Alright, this is the last part. It's going to be relatively short. Keep in mind that this entire story took up forty pages in a notebook. Yes!

Scars Remind Us

Chapter 3

Ed hummed a little to himself as he searched for his cloak. He had forgotten where he'd put it. Actually, he'd forgotten a lot of things after last night. But he would never forget that. Nor would he forget that tender kiss Scar had given him that morning before he left. Those wonderful burgundy eyes were filled of some powerful emotion Ed couldn't place. And then the whispered words...

We have to be careful, Ed.

When can we meet like this again?

I don't know. For now I must find my people. I have questions; I must continue my quest. I'm sure that somehow we'll meet again like we always do. Our paths always seem to cross. Ed had smiled.

Maybe fate likes it that way...

Maybe. Farewell, Edward Elric. Until we meet again... And then Scar had murmured something so faintly that Ed shouldn't have been able to hear it. I love you.

Ed could barely whisper I love you too as Scar leaped from his window; out of his room, and out of his life.

For the time being.

Now he was happier than he'd ever been before. This showed as he did everything short of waltz around his room, forgetting what he had been looking for.

Suddenly there was a series of bangs at the door, and without waiting for response, it flew open. In marched the last person Ed wanted to seeā€”the hammer that would crush his happiness to pieces.

"Colonel Mustang, sir?" He feigned formality and intrigue. In reality, he could almost hear his heart wrenching. Mustang looked handsome as always, but he held that fire in his eyes. It was the look he always saved for Ed, and yet Fullmetal despised it with a passion.

"I need to talk to you, Elric!" Roy prompted, his normally calm disposure cracking. Ed's wrists were grabbed and he forced his eyes to look into Mustang's. "I've noticed you've been a little...distracted lately, Edward, and sources say your thoughts are drifting to another being. I came here to make sure we're clear on something." He drew his face centimetres away from Ed's. "You are mine. Say it, Ed!" Ed was not about to say he was Roy's. He would never again say it. So when you have to lie, say something close to the truth.

"I belong to only one man. All of's all his." Mustang must have thought Ed was gushing over him, and he accepted it. He gave Ed a quick kiss, his calm restored. He hadn't, mercifully, seen the ring of bruises on Ed's neck, which would soon relax into a clean bite mark. With that, Mustang left him, and he breathed a huge sigh of relief.

The strangest thing. He felt...even happier now! In his own little way, he'd stood up to Mustang. Suddenly things didn't seem so bad. The Philosopher's Stone wasn't such a dizzying prospect, and he could work things out with Al.

He began to hum again, thinking of his new companion. He remembered the cry Scar had given once before a fight: "For Ishbal!" Ed smiled and left his room, preparing for a brilliant day.

"For Ishbal..."

Oh, that was lovely! Well, review please, and tell me how much it sucked or how much it rocked out loud. Don't you just love Scar? Oh I just love Scar. I hope I could add a little spice in your life. See you next time \m/