never really minded his job as a spirit detective. The fire demon sat up and streached, but stoped midway. There was someone coming. Hiei instantly grabed hold of his katana hilt.

"Hiei?" A soft male voice called from below. Hiei calmed down, it was only Kurama.

"what do you want Kurama?" Hiei asked. Kurama blinked inocently

"nothing really just thought I'd tell you Yukina is visiting, shes up at Genki's right now if you want to go and see her." kurama almost whisperd. Hiei looked down on his friend,

"Shes here to see that oaf kwabara..." He said simply. Kurama frowned.

"She asked where you were" he said. Hiei smiled and little.

"thats what I thought"Kurama giggled "Why don't you come join us?" kurama asked. Hiei smiled a rare smile as he got down from the tree. Kurama looked at him and smiled back.

"What?" Hiei asked erasing the smile from his face.

"You've changed so much since we meet and bcame spirit detectives" He said. Hiei frowned

" I've gone to soft" He growled. "I've changed for the worse" Kurama tilted his head at this remark.

"Your still Hiei." He said "No matter how much a person changes they are still the same person inside!" Kurama stated. Hiei rolled his crimson eyes and walked past Kurama towrds Genkie's.

"Come on" Hiei said "we don't want to keep our friends waiting"

Kurama smiled and followed.


It had been two days since Koenma had told Mana about her past life. He didn't tell her much except that her powers would be coming back soon and that she was a former fox demon who controled plants or whatever. Since then Mana had resided to staying in her room reading or taking long walks. She soon realized that the people that she had been taken by had very strange abilities if you could call them that. One,Yuske she thought remembering his name, could shoot blue light out of his fingure and fist. And another could create a sword out of no where. She had learnt all thier names by now and what they do. They were nice to her too. But it was she often caught them staring at her, with a sad look on her face! She didn't understand why. So she just learned to look away when they did.

Mana walked slowly out of the house wondering what she could do around this place for fun. She had read every book in the house by now, to genki's surprise. Its not that she was a nerd or geek or something, she just liked to read...a lot! Kids at school use to tease her about it, but they wern't meaning anything hurtful by it. Mana sighed

"Hey Mana!" A voice cried from behind her. Mana turned around. It was Kwabara. she smiled and waved.

"Hi Kwabara! Whats up?" she asked nicley. Kwabara smiled

"Me and the others are going swiming in the river near by. Wanna come?" He asked. Mana blushed, swiming was the last thing she had thougth of doing.

"Um Kwabara...I dont have a bathing suit..." She said. Kwabara blinked

"You can borrow Yukina's old one! You two are about the same size! Come on it'll be fun! Besides you haven't really gotten to know us all that well!" He finished. Mana bit her lower lip. She was a bit nervouse swiming, something she had always stunk at when she had to swim in the schools pool for a grade.

"well?" Kwabara pushed.

"I guess...I...cou..."kwabara didn't allowher to finish her sentence, before draging her off tword where the others were!

At the (nice) River near Genki's

Every one was swiming when Mana came. Botan,Keko,Yukina, and Shizuru were laying on the bank on towles while the guys, Yuske and Kwabara where in the water punching the crap out of one another! And finally Genki sat atop a stone to the left. mana had a towl around her body. Everyone stoped when she came around. After an akward scilence Botan finally broke it.

"Hey mana gald you could join us!" She giggled. Mana smiled and sat down on a rock near the other girls.

"mana? Why are you wearing your towle like that?" Boton asked. Mana blushed.

"Um I a little nervouse around people..." She whisperd. Boton giggled

"dont be silly silly!" Boton took the towl from mana after much tugging. Mana frowned and sat very ridgid on her towel in a sky blue bikini with a forest green trim.

"There! Much better!" Boton clapped! Mana blushes and rubbed her shoulder. This wasn't her swin suit anyway. Kekio had let her borrow it although it wasn't something she thought Kekio would ever really wear. Well what would she know, she hadn't known her that long. Mana sighed. Yuske strolled up to Mana and smiled. "You look nice" He said. Mana blushed deeply. Kwabara came behind her "Yah you really do" He finished, Mana rubbed her cheek to keep the blush down. Suddenly yuske grabbed her by the legs and Kwabara got her arms! "READY MANA!" They screamed as the started to swing her tword the water. Mana's eyes widend. "HEY GUYS WAIT!" she screamed, but it was to late she was already flying through the air! Her hair flying everywhere as she plumeted towrd the water. BUT! suddenly there was a flash of black! mana flinshed as she braced for the impact of the water. But it never came...She looked up. She let out a little meep or suprise. Hiei had grabed her in mid-air and saved her from yuske and kuwabara's joke. Hiei frowned at the guys then looked at Mana and frowned as well. "Jezze! What did I do? He looks so mad at me!" She thought. Mana looked down from Hiei's face and relized hiei was holding her bridal style very tightly. Mana blushed as red as her hair and started to squirm out of his grasp. Hiei raised and eyebrow at the red-ness of Mana's face then srugged and dissaperd. By the time mana had gotten free Botan and Kekio, even Yukina! were scowlding the boys for thier joke. Mana sighed in relife. She felt so tired all of a sudden. She yawned. Soon later everyone decided to head back to genki's. It was getting late and besides, a storm was coming.

Okay ssorry for not updating in a while Bows Been really busy plus I'm wrighting another story on top of this one! LOL! I'm going to update really soon besause I already have Chap 5 half way done!