13CC: Thanks to all my reviewers. These were the best reviews I've had in a long time! I really hope that you like my story. I'm so sorry if you don't. Thanks again for the wonderful reviews, and I hope you enjoy the chapter!

Zhao raised the whip and began to snap it across Sokka's back.

He screamed in pain.

The whip continued to come down hard, and lashed out at the skin that was already breaking. In an attempt to get some relief from the pain, Sokka pressed his chest firmly against Zuko's. This did not help as the Commander stepped closer, and beat harder.

The prince wanted to stop the torture. To get Sokka to stop screaming. To relive him from the pain he was in. There was a way he could that.

Zuko grabbed Sokka's arms, and pulled him to the side, as he stepped out the other way.

This resulted in Sokka being pushed into the corner, and Zuko taking the blows from the whip.

The bloody leather lashed into Zuko's bare back, and broke a cut into his pale skin. He ground his teeth, but did not cry out. He didn't want to give the commander the pleasure of knowing he had hurt the him.

To everyone's surprise, Zhao stopped. He lowered the whip with a triumphant grin.

He had hurt the prince. He had hurt his heart. Seeing one he cared abut being beaten on was to much for young Zuko to stand, and Zhao knew this.

Never in his sixteen years of life had Zuko ever cared for anyone, but his old uncle. Having someone that he actually loved was very different.

"Take them to the island now," Zhao said to a guard. His gaze never left Zuko's face. The corners of his mouth were tilted up in the slightest smirk.

Fire nation troops grabbed the boys, and lead them out of the room.

Zhao laughed as the two males were thrown into a small boat, landing with Zuko on top of Sokka. (A/n They're still shirt-less too!)

To make matters worst, both of them noticed, though they weren't sure anyone else had, their lips had brushed together. It couldn't be called a kiss, but it very close.

Zuko rolled off, blushing madly. The two of them stared hard at the floor so that no one would see their red faces.

The boat ride was long, and silent. No one spoke the entire two hours that they spent crossing the waters from the boat to the island.

Once they got there, Sokka and Zuko were dumped out in the shallow water.

They sat up and watched the small fire nation boat drifted back to rejoin the Commander's crew.

"Great," Sokka said, making Zuko jump. He had forgotten anyone else was there.

"I'm bored!" Sokka whined.

It had been almost an hour, and all they had done was walk up onto the beach, and sit. Zuko was meditating, and had been for about 55 minutes.

Sokka was bored to say the least. The worst part was that he couldn't get up and walk around. He was chained to the prince. All he could do was sit, and look at Zuko.

But, seeing as this seemed to bring sinful thoughts into his head, he tried to look at anything but Zuko.

"What's wrong?" Zuko asked in annoyance, not bothering to open his eyes.

He had noticed that Sokka was getting very fidgety. More than usual at least.

When Sokka didn't answer right away, Zuko opened his eyes and studied the other boy's face. It was pale, and sort of nervous looking.

He didn't look Zuko in the face, but he kept giving the prince quick side glances.

"What is it?" Zuko asked firmly, closing his eyes again.

"Mmm," Sokka thought desperately of an excuse. "Uh- I'm bored!"

"I don't care," Zuko said in tone meaning the conversation was over and Sokka would sit there as long as Zuko wanted him too.

"I'm not sitting here any longer!"

Zuko slowly opened his eyes and gave the water tribe boy one of his strongest glares. After that Sokka shut up and waited for another fifteen minutes until Zuko finished meditating.

"It's getting cold. We need fire wood," Zuko announced. The sun was setting, and with it warmth.

"I think it's going to rain," Sokka said looking up at the sky.

"It's not going to ra-" Thunder clapped and a shower of rain poured down, drenching the boys throughly.

"All of the wood is wet. We might as well find shelter," Sokka said. "Come on." Sokka reached out to grab Zuko's arm. He ended up grabbing the prince's hand.

The two of them made eye contact.

13CC: Ha, ha, ha! A cliffhanger! Now I can blackmail people! I want ten reviews before the next chapter.

P.S. It's just a cliffhanger because I can't think of anything else to write!