This is a fic I've been working on for a while. I'm still working on it, it has about thirteen chapters so far, but they are not as long as my Flames of the Heart. Enjoy! Remember, all reviews are welcome!

Chapter 1: Sad reflections and a fond farewell

It was a cold night in Mintaka. A young soldier lay on his side awake, silent tears streaming down his face. His older brother lay sleeping in another bed beside him with his back turned from him. Tonight would be his last night in his country. On the morrow he would be exiled to Diadem and never set foot in these lands again. He closed his eyes against the tears. It was more than he could bear.

He sat up and looked at his brother, who lay stiffly even in sleep. The memories of the last few hours dominated the young soldier's mind.

"You worthless maggot." his brother Skeed had said, "Sixteen, Lyude, sixteen and you've already disgraced our family to the point of near collapse."

"But brother, I could never have carried out those orders!"

"No excuses!" hissed Skeed venomously, "That stone carver nursemaid has made you soft, Lyude. You aren't fit to be a soldier! You have no right to wear that uniform. Just consider yourself fortunate that our great emperor saw fit not to court martial you."

"Can we leave Almarde out of this?" said Lyude uncomfortably. "My actions are my own."

Skeed turned in disgust. "Don't bother looking for me before you leave. I have nothing further to say to you. You no longer exist."

"Skeed, please!" Lyude had said desperately, but his brother would speak no more.

Trying to push the thoughts from his mind, Lyude got up and changed back into his uniform. He pulled on his boots and left the house quietly. He turned and stared at it a long moment. In his mind he could see himself as a small child, hiding from Almarde behind one of the large pillars while she pretended not to know where he was. He smiled sadly. "Almarde..."

He had never been what you would call a happy child. For some reason his older brother and sister had always hated him, no matter what he tried. The one happiness he'd had in his life was Almarde, his confidant, his teacher, his friend. Now, come the morning he would have to say goodbye. Perhaps that was more earth shattering than anything else that had occurred in the past week.

He silently berated himself for his self pity. The people in Azha had suffered far more than he, and he had done nothing save oppose operation sweep. He turned from the house and leaned on the railing adjacent to his home, looking out over the city that glistened in the pale moonlight. "I'm such a coward." he whispered to himself.

"Lyude, It's freezing out here." said a kind voice behind him.

Lyude turned, "Almarde, I didn't know you were awake." he said.

"When babes have sleepless nights, so too do their mothers...and nursemaids." said Almarde taking a blanket she held over her arm and draping it around Lyude's chilled shoulders.

"Thank you." he whispered softly. "I'm sorry, Almarde, I'm so sorry about your village. If only I had done something."

"Hush. None of that. Emperor Geldoblame would have never listened to the pleas of a young boy. It's not fair to blame yourself for their fate." she said, forcing down her own tears.


"Hush...let it go, Lyude. My darling child, don't you know how precious you are to me? Whatever you think you did wrong, Lyude, however hopeless things may seem, I'll always love you. Remember that and know that you are never alone, my dear one." she stroked his hair fondly and Lyude smiled sadly.

"You're too good to me, Almarde." he said softly. Unbidden, the tears of sorrow he had so desperately been holding at bay came forth. Almarde hugged him and held him as he cried into her shoulder. They sank to the ground and Almarde held him as a child, rocking him gently. She hummed soothingly, an old Azhan lullaby that she had sang to him since he was no more than a babe in the cradle.

Lyude calmed in her arms and she stroked his fiery head gently, she herself, close to tears. Her heart was in agony, but she knew she could not allow it to show. For her boy's sake she had to be strong. Memories of him as a tiny child, curled contentedly in her arms threatened to overwhelm her. How she loved this child.

In a way, she felt that his exile would be a mercy for Lyude. Alfard as it was held no place for him. His spirit was far too gentle to survive in the uncaring conditions in which they lived. So many times had his soul nearly been crushed by the indifference or outright hostility of his siblings.

She shook her head at the thought of Vallye and Skeed. She wished that she had been able to influence them at earlier ages. They were too completely claimed by the ideals of the empire by the time she had arrived in their lives.

She looked down on Lyude and found that he had cried himself to sleep. The events of the past several days had taken a toll that no amount of comfort could heal, but in sleep, with any mercy, he would find peace.

It was strange, but in some ways, she saw Lyude's father so strong in him. Though they were miles apart in temperament, Lyude's father had been a good man and a loyal soldier. He had always stood by his beliefs. Weak as Lyude may have appeared, he was strong in his morals and just as dedicated to his ideals. Perhaps that was why he reminded her of Jareth so... Almarde felt the tears forming afresh. It had been 11 years now since he had died in action and she missed him still. "I wish I could tell you, my dear." She whispered softly into the sleeping boy's hair, "I wish you could know the truth."

The chill was thick. Lyude's rhythmic breaths were visible in the air. She hated to, but she would have to wake him. "Lyude." she said softly, stroking his hair back from his face and smoothing it behind his ear.


Lyude groggily opened his crimson eyes and looked up. "We should go inside." said Almarde, "You'll want to be at your best tomorrow."

Lyude sat up feeling childish, "Sorry." he said.

"Don't apologize. You're exhausted, dear. Get some sleep, don't worry, it will all turn out all right."

Lyude nodded, though it was more out of acknowledgment of Almarde's words than actually believing them. His head throbbed from crying so much and his eyes ached and watered. He stood up, shivering against the cold and he and Almarde went inside.

When Lyude rose that morning he found that Skeed had already gone. He wasn't surprised. He'd had no doubt that his older brother would be true to his word. His sister, Vallye, had never even bothered to come home. She was in training at the Imperial Fortress, just as Skeed currently was, and he had been. Skeed had chosen to take yesterday off to jump down Lyude's throat, not to be there for him.

As he turned the corner into the living room he found that Almarde was already awake. In fact, Lyude had the distinct impression that she hadn't slept at all. She smiled and offered him some breakfast and he ate without enthusiasm. She had fixed his favorite, Azhan yeast rolls toasted with raspberry jam, but he couldn't bring himself to enjoy them. He chewed slowly and mechanically his eyes staring straight ahead, his mind distinctly elsewhere. Almarde sat beside him in much the same fashion.

"Lyude..." said Almarde.

Lyude looked up at her and tried a smile. He failed. She reached out her hand and covered his, her eyes sad. "Lyude, I want you to have something." she said. "It's not much, but I want you to take it."


Almarde lifted his hand and placed a small music box into the young man's palm. "It will remind you of me."

A look of surprise swept across Lyude's face and he looked at Almarde as if to protest. She shook her head. "Take it, my dear." she said.

"But Almarde, this..."

"Is a small trinket, nothing more. You used to love listening to it play, it would send you to sleep even after the worst of days."

"But you love this music box, Almarde, I could never take it from you." said Lyude.

"I will love it all the more knowing that it may bring you some comfort and remind you that I'm always there. Please, Lyude."

Lyude's fingers curled around the small silver of the music box. "Thanks Almarde." he said and hugged her. His tears had run dry for now, he felt more resigned than anything else. He knew that this was hurting Almarde just as much as him and he felt that today he must force himself to endure. For Almarde's sake he had to smile. He took her hands in his own and smiled thinking only of how much he loved the dear woman who had sheltered him all these years.

"I'd better get ready." he said, "The King is expecting me in Diadem within three days." Almarde nodded and kissed his forehead. He took his few belongings and prepared to leave for Mintaka's dock where a small ship awaited him. He had converted his larger items into magnus so that everything he owned could fit into a small satchel that he slung over his shoulder.

It would take him close to three days to reach the cloud nation. Even it's closest neighbor, Sadal Suud, was nearly a day's travel. He smiled again as he turned to Almarde, trying to think that this may just be an opportunity, perhaps things would be better in Diadem. He just needed to give it a chance. Still, it was not the concept of being sent to Diadem that saddened him so. It was the fact that he was never expecting to return. Thus he would probably never see Almarde or his siblings again. He quickly shoved that thought from his mind. "Well, I'm ready. Walk to the dock with me?"

"Of course I will. As if you needed to ask." said Almarde.

They walked together silently down the street. The looks of disgust from every Imperial soldier they passed made Lyude all the more uncomfortable. Scalla and her mother were waiting for them at the dock. A pitiful group of well wishers at best. The imperial commander awaited him as well and rolled his eyes as Lyude said his final farewell's and hugged each of them in turn. Scalla was chattering away, unaware of what Lyude's departure truly meant. Lyude allowed himself to be lost in her innocent musings and even ventured a smile.

The imperial commander cleared his throat and Lyude sighed heavily, handing Scalla back to her mother. "I have to go." he said to them.

"Take care, Lyude." said Scalla's mother. "We'll write."

"I'd like that." said Lyude, the ghost of a genuine smile creasing his lips. "I'll write you all when I arrive."

Almarde embraced him one last time, and this time was unable to hide her tears. Lyude brushed them away, his own eyes watering, but he stood proud and smiled reassuringly. "Goodbye, Almarde." he said. His heart shattered at the words, but somehow he was able to keep his composure.

"Farewell, my dear boy. Be safe. Be sure that you continue your studies, You did remember your instruments and books?"

"Of course. And my sonic rifle, I'll still be expected to train after all, I'm still a soldier of the imperial army."

"Harumph." said the Imperial commander.

Lyude gave Almarde a final nod and turned to the Imperial commander. "I'm ready, sir."

"Here are your orders that you are to present to King Ladekahn upon arrival and your military file for him to view." said the commander.

"This says nothing about my demotion." said Lyude, slightly puzzled.

"Of course it doesn't. Rest assured your file here has all your transgressions, but we hardly want the king to know that we are sending you there as an alternative to a court-martial."

"You expect me to lie to the king of Diadem?" said Lyude incredulously.

"I expect you to follow orders. Do as you're told, boy."said the commander. Lyude hung his head and took his orders from the commander. He boarded the small, one man boat and prepared to cast off. His head buzzed with new worries as he went through the routine check of his vessel. If it was discovered that he was being sent to Diadem in exile the king would be insulted and Lyude would likely be cast from that country as well. They would never accept him back here...would he be welcome anywhere? What had he done so wrong to deserve this? Why couldn't he have made a difference at least? It was a waste. His whole life was a waste. He blessed his military training, it was the only thing that restrained him from crying out in despair.

He straightened when he finished and looked to Almarde and the people he cared for most and forced a smile. With a final wave he took in the docking rope and sailed off into the morning light.