By animeninjaNIPPON

Dib made it through the park and onto the shore of the lake. The rain had ceased – for the moment, at least – but Zim's body was nowhere to be seen.

"Zim!" he called out, knowing it was useless.

He glanced to one side and saw a large swarm of gulls gathered around something in curiosity. Dib chased the gulls away, and sure enough, Zim was underneath.

Dib took out his briefcase and opened it up. His hands shook uncontrollably, but somehow he managed to take out a rainbow tube and uncork it. "Please work," he prayed as he placed a drop of solution onto his fallen foe.

If it didn't work, he didn't want to stick around to be disappointed. He got up and slowly walked away, taking his glasses off to wipe his eyes with his trench coat sleeve. He then stopped to wipe off his glasses on his shirt, and as he put them on he felt someone lightly kick him in the back of the leg.

"Dib!" cried a familiar voice.

Dib abruptly turned around. "ZIM!" He hugged the newly resurrected alien with intense passion, and Zim returned the favor.

"I'm alive," Zim realized, "but how?"

Dib explained the resurrecting serum (and its intoxicating side effect) to Zim, who just gazed in awe.

"Oh yeah," Dib added, "I have something for you." He ran over to his briefcase and presented Zim with his long-awaited data disk."

"You're giving it back?"

"We had a deal, remember?"

"Yes…" Zim studied the disk carefully. "This STUPID disk has caused NOTHING but trouble for ZIM!" He hurled the data disk into the lake with a curse.

"I'm glad that's over," Dib sighed. Suddenly, he noticed something: "Hey Zim, how come you're not acting all stoned around me anymore?"

"Hmm, maybe the effect of the resurrecting serum on me cancelled the effect it had on me when used on you," Zim mused, stroking his chin. "But that's OK – I still get that weird feeling every time I think of you. Especially when I think of you kissing me." He turned to Dib, who was blushing from that last comment. "By the way, you never explained to me what that kissing is supposed to do."

Dib took hold of Zim's hand. "I'll explain it on the way home."

Hand-in-hand, the two boys walked off the shore and disappeared into the greenness of the park. And the briefcase containing the resurrecting serum slipped into the lake, never to be seen or used again.

End of part seventeen

End of story

Well, that concludes Irken Catnip. I hope you all enjoyed it. I definitely enjoyed writing it, and publishing it, and now that I'm on vacation from school, I don't know which story in my fanfiction reserve I'm going to publish next… ah well. Thanks for reading this!
