Team Zero: Orichalcos

Chapter 1: Prepare the Kings

Thousands of years ago, ten thousand years ago to be precise, a large chunk of space rock broke off and headed towards Earth. The Earths atmosphere was too intense for this large space rock. The rock took on a crystallized form and started cracking apart. This cracking caused separation in the crystal. Smaller chunks of crystal broke off and flew out on there own accord.

This breaking and separating caused it's own chain reaction. The large amounts of energy that flowed out from each crack broke the boundary of this dimension. Ripping open a portal, a portal to the Dominion of the Beast. The small fragments of this crystal fell through this dimensional rip as did the larger body of the crystal that didn't break up. There the Crystal rested for ten thousand years.

But there was a much larger chunk of this crystal that broke off that missed falling through this dimensional rip. It continued to fall towards the Earth. It just happened to land in a beautiful city. A city that was destined to be lost for ever. The city of Atlantis.

A man, named Dartz, happened across this chunk of the crystal on one fateful day. This started the breeding to the doom organization and the sacred Seal of the Orichalcos.

Jump forward ten thousand years. A young multi-colored hair boy who was destined to the ancient spirit of a pharaoh of Egypt and his friends fought this sacred seal and Dartz.

They called upon the guardians known as the Legendary Dragon Knights. Great beasts that had battled this evil whence it first came to earth. In the end, they won and the world seem to fall into a peaceful slumber again.

Until a destined kid and his friends were to win a large Duel Monsters tournament and awaken their destiny. That larger body of the Crystal has broken off into smaller chunks. These smaller chunks found natural elements and minerals to copy and absorb. The know minerals of Ruby, Sapphire, Amethyst, Hematite, Jade, Amber, and Onyx were all turned into powerful crystals.

These crystals found there way into the hands of destined youngsters. Reku Yamashita was destined to be the holder of the crystal of Ruby. His best friend in the entire world, Ronin Endo, came into holding and controlling the power of the Sapphire Crystal. There girlfriends, Akina Oshiro and Sachiko Maeda were also a part of this epic battle. Akina was brought into the possession of the Amethyst Crystal. Sachiko however never received the power of a crystal.

Even with this, there were still others that were destined to own the power of a crystal. Two of which were destined to meet and stay to help. Joe Peterson had met Reku at the World Tournament and later given the all powerful Hematite Crystal. Kevin Hunter was on the search for the competitors of that tournament. Trying to improve his dueling skills as much as possible. He soon came into possession of the Jade Crystal.

Others were still destined to own the power. Gurabe Degujiu met the gang during the city wide tournament to decide what team went to the World Tournament. He came into owning the Amber crystal. All though he was a evil soul stealing zombie who was brought back to life, he slowly opened up to Reku and the others.

One final crystal found it's way into the hands of a evil entity know as Chaos. He, unlike Gurabe, didn't waver from his evil. He tried to continue his plan to wipe the weaker humans off the earth with an army of super warriors. Reku and the others took care of him though. Now the Onyx crystal that he owned now resides with Reku.

Now for the questions that is universal. Why? Why did any of it happen? Ten thousand years ago, that crystal could never have anticipated that these young kids would be entwined in such a horrid set of events. Or could it have? Could it all have happened by a more all mighty force? And if so, why? Is it just coincidence that the part of the crystal later known as the Orichalcos stone broke off and fell to Earth rather than the Dominion of the Beast? Will the answers we seek for these whys ever come? Will the darkness in the world ever succumb to the light? Yes or no, either way, the question still remains...why?

Reku was about to go through the roof. A smile the size of Texas was plastered across his face. In his hand he held an invitation by the great and all mighty Maximillion Pegasus. He was talking with the powerful and mighty owner of Kaiba corp. The second ranked duelist in the world, Seto Kaiba. They were planning a Duel Monsters tournament, the likes of which would blow Battle City, Duelist Kingdom, and the KC Grand Prix out of the water. Top ranking teams were invited to this tournament.

Team Zero was among those teams.

Also, Pegasus and Kaiba were offering a limited invitation to top ranking duelist. If they could pull together a team before the set date, then they could enter.

The winning team of this tournament will get to face the team of three of the best duelists in the world. Joey Wheeler, the third ranked duelist in the world. Seto Kaiba, the second ranked in the world and only slightly under the number one duelist in the world: Yugi Motou!

It didn't take long for Reku, Akina, Sachiko, and Ronin to meet up at Ronin's house. Even Sachiko had heard of it. That is how big this was going to be.

"I can't believe it!" Reku said as he stretched back out on Ronin's bed. Akina giggled and looked at him.

"It is pretty amazing that they want us there."

"Not really." Sachiko stated. "You guys are good enough to take it all the way to the top again!"

"Your right sweety." Ronin said as he wrapped his arm around his girlfriend. "We are the best thanks to my guidance!"

"What!" Reku jerked up. "Your guidance!" He grabbed Ronin's pillow off his bed and chucked it at him. Then he started laughing. Ronin had no problem deflecting the oncoming pillow then started to laugh too. Akina and Sachiko soon joined in.

"I, Reku Yamashita, promise to use this Fire Factory deck of mine to the fullest power to win this tournament."

"Yea right." Ronin said as he stood up and grabbed his deck off the nearby desk. "My Water Deck has beaten it before!"

"Well What would you call my deck?" Akina asked as she grabbed her deck out of her deck box.

"The Weak Deck!" Ronin said with a childish smirk on his face. Reku chucked another pillow at him.

"That reminds me." Reku said and pointed to a large glass container that Ronin had sitting on one of the shelves of his book case. Inside the case was a card stand holding up the Oricals Rage Seal of Power-Sapphire Crystal. Ronin's crystal card was placed in a glass container just as were every other member of Team Zero. "We really shouldn't use those for this. That is unfair."

"True." Akina said thinking back to what her crystal card could do. "We wouldn't want to go off hurting anyone. Our lives have started to straighten out again."

"Yes. Let's just hope that we will never have to use them again." Ronin said starting into the case.

"Well I don't know about you guys but I am brining mine with me. I won't use it but I just want to be safe." Reku said getting the 'are you crazy' stares from everyone in the room.

"Well I guess that is a good idea." Sachiko said. "Just in case. Order did say that you might be needed again."

"I guess you are right." Ronin said and walked over to his book case. Opening the case he carefully pulled out the crystal card. "She did say that we might be needed again."

"Knowing our luck." Akina spoke in looking down at her legs. "We will probably end up using them again."

"Let's just hope and pray that doesn't happen." Ronin said as he slipped the card into his deck case in an extra card slot built into his.

Off in a hidden location. A woman looked up from her kneeling spot on the floor. Her hair flopped back revealing long light green hair. Her body was slender and very beautiful. She wore white clothing that was lose but skin tight at the same time. It was laced in black stripes and on the back of her robe underneath her hair was a weird green six pointed star inside a circle with different symbols inside that border. Here eyes were dark emerald green in color and almost flared with some golden color. They were focused on a large marking on the wall that was the same six pointed star that rested on her robes.

"Great power of the Orichalcos. Heed unto me the power and life shall be like it was before that fool Dartz failed you." Her voice was very calm and soothing. To any male ears it was very sexy indeed.

She slowly pushed herself up from her kneeling position and head up closer to the symbol carved on the wall. Placing her hand in the center of it a light of green energy started to trace the lines all around the seal.

"This is it. The time has fallen to us. Let it be with this new tournament to hide and protect us." She smirked and stepped back from the glowing symbol.

Yugi Motou stopped dead in the middle of the sidewalk and looked up towards the sky. His purple eyes seemed to be searching for something. He had to brush a lock of his tri-colored hair out of his eyes so he could see.

"Hey..., um Yami." Yugi said a loud. No one was around to hear him anyways. He was alone on the street. Only the occasional car passed him.

("Yes Yugi. You sense it too?") The astro form of the 'yami' appeared next to the young kid. He looked like a much older version of Yugi and much more serious.

"I have been feeling it for a long time. What is it?" Yugi asked looking towards the astro form of the spirit. Shrugging, Yami shook his head disappointed that he didn't know.

("I don't have a clue. But I feel as if we have faced it before.")

"Do you think that it's a millennium item? Or the power of an Egyptian God?" Yugi asked getting more concerned with each question. "Or the Seal of Orichalcos?"

("Yugi. We practically know the location of all the Millennium Items. We have the Egyptian God cards with us. Right in your deck holder and Dartz and the Seal of Orichalcos were defeated. None of them make sense to come back.")

"But we felt that strange aura not too long ago. What was that. Like a few months ago."

("When the sky burned with multi colors and we saw the sun black out with shadows. I am still not sure as to what that was but I haven't concerned myself with it. Neither should you. Fate will deal us the hand to play when the game starts. Now we must get to Kaiba corp before Kaiba rips out Joey's voice box.")

"Right." Yugi nodded to the astro form and watched it disappear. He then continued to walk down the sidewalk towards an oddly shapen building with giant letters KC.

"Watch it Wheeler." Seto Kaiba said from his place behind his deck leaning against his hands with intertwined fingers. "Or I'll rip out your voice box."

"Watch it Kaiba!" Joey said slamming his hands down on the desk. His blond hair flowed out with the sudden jerking motion. "If anything is getting ripped it's your attitude. By me!"

"Now, now." A man in a red suit with long flowing silver hair said from his position on a nearby couch. The man was known as Maximillion Pegasus. The creator and owner of the game of Duel Monsters. "You two don't want to bicker. You are on the same team after all."

"Only cause Yugi insisted." Kaiba protested in a calm manner. "And if he weren't ranked number one and proposed it, this hack here would never be in my office."

"KAIBA!" Joey started leaning forward getting right in the face of the blue eyed business man.

"Hey Joey." Yugi said as he walked into the room and shut the door. The blond haired boy turned around and smiled at Yugi.

"Hey Yug. It's about time that you got here." He said running over to his best friend. "I don't know if I could stand to be here alone with rich boy too much longer."

Pegasus gave a attention getting cough to remind Joey that he was still there.

"It is good that you are finally here Yugi-boy." Pegasus said standing up. "We must talk about our tournament."

"Like a name?" Kaiba said leaning back and kicking his feet up on the desk. "I mean Tournament of Kings is just so..."

"Perfect?" Pegasus glared at Kaiba out of the corner of his eye. "We are hosting the Tournament of Kings and we are letting a winning team of duelists get a chance to duel the top three duelists in the world."

"What ever." Kaiba said scoffing it off.

"This tournament will pit teams together from all over the world! We will never have another tournament that will be so monumental. The world will be in complete shock.. Don't you think Yugi-boy?" Pegasus said raising his arms up to the ceiling and looking at Yugi who just shrugged and smiled.

"I actually think this is a good idea. We are giving up and coming champions a chance to make a name for themselves."

"Yea right. You know, maybe someday I will open a dueling school or something. Then I will make sure that once I am gone from this world. I actually have a worthy replacement." Kaiba smirked and looked out the window off to his side.

"Have you tried a monkey?" Joey asked cocking a eye at Kaiba.

"Watch it. You are the only monkey I see around here." Kaiba said glaring at Joey and just like that, they were back at it.

Reku, Ronin, Akina, and Sachiko stood at the air port. There flight to Domino city was about to leave. There they would face the best teams made of the best duelists in the entire world. They all were going in with dreams and hopes of proving themselves to the best and the brightest. The journey to the Tournament of Kings was getting under way and they had just taken there first step.

Hey it's me again. I want to welcome you all to my final saga in the trilogy of Team Zero. Okay I know that that was a rather short chapter but there was no dueling to fall back on. I hope that there aren't any Yugi, Kaiba, or Joey haters in the audience. They are going to get a much bigger role in this saga then they have in the past sagas where they were...what named once. Anyways. I wanted to post it here and here only so read it and get it.

Major Disclaimer-I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh. Anything to do with YGO or any of the characters from YGO. I own only characters and cards I create. Do not steal them without my permission.

There I said it once. I have said it 73 times before in each chapter and this is it for this story. Well...I said disclaimer 73 times at least. If you think I own YGO then you are a fing moron. Do you really think I would be writing stories about it when I would have to power to manipulate it all.

Oh and if you are looking for a dark story to read that is a little less cute and innocent as my Team Zero story check out my Last Guard of the Spirits. I really need some input on both of these stories.