Hello! I do not own FMA, but I like it……..so here's a story!

"Whoa…..Where are we?" Mustang groaned.

"Ouch…..I dunno……". Ed got up and rubbed his sore butt.

"I feel like was hit with a minivan!"

"Quit complaining Fury! Oh, and Hello!"

"Oh No! ANYONE BUT YOU!" the FMA crew screamed.

"What! Are you saying you don't love me?"


"Last time you zapped us someplace Breda won a car! AND HE NEARLY KILLED US ALL!" screamed Envy.

I shrugged."Hey, I didn't know he was banned from driving since an incident in highschool!"

"Don't mention that…."

We stared at Breda for a few minutes.

"OOOOOOOOkaaaaaaaay…….Anywho, guess what you guys! You're gonna be on FMA Idol!"

"Huh? What's that?" Ed asked.

Mustang tried to cover up Ed's mouth. "Don't ask her questions!"

"Too late! It's where people audition to become singing sensations!"

They stared at me like I was insane (which I am).

"Are you kidding?" they all shouted. Well, actually, it was only Ed who shouted, because everyone else was freaking out or staring at me like I was insane (which I am, as I have said before).

"Don't you wish I was?"

"Yes…." answered Winry.

"That was a rhetorical question……."


"Well, anyways, here's the stage!" I snapped my fingers and the whole FMA crew and I ended up in Hollywood with a crowd cheering.

"Uhhhhhhhh, where are we?" Al asked as he looked around.

"Why, Al, we're in Hollywood! And here are your judges!" I snapped my fingers and the judges appeared. "Introducing your judges, our favorite dawg, Randy Jackson!"

Randy did a peace sign. "Yo, s'up dawgs!"

"The lovely, Paula Abdul!"

Paula started blowing kisses to the audience and Mustang when realized that he was winking at her.

"Grrrr….."Hawkeye pulled out her gun and pointed it at Paula. Then the whole audience got quiet.

"Sorry Hawkeye!" I snapped my fingers and the gun turned into microphone.

"Huh? Why'd you do that!"

"First off: no killing, well I can, but nobody else can. Second: I've decided you're going to sing first!"

Hawkeye stared out at the crowd. Suddenly, it seemed as if her legs turned to rubber.

"I, erm, uh….."

"Well, SING ALREADY!" yelled a British voice.

"Hmm?" The FMA crew turned around to see Simon.

"Who is that?" Armstrong looked at him disapprovingly.

Paula grabbed him. "My fiancé!"

We just stared at them for a second. There were crickets chirping (ALWAYS a bad sign!).

Simon looked at her. "No I'm not…….."

Everything quiet. "I wish you were!" Paula cried as she ran out crying.

"Ummmmmm, are you gonna tell us who the guy is?" Lust gave me a look.

"Psh. Fine. Ladies and gents give it up for Simon Cowell!"

"WOOH! Yeah! OW OW!"

"Okay! Hawkeye it's time!"

Hawkeye looked around frantically. "Ummmm, there isn't a third judge!"

"Oh yeah….""Good point….""Who cares?"

"Hmmmmm, oh I know! My best friend in the whole wide world!"

"Oh great….I have no time for this!" Scar pulled out his Alchemy hand and ran towards me.


"Eh?" Scar turned around only to be hit with a tranquilizer dart. "Uhh…." He fell over started sleeping like a baby.

"I gotta get this!" Ed took out a camera and started taking digital pictures.

"Where was I? Oh yeah!" I snapped my fingers and my best friend appeared.

"Huh? Where am I? Oh, hey you."

"Wanna be a judge for FMA Idol?"


"Okay! We're ready!"

"Oh, great……what am I singing?"

"Hmmmm, Baby Hit Me One More Time!"


"OOO!" Ed pulled out his digital camera again.

"FullMetal! I order you to put that away!" she screamed.

"Yeah, like I'm gonna miss this!"

"If you do I'll tell Winnery about the time I found you in her closet trying on her lacy b-"


"WHAT! What were you doing in my closet!"


"Hawkeye, you're up!"

Hawkeye sighed. She walked up to the stage and the music started playing.

"-But I must confess I still believe (still believe)

When I'm not with you I loose my mind!

Gimme a sign!

Baby hit me one more time! (BOOM!)"

The crowd cheered and roared.

"Okay! Randy! Whaddya think?"

"That was a great first performance! I was totally feel'in it dawg!"



Everyone was kinda freaked out by Emily.

"Ummmmm, Em? Did the government spike your cocoa again?"

"WHO TOLD YOU?" She gave me the shifty eyes.

"Ummmmmmm, okay……..Simon?"

"If you sang that song in a chicken coop, the hens would lay eggs just to throw them at you."

"So you liked it?"

"Yes, very much."

"Okay! That was Hawkeye! Let's hear it!"

"HAWKEYE! HAWKEYE! HAWKEYE!" the crowd chanted as Hawkeye walk off the stage waving.

Mustang stopped her on her way out. "Wanna sing that song again for me?"

Hawkeye didn't look back. She just punched him.

"Alright you ready for our next contestant!"


"Okay, next is Scar!" I looked at Scar and he was still out.

"Ummmmmm, actually, we'll get back to him. Next is……..hmmmmmmm, heh,heh, oh, Fury!"


Okay, how'd you like it! And I called my friend Emily to protect her real name. Yes she has a name! Review!